
By ArMY_bts07

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"If you think I would give you my virginity just for that rolex, you'd better think again before I give you a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 26

191 13 10
By ArMY_bts07

"5 minutes." After saying that, I dashed out of the car and searched for the home key. Quickly unlocking the front door, I then sprinted up the stair and towards my room.

It was already 5.23 pm and I have less than 2 hours to get to airport and it worried the heck out of me! I messily rummaged through my wardrobe and searched for the passport. Taking out some of the beautiful dress and fresh clothes, I put all the significant things into my maroon small-sized luggage and ensured that every necessary stuff was already included. Then, I quickly dragged my luggage out of my house and towards Jungkook's car.

He was talking on the phone when I was heading out and upon seeing me, he hung up the call and approached me to take the luggage from me to put them on the backseat.

"Have you checked if you miss anything?" Jungkook reminded me and I shook my head, I'm pretty sure I had taken everything with me.

And we once again hit the road.

"Tell your boyfriend." After for awhile staying in the atmosphere with only silence engulfing us, Jungkook fibally said something however, it wasn't something I wanted to talk about right now.


I was hesitated for a moment and from the reflection of the dark-tinted car, I could see Jungkook glancing my way, probably waiting for my respond. With a sigh, I answered him with, "Later. I will tell him later."

"He must be worried sick about you." He added and yes, I had to admit that he wasn't wrong, but telling Taehyung about this where I barely even reach the airport yet, wasn't really a good idea either. That guy strangely worried about every single thing I do and if he happened to find out about this, there was no doubt that he would use all the way possible to reach and stop me.

"Telling him will only make him worry about me more." I told. "It's better this way. At least until I reach Singapore."

"I'm not trying to meddle in your business but that was kind of cruel." My heart painfully clenched at that cause everything he said was nothing but the truth. Keeping my eyes on the rode ahead of me, a big sigh of relief silently left my mouth when I caught a sight of the airport.

"Jungkook," Finally, I turned my face facing him. "I'm so grateful that you're worrying about me and Taehyung but can we not talk about this right now? You're making me feel guilty."

"You should. I did it on purpose." And that got my mouth to slightly open due to his bluntness. My face instantly hardened at that and I moved my gaze back to the main gate of the airport, trying to ignore his existent. "You're not stupid I acknowledge that, but what you're doing now just isn't smart of you, Scarl."

"Geez." I gritted my teeth.

When he stopped the car, I waste no second to get out of the car and get my luggage from the backseat. I just wanted to quickly get away from him. Hearing him saying something like that again might change my mind into going to New Zealand. I was feeling bad enough to leave Taehyung behind like that and he just had to burden me more with that kind of talks.

I pulled the handle of my luggage up and dragged it to Jungkook's side of the car to thank him. He might offend me but I wasn't rude enough to leave him just like that when he literally drove 4 hours to get me here.

But, even before I could reach the car door, Jungkook already opened them and got himself out of the car. His sudden action got me squeaked due to our sudden proximity. Like a flash, I took a few step back to distant myself away from him. Upon seeing me stumbling, his face turned into a shock expression but I knew better than to believe that. It was no doubt intentional.

"Oops, sorry didn't notice you there." he added fuel to my burning heart.

"Thanks for sending me here. I will treat you dinner or anything you want when I get back here. You should go now. I'm running out of time." I wasn't lying. I have 43 minutes and there were still a long way to go and bunch of work to do before I could get on the flight. The fact that it is the first time that I'm going to do everything alone, it scared me that I felt a beam of sweat already accumulated on my palms.

After saying that, I quickly waved him a goodbye and rushed towards the main gate however, a big hand had gripped around my wrist, stopping me from entering the building.

"Jungkook, please." I pleaded raspingly, a furrow formed on my forehead. Having less than an hour for my flight was already nerve-wrecking and Jungkook just had to create this unaccesory drama to stop me. I took a hold of his hand and pulled it away from my wrist, "I have no time for this!"

I turned over my heels again and dragged my luggage with me but I couldn't even go more than 3 meter when Jungkook once again got a hold of my arm, pulling me back.

"Wait wait," Jungkook said, his eyes wandering around the building and that got me all confused, but I really have no time to figure out what he was trying to do.

"What are you doin-" I didn't even get the chance to finish my sentences when Jungkook suddenly waved for someone from behind me to come over. I was so curious and a part of me was disturbed that he might already called someone to stop me from going, Just when I was about to look at whoever he was waving to, Jungkook already grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me facing him again.

"I will ask you one last time, Scarl." Jungkook said in all seriousness, his eyes deep burning in my green ones.

"Ask what? And who are you waving too?" I tried to turn again but he held me still.

"Do you really want to go?" He asked. The brown galaxies in his eyes shimmered with contemplation. From the look of it, I knew instantly that he wanted a 'no' from me. "Have you thought this through?"

A sigh left my mouth. Seeing how shaking hie eyes were while waiting for my answer made me contemplate to go. But it was already to late, he wasted 5 hours driving me here and I spent $1300 on the ticket itself. For someone as rich as him, it might look like a small amount of money but for me, it was my blood, sweat and tears.

'It was way too late.'

"I'm going Jungkook. I'm going, okay. Don't try to do anything to-"

"Ahjussi!" Jungkook suddenly called out loud for this 'Ahjussi' and it got me taken aback when I turned around and see a man probably in his 40 jogging toward us carrying a travel backpack.

"Did you get me everything?" Jungkook asked the man as I stared at them in confusion. What the heck is happening?

"I have checked twice." The Ahjussi answered and a genuine smile instantly climbed up Jungkook's moist lips. Jungkook took the bag from the man and slung it on his shoulders.

"Thanks for this. We got to go now. I will call you when we land." Jungkook then pulled away from the man to pull something from his front pocket and my confusion grew bigger when Jungkook passed the man his Car key. "Here, I parked the car front there. We're so late now, we got to go."

With that being said, Jungkook finally gave me his attention and before my brain could even process of the scenario that just enfold in front of me, Jungkook already enclosed his strong grip around my wrist and before I knew it, I was already pulling away by Jungkook.

"Yah what are you doi-"

"Your passport and ticket are in the bag! Stay safe, son!" the Ahjussi shouted and Jungkook lifted up a thumbs up towards him.

'Passport? Ticket? No way..'

"Are you coming with me?!" I halted my footstep and tilted my head up to look at Jungkook in the eyes.

"Oh please, don't you think too highly of yourself?" Jungkook questioned me back and my jaw dropped at that. He must have found my speechless state funny that soon after, his little dimple slightly popped up on his cheeks but he was quick to cover it with a one-sided smile. "I'm going for a vacation."

"Where? To where? Where are you going?" I wondered, hoping his answer wouldn't be Christchurch, New Zealand or anything in New Zealand.

Okay, I lied. Even though, I wasn't really in the mood to be close to him, the thought of him might come with me to the foreign country somehow ease my mind a little. I might appear bold in front of him but deep inside, travelling alone still frightening me to the bone and like he said, I was afraid of not having anyone to rely on when in trouble.

And so I silently wished in my heart, 'Please be New Zealand.'

"Let's not ask too much. Its 40 minutes before our flight depart." Was all he answered before he took a hold of my arm and lead the way to the terminal.

I was stunned but I still kept my legs going at the same pace as him. I stared at the back of his head in disbelief, and I had numerous questions clouded in my mind; When did he get the ticket? How did he know which flight I'm takings? What exactly he's thinking to make him come with me? What the heck is even going on? but even though I'm dying to know everything and cease my curiosity, I had decided to stay quiet and only focused to get myself and Jungkook on that darn plane to Christchurch, New Zealand.

Without even noticing it, my eyes dropped on his soft brown hair that ever so lightly bouncing up and down and I couldn't help myself but to let a breathy scoff left my mouth.

"Stupid." I murmured under my breath as the corner of my lips quirked up slightly into a smile.


"There's something on my face?"

Instantly, I choked on the lemonade I was sipping through my teeth when I realized he had found out that I was staring at him stuffing his face with ShackBurger fir awhile now. I didn't have the intention to stare at him but it just that, no matter how many times I thought about this, seeing him with me now at Singapore Changi Airport unplanned at that, just blown my mind. I couldn't think of any logical reason for him to tag along with me.

"Now tell me, why are you coming with me?" Instead of beating around the bushes, I went straight to the point.

"Ohhh," he drifted his gazes back to his burger and took another cruel bite of it. "I told you earlier, I'm here for a vacation."

His answer not one bit satisfied me. "You really expected me to believe that?"

My eyes squinted to his direction, daring him to tell me the truth and when his eyes reciprocated with mine, a sinister smirk instantly climbed up his lips as he intentionally leaned in forward, "What are you expecting from me then, Scarl?"

His sudden smirk - which I hadn't seen for 2 weeks - got me stunned and I became flustered when he just sat there in front of with eyes glued to mine. "I-I thought yo-"

"You thought I'm following you because I was worried about you travelling alone?" He continued and I quickly shook my head 'no'. That was exactly what I wanted to say but when he was the one saying it himself, it kinda hurt my pride to agree to him and he might once again think I was so full of myself. Maybe he is really here to have a time of his life and he's just using me as a opportunity to come travelling. Well, I don't know anymore.

"Geez," Jungkook clicked his tongue and that brought my undivided attention back to him. "I was worrying sick and you didn't even notice it?"

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes twice. Of course I was expecting that but hearing him casually admitting it like that, got my heart skipped a beat. Clearing my throat and dropping my gazes onto my drink to avoid his eyes, I added with no emotion laced my voice. "I was thinking of that but you of all people just doesn't seem right."

"Oww," He playfully fake a wince and clutched his chest, right above his heart. "You really have your way to hurt people."

Upon hearing that, I scoffed unlady-like at him and took a sip of my lemonade. The silence was threatening to enclose around us so I quickly asked something I was meant to ask from before, "You seems close with the Ahjussi that bought you ticket and gave you the backpack earlier. Who is he? Your uncle?"

"Oh Ahjussi." Jungkook stopped for a while to lick his finger off and for a short while, I was kind of amaze to see how cute his dimples are when they tend to pop out here and there from time to time. "He's the husband of the woman I love the most."

Wait, what?

"The husband?" an expression of confusion evident on my face. "He married your crush or something?"

There was amusement dancing in his brownish eyes as he pulled his lips into his mouth, probably holding back a laugh or something and I knew it wasn't it. "Then? He's your stepdad?"

Jungkook snorted at this and suddenly he stood up from the chair and went to wash his hand. My eyes followed his figure while my head trying to search for the possibility of the Ahjussi's identity. Then, Jungkook came back and I made another guess "Your driver?"

"I need to buy padded jackets. Wanna come?" He asked and I instantly stood up from my seat, picking up my stuff and followed Jungkook who was already ahead of me.

"You still haven't answered my question. Who is he?" I caught up with him as we walked side by side to the clothes stores not so far from the Shake Shack we were at earlier.

"You got it right. He's my dad driver but I don't really like calling him that cause he and his wife basically raised me up." My mouth pouted into a 'o' and the corner of his lips quirked up into a smile when his eyes dropped on my mouth. "So, did I answer your question yet?"

He tilted his head down towards me, his left eyebrow raised slightly, waiting for my answer and my head instantly responded with a nod. I was unusually easily to get flustered by him today.

Was it because I felt touched that he came to this extent just because he was worried about me?

"Do you want something?" Jungkook's voice brought me back to my sense.

"No." I told honestly.

However, Jungkook gave no attention to what I was saying when he reached for the beige belted wool coat and held it in front of me, "This one will look good on you."

"I don't need this," I pushed the coat away from my body and neared to his chest. Jungkook being silly and pouted his lips in a sulking manner and I rolled my eyes at his childishness "You go buy whatever you need, we have 30 minutes before our next flight."

After Jungkook had done buying things for himself, we boarded our next flight to the ChristChurch, New Zealand. It was a painfully long ride.

Usually when I was travelling, Blake or Lucas would be by my side but this time, I had nobody to converse with and there was no internet connection either. I tilted my head to look at Jungkook who sat a few rows in front of me and even from the back, It was crystal clear that he was ready to fall asleep.

A pout then made itself known on my lips. I was hoping that he would sit beside me but because we purchased the ticket at different time, it was only natural that we're not sitting close to each other. I didn't have any intention to have him sit with me rather than to have him keeping me entertain and someone to converse with. His presence could have lessen my boredom even a bit.

A deep sigh left my mouth as I went through my phone and my heart clenched at the sight of Taehyung's message. He had left me a message earlier asking where I was but I didn't have the courage to tell him yet and I never want to lie to him either. I was planning to fill him up when we landed and the thought of him worrying about me seriously been killing me.

"I should have at least replied him 'I'm okay' or something." I hit my forehead twice.

Jungkook is right, I was so cruel to Taehyung.




"We will take 2 rooms plea-"

"Wait, wait." I tugged at the hem of Jungkook's white loose shirt and he stopped whatever he was about to say to focus on me. Standing on my tiptoes, I gulped down my last piece of pride as I whispered, "I-I uhm kinda have problem to fall asleep in new place so like uhm can we please uhm do you mind sharing a room with me?"

I pulled myself away from holding into him and I felt like burying myself 6 feet under the ground when I witnessed how his lips slowly drifted apart in disbelief, a hint of amusement pooling in his eyes. When our eyes met, he quickly lifted his fingers up to cover his mouth in an oblivious manner, as if I didn't see it right through him that he find it funny that I couldn't sleep by myself at this ages. Oh please boy, don't you realized how obvious your dimples can be?

My face hardened at his reaction and that just let the silly grin he was trying to hold back just now eventually escaped from his mouth. I clenched my teeth and he seemed to feel satisfied with my action when a toothy smile took over his lips as he said, "As you wish, kiddos."

"Geez." I crossed my arms over my chest and scoffed dryly at him. He chuckled at me one last time before turning back to the counter.

"I'm sorry but we'll take a room with 2 beds please." It amazed me how easily he changed from an annoying jerk to a polite gentleman in a matter of second. I threw a glance at the lady Jungkook was talking to and I had to scoff when I saw how she tried so hard to impress Jungkook by tugging her hair behind his ears and even went as far as puffing her chest out.

What a rare moment, I kind of felt proud when Jungkook didn't even bother to let his eyes went lower than her face. I wasn't blaming the lady for trying, cause Jungkook just happened to have a great body portion, with perfect fluffy brown hair and to top it all, his choice in fashion is always top notch- The white LHERITAGE long sleeve T-shirt tugged lazily into the Cargo jogger pants Denim seemed so comfy and oversized on him however, it was enough to have the ladies gawked at him.

I don't know how many times I've said thsi but having this kind of privilege is so unfair to the rest of us!

While I was waiting for Jungkook to make the payment and get the key card, my phone suddenly rang to life. I fished it out of my front pocket and I felt my heart jumped at the sight of Kim Taehyung's name.

"Shoot." I cursed under my breath.


Jungkook's outfit for their unplanned airport date

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