Game of Betrayal (Completed)

By AngelTweet

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"Betrayal betrays the betrayer." - Annonymous Sanskar: "It was always professional, but you made it personal... More

Chapter -1: Mighty Maheshwari's
Chapter - 2: Militant Mehra's
Chapter -3: Lost Battle
Chapter - 4: First Encounter
Chapter - 5: And the war begins!
Chapter - 6: Dirty Secrets
Chapter - 7: Damage Control
Chapter - 8: Forced Acceptance
Chapter - 9 : Tormented Hearts
Chapter - 10: Anxious Minds
Chapter - 11: Engaged! Really?
Chapter - 12 : Undying Souls
Chapter - 13: My Saviour!
Chapter - 14 : Destiny Strikes In!
Chapter - 15 : Business Rivals or Lovebirds?
Chapter - 16 : Wedding Bells
Chapter - 17 : Confessions
Chapter - 18 : Enemy Within
Chapter - 19 : Her Choice
Chapter - 20 : First Step
Chapter - 21 : Confused Minds
Chapter - 22 : Entangled Souls
Chapter - 23 : Battling Hearts
Chapter - 24 : Untold Feelings
Chapter - 25 : Changing Mindsets?
Chapter - 26 : Falling Apart
Chapter - 27 : Trip to the past
Chapter - 28 : Destiny's Payback
Chapter - 29: New Begining
Chapter - 30 : Game of Love
Chapter - 31 : Unfathomable Trust
Chapter - 32 : Pouring Hearts
Chapter - 33 : Bitter Truth
Chapter - 34 : Enemy's Attack
Chapter - 36 : Amending Relations
Chapter - 37 : Whisperings of Love
Chapter - 38 : Entrusting Love
Chapter - 39 : Demon in Disguise
Chapter - 40 : Betrayed and Broken
Chapter - 41 : Fighting Spirit
Chapter - 42 : Karma is a Bitch
Chapter - 43 : Bang on with All In
Chapter - 44 : Destiny's Verdict
Epilogue - Dream Come True!!!
Thank You my Readers

Chapter - 35 : Lost Soulmate

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By AngelTweet

"Roger, come at balcony this instant" Sanskar bent to cover himself on Anurag body to avoid any further attack. He was ordering Roger over call but was scrutinising his surroundings from corner eyes breathing heavily. There was no one except few buildings and houses on hilly areas. His eyes could not find anything suspicious, but he was too far to get precise look of his surroundings. 

In next moment they were surrounded with heavily armed guards. Roger helped Sanskar to take Anurag inside, they made him settle down on nearest sofa and one security guard started doing first aid.

"Rohan at the floor right now. Anu Papa has been shot" Sanskar dialed number and demanded without even giving chance for Rohan to reply back. He was breathing heavily. Recent incident had left him in flagger basted state, he was trying his best to gain his mental and emotional equilibrium. In a moment his sky-blue Armani shirt had turned red with blood stains.

"Anu Papa...Anu Papa" He sat down on his knees and started shaking his father-in-law while his heart was engulphed with extreme fear.

Within next five minutes Anurag was under medical care, Rohan and Dr. Sinha himself were attending him with other surgeons of the hospital. They took him to Operation Theatre.

Sanskar ruffled his hairs with his hands, he needed to inform his family members especially his wife. 'Swara will break down over this mishap' He closed his eyes for a moment and gulped hard. He dialed his father's phone with shaky hands.

"Dad, please come to hospital. There is one emergency... Act...Actually Anu Papa has been shot" Sanskar informed, his voice was trembling and tears had welled up in his eyes.

"Shot means?" Ram was shocked and could hardly mumble. Just half an hour back they all were together sharing their old memories. Farmhouse was flooded with loud laughter and talks. His mind could not process sudden change of events.

"Dad, he had been shot with bullet when we were talking. He is in OT. Rohan and Uncle are attending him" Sanskar ruffled his hand from his hairs. He was scared but he needed to stay strong for his family, for his wife.

"How is he?" Ram asked in daze.

"I don't know...He lost his consciousness immediately after attack. Dad, please come here. I need you" Sanskar needed his father's support at that moment the most.

"We are coming there... Son take care of yourself" Ram whispered gulping hard.

"Dad... wait... Roger is coming there to take you guys with full security team. Dare you break any security rules, Dad. You or anybody is not stepping outside without security and don't even think go near windows or balcony." Sanskar's presence of mind was working at his top speed. He knew their enemies were roaming freely surrounding them. His mind had already registered that attack happened on Anurag was from far.

"Hmm" Ram needed time to digest this shock that someone was out there ready to kill his family members.

"Dad...Please control yourself... We need to be strong enough for Swara. She is gonna break down. Please bring her here." Sanskar tried to control the situation.

Ram informed Sujata and Uttara after taking them away from Swara. Sujata and Uttara were shocked and shattered with recent mishap. Ram somehow convinced Sujata to be strong for their daughter. Sujata and Ram cooked up some story to bring Swara to hospital, they couldn't gather courage to talk about mishap to their daughter in law.

Ram, Sujata, Uttara and Swara came to hospital. Swara was asking them questions for their sudden visit to hospital during their drive while checking security around them which was more than usual. Her heart sank thinking about possibilities.

They four came in the corridor which was again heavily guarded with security professionals.

Swara saw Sanskar standing infront of OT facing his back to her. Swara ran towards him and turned him to face her. Her eyes were wide open in horrified looking at his shirt which was drenched with blood.

"Are you ok? What happened to you?" Swara asked him in concern checking him out for any injuries. She became panic, in her hysteric state she cupped his face and her eyes turned moist.

"Swara, I am fine. Nothing happened to me. You please first sit here" Sanskar made her sit on the chair and he himself sat on his knees in front of her holding her hands in his.

Ram and Sujata came towards them.

"What do you mean you are fine? This is blood. Are you injured? Where were you?" Swara was on the verge of breaking down.

"Not me Swara... but ...but Anu Papa. He has been shot with bullet" Sanskar tightened his grip over her hands.

"hmm?" Swara hummed scrunching her forehead. It took few moments for her mind to register. She dropped her shoulders in blank state.

"Yes, he is there in OT" Sanskar informed staring at her blank state. His words earned loud sob from her.

Sanskar got up and sat beside her pulling her in his side embrace.

Swara kept her head on his chest but she had slipped in her shell. She clutched his shirt in her fist but had become numb. He kept on caressing her hairs saying smoothening words to calm her turmoiled mind for long time. Sujata held her palm in her's sitting beside her.

Sanskar could not feel her moments, he loosened his grip to check on her, she had become unconscious in his embrace.

"Swara" Sanskar tapped on her cheeks. He became panic looking at life less Swara.

"Nurse" Sujata called whereas one security guard went to call for any available medical staff.

"Sir, Mam has lost consciousness due to shock, her BP had gone down drastically. Nothing to worry. I will give her one injection, she would be fine, but we need to make her lie down properly to put her on drip." Nurse provided details after checking Swara. She indicated ward boy to bring the stretcher but Sanskar had already lifted her in bridal style.

"Which room?" He asked and then followed the nurse.

It was had been almost 4 hours, Anurag was still in OT where as Swara was sleeping under medicines effect.

Sanskar had not left her side even for a moment. He was beside Swara just like her shadow, caressing her hairs with moist eyes. He heard a knock on the room door and there came Neil, Samaira followed by Niren. They had received news of attack from Ram. They accompanied their parents to provide emotional support to Swara and Sanskar.

"Sanskar Bhai, local police want to take your statement since you were there as prime witness" Niren informed after initial discussion about mishap, being reputed and experienced lawyer, he was well aware about police procedures.

"Hmm..." Sanskar nodded his head in agreement and then turned, "Neil I have asked Roger to keep this all under cover. But Police Involvement will lead to public announcement. We would need to manage Media; they will surely create brawl throwing their random speculations in the air giving it a perfect look of scandal."

"Media has already started streaming it, earning every bit of attention" Neil shook his head.

"Sanskar Bhai Police will drill you...You know they need someone to put blame to avoid media pressure. This may impact upcoming merger.... You have to be very careful with your answers" Niren was skeptical, he continued, "Bhai, I will be with you as your lawyer. Don't answer their questions without my presence."

Sanskar nodded his head taking deep breath.

"Roger is still finding out on his end, but I am sure Neil attack was from the buildings or terraces of the homes which are infront of hospital. It was a long shot." Sanskar concluded his firsthand findings.

They four were talking when Dev, came inside informing all four of them that operation was successful, but Anurag was still in critical zone.

Listening Dev, Sanskar and Neil left Swara alone cabin after detailed instructions session to security guards to consult with Rohan about Anurag's health. Samaira and Nandini stayed with Swara.

"We are keeping Uncle in ICU. We were successful to take out bullet, but he is still unconscious. But looking at his recent reports, he would be out of critical zone by end of day. We hope he should come in consciousness with in next 24 hours, may be tomorrow morning." Rohan provided his expertise opinion.

Rohan's positive response on Anurag's health gave relaxed feelings to everyone. Ram, Dev, Sanskar and Neil were in his cabin who left deep breath as Anurag's recovery news engulphed their hearts with new hope.

"Hmm...Rohan we need to shift Anu Papa on 12th floor... it's heavily guarded. Right now, I don't want to take any risk." Sanskar broke the silence of the room.

"Yes that's what I am thinking. I have asked my junior staff to get the room ready with required medical help" Rohan agreed.

"Doctor, ACP Ashutosh is there, he wants to talk to you" one nurse came inside informing about Police Investigations.

"Yes, send him in" Rohan replied professionally but staring at Sanskar's narrowed eyes which were fixed to the far.

Police completed their formalities, and they asked Sanskar's statement as he was the one who was with Anurag at the time of mishap.

"Hello Mr. Maheshwari, I hope you understand this is routine enquiry as you were there with Mr. Mehra when he was shot" ACP Ashutosh Verma, one of the top and loyal police officers who was assigned with duty to investigate this high-profile case.

"I understand Sir, please go ahead" Sanskar encouraged with nod. They were sitting in one meeting room of hospital along with Niren and two police officers who were recording Sanskar's statement.

"Can you please let us know what exactly happened?" ACP Ashutosh asked directly coming to the point.

Sanskar explained them about mishap. Ashutosh did not remove his gaze from Sanskar when he was explaining details. He had already done his homework about this man who was sitting and explaining about the facts. 'I thought he will create fuss and will arrogantly try to escape from this situation using his influence looking at his reputation. But here he is, cooperating with investigations.'

"Ok. We checked Mr. Mehra's recent call list and message exchange. You messaged him last night for some meeting here in hospital and also asked him to keep it secret from his daughter. But when we checked there was not a single meeting scheduled as per receptionist as today is Sunday" ACP Ashutosh cross questioned.

Sanskar understood where their conversation was heading towards.

"Yes, you are absolutely correct, there was not any official meeting, but it was kind of personal. Three weeks later it's Swara's... I mean my wife's birthday. This is going to be her first birthday after our marriage, so I wanted to plan something for her. And of course, I wanted to keep it as surprise for her." Sanskar replied bringing most genuine tone out of his vocal cords. He was a man who knew how to turn any unforeseen situation in his self-favor.

"I understand" ACP Ashutosh nodded his head in agreement, taking mental note to check validity of Sanskar's statment and continued "Can you please help us to identify your positions. I mean, it will narrow down our search for the location from where bullet was fired."

"Sure, why not. We need to go on 12th floor, Me and Anu Papa were there talking in the balcony" Sanskar got up from his seat and followed by ACP and his team.

They came to the floor and ACP scrunched his forehead looking at heavily guarded floor.

"Mr. Maheshwari, may I know the reason for so much security" ACP asked.

"My father-in-law was just shot, my entire family is here and we power houses who always have threat from outside. I believe these are enough reasons for planting heavy security" Sanksar replied casually shrugging his shoulders.

Sanskar showed them their positions and explained once again in detail.

"Thanks for your cooperation Mr. Maheshwari, do you suspect anyone?" ACP shook hands with Sanskar after scrutinizing area which was visible from balcony and briefing his juniors for further plan of action.

"Sahil Sengupta, I hope you are aware about his case. And..." Sanskar responded not giving a single thought.

"But attack was on Mr. Mehra" ACP tried to drill him further, he was well aware about equation between Sahil and Sanskar before coming here.

"We still don't know ACP sir; bullet was fired from distance. I believe, we are not sure who was the target it was either me or Anu Papa. Right now, I suspect its either Sahil or Shekhar Gadodia" Sanskar played being victim's card.

"Thanks, we will look into this direction as well. I will be in your touch. Me and our team will be here for further investigation." ACP bid bye professionally.

"Bhai, you handled him very well. But media is creating ruckus." Niren took deep breath looking at news update from his phone, they both were walking back in corridor towards Swara's room. She was also shifted to 12th floor to keep every member of family together under security.

"Hmm... they don't have any other work. I don't even give a shit to them." Sanskar replied scrunching his nose while opening door of Swara's cabin. She was still sleeping, and his mother was caressing her hairs.

Back here in Mumbai, Siddhant was looking at news with open mouth along with his wife. From the moment, he had received news of attack from Jaideep, he was trying to reach out to either Shekhar or Sahil. He had words with Ram about Anurag's condition.

Divya had word with Sujata about their safety. Even though she had distanced herself from her brother's family her heart was grappled with fear and anxiety for her family members.

His phone vibrated with call flashing "Shekhar Calling". He cut the call as his wife was in front of him but in next moment, he typed message, 'we need to meet right now, same place.' He gave lame excuses to his wife before leaving his penthouse towards Lion's Club.

"Jaideep, find out who is behind this attack? Clear any mess if Sahil is involved." Siddhant ordered being frustrated with latest happenings.

"Sure Sir, but I don't think Sahil Sir is involved in this. I have been keeping my close eyes on his activities post his return from custody." Jaideep replied driving their limited-edition BMW.

"I don't trust my impulsive son. Sanskar will use this situation in his favor for sure to put Sahil again behind the bars" Siddhant gritted his teeth. Last time, he was able to save his son but this time it would be way too difficult, if his name surfaces for this case.

"Shekhar, I told you to keep quiet, let me handle this but you..." Siddhant barked while entering their private room where Shekhar was already present.

"This is the way you handled Siddhant. Now everyone's attention is on this." Shekhar lashed out at the same time when he saw Siddhant entering the room followed by Jaideep.

"That's what I am saying because of your one stupid move this is on breaking news. Sanskar will not leave this chance and put every blame on Sahil" Siddhant held Shekhar's collar.

"You are not behind this?" Shekhar whisper yelled scrunching his eyebrows.

"I am not dumb head to use first obvious method of killing giving picture perfect look of murder and on top of that to plan a shoot-out in hospital." Siddhant fumed in anger, his eyes were blazing with fire.

"If you have not planned this... And I was unaware...then who is behind this?" Shekhar concluded in astonishment.

It took a moment for Siddhant to realise that they both were not involved in this game of betrayal.

"Then who is behind this?" Siddhant was bewildered with revelations.

Shekhar shook his head in denial.

"But Police will suspect Sahil." Siddant ruffled his hairs in agitation, he continued slumping down on the couch, "I don't believe, Sanskar will play such a dirty game to send Sahil behind the bars once again. Is this his planning?"

"Whoever behind this but Sahil and I will be on his suspect list" Shekhar rubbed his forehead trying to understand recent situation which would change his fate upside down.

In hospital, Swara gained consciousness, she was mumbling "Sanskar."

"Hey sweetheart, I am here only" Sanskar bent to her face caressing her hairs.

"Papa?" Swara murmured in low voice when she remembered the events happened in the morning.

"He is fine. Operation was successful. He is under observation" Sanskar assured still caressing her facial features.

"I want to see him now" Swara could barely mumbled.

"No Swara he is in ICU. And nobody is allowed over there. He needs maximum rest to get fit and fine on his feet" Sanskar tried to make her understand. 'She should not stress herself too much.'

"Sanskar please" Swara pleaded.

"Swara you are not well. Look how much weak you are looking at right now. Please my sweetheart, sleep for some time" Sanskar convinced one more time.

"Please Sanskar" Swara became teary, by now.

"Let me call nurse to get this out. Then I will take you" Sanskar responded pointing towards drip. He called nurse through intercom and when she removed the drip, he helped Swara to Anurag's room.

He took her to the room where Anurag had been kept under observation just beside Reva's cabin. These two soulmates were far away from each other yet too close by their hearts, just one wall was acting as barrier between them.

Sanskar held Swara in his side embrace wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Swara looked at her father from glass window with teary eyes. His body was attached with multiple medical instruments. He was unconscious under medicine's effect. She caressed his face reflection on the glass. She kept on staring at her father's face remembering her entire life with him. He was her shield over her entire life.

"He is fine Swara. I think, you should take rest. He is responding well to treatment. We hope he will get consciousness by tomorrow morning." Rohan mentioned he was going inside Reva's cabin for her routine checkup round.

Swara left deep sigh and nodded her head. "Thank you, Rohan," Swara showed her gratitude with moist eyes.

"Come on Swara, it was my duty. Else your angry bird would have killed me" Rohan replied to make environment light which brought small smile on Swara's face.

"Come Swara now let's go back" Sanskar started to move back to her room.

"I want to stay here with Papa." Swara pleaded with pouty face. They both sat down on chairs kept in front of ICU holding each other. Swara had kept her head on his shoulder, he was mumbling sweet assuring words to her while kissing her hairs every now and then.

"Sister give injection to Aunty. Take her blood sample." Rohan instructed coming out of Reva's cabin. His voice broke Swara and Sanskar's movement.

"Sure doctor." Nurse replied and took a leave.

"Blood sample? What happened?" Sanskar asked in concern.

"Yes, last month Anuty's hemoglobin percentage had dropped down, so we are keeping track." Rohan explained.

"Aunty ... means your Gayathri Aunty?" Swara asked guessing their talks shifting her gaze between two.

Rohan shared quick look at Sanskar who was looking everywhere but not at him.

"Yes, my Aunty" Rohan whispered with tight smile.

"Sanskar you need to see this" Neil came with iPad it was showing one reporter talking all nonsense about the mishap raising his finger on Sanskar. He along with others were at Rohan's apartment consoling and providing support to each other.

"Are these guys insane or what?" Swara mumbled looking at video streaming, "I will give public statement...I cannot hear all these things against you."

"Swara right now we just need to focus on Anu Papa. This is all bullshit. You don't need to bother; you need maximum rest my sweetheart" Sanskar assured wrapping his arm and pulling her towards his chest.

Rohan and Neil shared quick eye lock with pressed lips listening their conversation. Their anti social best friend was head over heals with his wife.

"But Sanskar?" Swara huffed not agreeing with his viewpoint.

"Bhabhi, Bhai is right...even if you released your statement nothing would be achieved as these people will get one more point to throw their shits. Tomorrow when Anu Uncle will come in consciousness we will release his statement. His statement will shut everyone's mouth against Bhai" Niren suggested, he had followed his elder brother.

It was after dinner, Swara and Sanskar was still sitting on the chair. Sujata and Nandini forcefully made Swara to eat her food. She aggreed to finish it by keeping a condition that she will stay outside of Anurag's cabin till the time he comes in consciousness.

"Sanskar Papa will be fine right?" Swara was with Sanskar, she had kept her head on his shoulder who was holding her hand in his.

"He had to become fine... lot of things are there which he needs to know...His one day is here now" Sanskar mumbled staring at the door of Reva's cabin. Swara looked at him being confused not understanding hidden meaning of his words.

Everybody had gone back to Lonanvala's farmhouse except Sanskar, Swara, Neil and Niren. Neil and Niren were awake in Rohan's apartment.

"He will not leave me like her, right Sanskar?" Swara mumbled in unsurety.

"No Swara, never. It's time for you to live your life with all happiness. I promise, I will bring world down to your feet. There is always bright sun light after dark night. And we will have that first ray of sunlight tomorrow morning." Sanskar kissed her forehead.

"I believe you Sanskar. Just be with me" Swara snuggled in his embrace.

"Of course, my love" he pulled her near his chest.

Next day morning, along with sun rise it came with new hopes and good news. First was Anurag was out of danger, he came in consciousness for some moments but then again slipped in deep slumber. Rohan confirmed it was due to heavy medicines and pain killers. He confirmed family could meet him soon.

It was late afternoon, when Anurag was fully awake and was with his family members. Swara cried with happiness looking at her father's recovery. Though they did not communicate much but just an assured blink from her father relaxed her mind. Rohan informed police about Anurag's state and ACP Ashutosh came to take Anurag's statement in evening

"Sanskar was saying something, he turned his back to me. I was looking at his back when my gaze went to the window of next building, I saw one man covered with mask pointing gun towards us. In that one moment, I was scared. I didn't want anything to happen Sanskar, he is my son, my daughter's happiness. I can stake everything to safeguard my children." Anurag gave his statement in shaky and tired voice.

"Do you suspect Mr. Maheshwari's involvement in your attack?" ACP voiced out earning stern glare from Anurag.

"I hope you should get your senses fixed ACP. He is my SON" Anurag replied with rigidity. He stressed on 'son', dismissing every chance of his son in laws involvement.

Soon police released glimpse of Anurag's statement which shut the Media from creating further assumptions.

Two days later, Anurag was recovered but his left hand had sling. He was under strict observation of Rohan and Swara. Everyone was taking care of him. He was spending his time with everyone. Sujata and Nandini were strict about his diet whereas Ram and Dev were spending majority of their time with him remembering their old days.

"What happened Neil? Why Sanskar asked us to gather here?" Dev asked his son being perplexed while taking steps towards Anurag's cabin. They had decided to go back to Mumbai next day morning.

Earlier everyone was asked by Sanskar to gather in Anurag's cabin, he had mentioned to them that he needed to announce something very important. They all suspected it must be something related to attacker.

"I don't know Dad, let him come." Neil was also not sure about his best friend's ask. They assembled at Anurag's room drowned in their thought processes.

"Anu Papa, there is something which you need to know. In fact, everyone standing here needs to know." Sanskar sat on the bed in front of Anurag. He shared quick glance at Swara's confused face she was standing beside Anurag.

"Around 6 years back, I met with a lady accidently. It was New Year's Eve, me, Neil and Rohan were having great time in Panchgani." Sanskar took deep breath and moved his hand to Anurag's to hold it gently bowing his head.

Neil and Rohan shared quick eye exchange not understanding their best friend's current stand.

"On stormy night, she suddenly came in front of our car. I was on the wheels I tried my best to control car but... She slipped in coma for two years post-accident. Over the years, we tried to find out about her family and her true identity, but we couldn't succeed. Now, I know about her identity and family. She is none other than Reva Mom. She is Mrs. Reva Anurag Mehra." Sanskar disclosed holding Anurag's hand in his gulping hard. He raised his head to stare at Anurag's shocked gaze.

It took few moments for everyone to register his words in their minds. It earned a loud gasped from everyone from the room.

"Wh...What...What are you saying Sanskar?" Ram was the one who broke silence of the room. He fumbled when his son unfolded the biggest mystery of their life.

"Yes Dad, I got to know about her just a few days back. She is here only." Sanskar replied turning his eyes towards Swara, she was staring back in his eyes in dumbfound state and open mouth.

"Re...Reva... my Reva... are you?... she is with you... wh...where is...where is she?" Anurag murmured in disbelief.

"Sanskar, where is my Reva?" Sujata took a step towards her son. Her eyes were shivering trying to find truth in her son's words.

"Just next door" Sanskar declared closing his eyes tightly.

"I want to see her now" Anurag threw his blanket and tried to get up from bed. It was after his long wait he would be able to see his love. Today, nothing could stop him from being there with the love of his life.

"One sec Anu Papa... Rohan Aunty? Is she sleeping?" Sanskar asked bringing Rohan out of his trance.

"Yes, she is sleeping" Rohan replied daze.

"Anu Papa, I am sorry to stop you right now. But we have to be very cautious around her, she is facing deep depression. Reva Mom gets anxiety attacks when she sees too many faces around her. You can see her, but she is right now sleeping under medicines effect." Sanskar gulped hard.

"I just want to see her once" Anurag cried his heart out. His heart was yearning to see her one glance, his crave was streaming over his cheeks.

"Are you sure?" Neil mumbled coming forward to help Anurag.

Sanskar nodded his head in agreement.

Sanskar and Neil held Anurag from both sides. Swara was stilled at her place, she bowed her head fidgeting her fingers. Sudden fear, anxiety and crave for her mother's love made her cripple to take further steps.

Everyone rushed out of the room and Rohan directed them to next cabin.

Sanskar and Neil took Anurag to next cabin. Rohan opened the door.

Reva was sleeping on her side covered in blanket, even in her deep sleep she was holding her doll near her chest.

Anurag kept on staring at her pale and fatigued face from long. Her one glance took away all his strength and he lost his balance and trembled but Sanskar and Neil held him tightly. He was taking small steps towards the fragile sleeping figure. Every one's eyes were filled with tears seeing her state.

His first meet with Reva in their college when she took away his breath in her one glance flashed in front of his eyes, their friendship, their confessions, their marriage, Swara's birth, every moment he spent with her were replaying in front of his eyes. His memories were rolling out from his eyes in the form of tears. Finally, his wait was over. His Reva, the love of his life was in front of his eyes.

"Reva" Anurag called her out sitting beside her on her bed while caressing her hairs.

Everyone had tears in their eyes when they saw reunion of soulmates after almost two decades. Sujata burst out crying badly, Ram enveloped her in his embrace to support her, but his situation was not different from her. Reva was his sister by choice.

"Reva" Sujata moved to her other side. This was the day she was waiting for from last 20 years. Her best friend was in front of her eyes.

Anurag was not even blinking his eyes, his heart grappled with fear of losing her once again if he blinked.

Sanskar took deep satisfied breath as he disclosed the truth bringing two loved ones under one roof after long separation. He roamed his eyes over the room, he could see everyone, but his wife was missing. He knew it would be difficult for her to face her mother. He moved out of the room wiping his tears and there she was standing in the corridor bowing her head in statue.

"Swara, come. Don't you want to meet your Mom?" Sanskar cupped her face.

"I hate her... she ruined our family...she destroyed everything" Swara mumbled scrunching her forehead not meeting her shivering eyes with his analyzing one's.

Sanskar just wrapped her in his embrace caressing her hairs to sooth her pain.

"I hate her Sanskar, she ruined our family... she destroyed my childhood...Papa used to cry every day for her... because of her I had to hear all taunts...People used to judge me..." Swara was repeating her words clutching his shirt in her fist shaking her head in denial.

"I hate her Sanskar... I hate her...I hate her..." Sanskar kept on caressing her hairs tightening his grip over her petite figure.

"I missed her... I missed her Sanskar... I missed her love...I missed her care... I missed her when I was not well... I missed her during my school PTMs, I missed her on my birthdays. I missed her everyday... every moment Sanskar... I loved her every moment...I missed her... Why did she leave us?" Swara confessed breaking down in his embrace. Every wall of her strong demeanor was crumbling down in the form her tears.

Sanskar did not say a single word but he let her cry her heart out. He kept on holding her. Her painful cries were stabbing his heart, but she needed to take out everything. It was almost after 30 minutes Sanskar broke their hug wiping her tears and kissing her forehead.

"You have to do it for Anu Papa and yourself. She has been waiting for you Swara...only you" He mumbled against her forehead.

Sanskar took her inside cabin after some emotional moments. Swara kept on looking at her mother without blink. Inner child in her wanted to run to her mother and embrace her with love. She took small steps along with Sanskar without blinking her eyes from her mother's serene face.

She had seen her photo in her father's wallet but except that she did not have single memory of her mother.

"Reva Mom see I brought your Shona. I am sure when you will wake up you will be really happy...I know you are waiting for her" Sanskar mumbled holding Swara in his side embrace.

After total emotional breakdown of everyone, they assembled at Rohan's apartment to know about further mystery.

"What happened to her Sanskar? Why she is under sedatives?" Dev asked being perplexed.

"Are you responsible for her this condition Sanskar? I won't forgive you if you are responsible, I will disown you." Ram warned his son. He thought Reva's current condition is due to accident.

"Ram at least listen to him" Anurag tried to control situation and handle furious Ram.

"No Anurag, because of his carelessness, he dashed Reva and more than that he hid his crime." Ram was stern with his current stand, his son hid something very dear to them was shaking his trust over his son. He continued demanding his explainations, "I am waiting for your answer Sanskar. Are you responsible for Reva's condition?"

Swara turned to look at her husband, 'is this the mistake Sanskar was mentioning about?' thought grappled her mind.

"Yes Dad" Sanskar confessed bowing his head.


Precap –

Will families trust Sanskar? Or they will blame him?

Will Swara blame Sanskar for her miseries?

Will Reva meet Anurag?

Will Swara accept her mother?

Who was behind attack on Anurag?

Will enemies get to know about Reva?

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