Lunar Dream (Sunnew)

Oleh kyeoulpin

37.8K 3.2K 2.2K

"Please, don't eat me! I have a weak heart, you won't like it!" "Ew! No! I'm not gonna eat a random person's... Lebih Banyak

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Sixty One
Sixty Two (End)
I Guess (One Shot)
Still Memories
Still Memories (Part-2)
Because It's You (Sangcob)

Forty Two

550 51 22
Oleh kyeoulpin

Chanhee didn't stop shouting and complaining the whole time Sunwoo dragged him away from the crowded main street.

"Let go. I said LET GO OF ME! YAH! KIM SUNWOO!" Chanhee yelled loudly but it was drowned out by the bustling noises of the people at the market. Sunwoo paid no heed to the tantrums Chanhee was throwing. 

"I swear, let go of me right now or I'll- ugh!" Chanhee grunted when Sunwoo pushed him to a wall and stepped back. Chanhee glared at Sunwoo who was equally glowering at him.

"What the hell was that for! If you didn't want to come with me, then you should've just left me alone! It's you who doesn't like fireworks, not me. So what if you stayed with me to watch the fireworks? Can't you just, like, stay? You know what, Sunwoo? I'm really tired of us bickering like this every time we meet." Chanhee ranted on, not noticing the changing expressions on Sunwoo. 

"Shut UP!" Sunwoo slammed his hand on the wall beside Chanhee's head, startling him. 

"Or what?" Chanhee retorted, his eyes flickering to Sunwoo's other hand resting on his dagger on his belt. He smirked.

"Or are you gonna slice my throat with that dagger? Try it." Chanhee dared. Sunwoo breathed hard, his eyes blaring mad. Both of them glared hard at each other.

"Don't test me." Sunwoo growled lowly. Chanhee smirked wider.

"I don't need to. Just one word and you are all riled up and wrapped around my little finger." Chanhee mocked and took a step closer towards Sunwoo. The distance between the two was dangerously close. 

Sunwoo whipped out his dagger and pressed it close to Chanhee's throat in a flash. Chanhee swallowed hard but his eyes never left Sunwoo's. He lifted his head more to give Sunwoo's dagger full access to his neck. 

"Try it, I dare you." 

They didn't exchange any more words. The silent glares were all that took place at the moment. Sunwoo pressed the dagger more.  

"Choi Chanhee.... you make me crazy mad." Sunwoo said. 

Chanhee shut his eyes as Sunwoo began to move his dagger. Chanhee knew no matter how much Sunwoo hated him, he wasn't going to kill him. He was expecting the cold sharp sensation of the knife. But it never came.

Instead, he felt a hot wet sensation kissing the side of his neck, sucking hard. Chanhee gasped as Sunwoo nibbled on one particular part beneath his ear. Out of reflex, Chanhee brought up his hands around Sunwoo's head which was buried in the crook of his neck now. 


The dagger fell on the rocky ground from Sunwoo's hands. Once his hands were free, Sunwoo started roaming his hands around Chanhee's waist and back. He moved from kissing the side of his neck to the Adam's apple. Sunwoo sucked on the lump, licked it, and kissed it. This emitted soft whines from Chanhee as he raked his hands through Sunwoo's hair. 


Chanhee couldn't continue when Sunwoo smashed his lips onto his jaws and started nibbling on it. Sunwoo let out soft breathy moans when he felt Chanhee grip onto his hair the slightest.

Then Sunwoo moved on. He moved on to the part where he wanted to place his lips on the most. The part which makes him angry, mad, frustrated. But he pulled back.

Chanhee's breath hitched when he met Sunwoo's eyes. A silent communication between the two took place, ending in Sunwoo's confirmation.

Sunwoo didn't waste time as he pressed onto Chanhee's lips, not giving the latter time to adjust at all. He tilted his head, not satisfied enough. He sucked on Chanhee's lips messily, hungrily. It was still not enough. He licked Chanhee's bottom lip, trying to push his tongue in. 

Chanhee resisted. His lips squeezed shut but his hands were saying other wise with the way they gripped hard on Sunwoo's hair. Sunwoo groaned at the pull. It was getting harder to suppress himself. 

The two pressed bodies, almost morphing into one. In a rushing adrenaline, Chanhee unconsciously bucked his hips making Sunwoo let out a satisfied groan, feeling the hardness rubbing against his clothed one. Sunwoo grinded against Chanhee unconsciously only registering his actions once Chanhee let out small whimpers. 

His hands moved downwards from Chanhee's waist. As he squeezed Chanhee's butt hard and bite his lips at the same time, Chanhee let out a gasp and Sunwoo shoved in his tongue.

Chanhee's moans were swallowed by Sunwoo as the latter explored his whole mouth. Sunwoo felt hot, extremely hot as he continued kissing Chanhee. Chanhee started tapping on Sunwoo's shoulders and they parted, both of them panting for air.

Sunwoo was breathing hard as he stared into Chanhee's eyes. Then his eyes raked Chanhee up and down. Rosy cheeks, slight sweat beading on his forehead, plump red lips, heaving chest. 

Chanhee's hands were still entangled in Sunwoo's hair. He lowered it down to around his neck and licked his lips. 

"Again?" Sunwoo asked hesitantly. 

Chanhee blushed but nodded nonetheless. Sunwoo smirked at the reaction and leant in again for another sloppy kiss. 

Hyungseo and Juyeon spread out their legs and laid down on the grass. They had somehow walked here and there and got lost in the crowd and ended up at the outskirts of town, just behind a row of houses. Hyungseo wasn't complaining though, it was pretty nice and quiet here. The two were lying down under a majestic looking tree with their arms under their heads. 

"Kind of feel bad only we found this place." Juyeon said.

"Nah, if Sunwoo and Chanhee were here, we would be listening to their arguments instead of this calm silence." Hyungseo replied. 

"That is true." Juyeon chuckled. 

The usual night noise filled the void. It was supposed to be quiet. 

"What are you thinking about so loud?" Hyungseo got startled by Juyeon's sudden question. 

"You can read minds?"

"No, " Juyeon chuckled, "But I can kind of sense it and your mind is being so busy and loud right now." 

"Oh, I guess." Hyungseo slightly frowned to himself.

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"It's... nothing. I'd rather not."

Juyeon didn't say anything more. And the silence passed by again.

"Actually, yeah. I wanna talk about it."

"Do so." 

"Did you think Joonyoung was pretty earlier?"

"Huh? Umm, yeah. Sure." Juyeon was taken aback by the sudden question, "Why are we talking about Joonyoung?"

"I thought he was pretty good looking before." Hyungseo said, thoughtfully. Juyeon turned his head to him and furrowed his brows.

"No way, do you like Joonyoung?"

"Wha- no! It's not him." 

"Not him, huh?" Juyeon smirked, making Hyungseo blush and looking up at the sky again. He took a deep breath in.

"I... I like Sangyeon." 

Juyeon froze at Hyungseo's confession. He swallowed harshly and turned to Hyungseo who was blushing right now.

"My brother?" He confirmed. Hyungseo nodded, still hiding his face from Juyeon.

"Why?" Juyeon asked.

"I don't know... it just happened. I didn't mean to but I just kinda did. Now what do I do?" Hyungseo finally sat up. Juyeon watched the slouched back of Hyungseo and sat up as well. 

"Why are you asking me that? I'm his brother. Wouldn't you rather keep it a secret from me?" 

"Cause you're his brother, I'm telling you. And also because I trust you." 

"You trust me?" Juyeon spoke so softly that Hyungseo didn't catch it. He rambled on.

"You saw how Sangyeon was looking at Joonyoung earlier? His eyes looked so different from when he talks with me or anyone. And I thought since you're his brother, you might know him better. You know, since you were together since kids and all. I don't even know what type of guys he likes. So I was hoping to ask you and maybe you can provide me with ways to undo my stupid crush on Sangyeon." 

Hyungseo stared at Juyeon with doe eyes. He was breathing really fast since he didn't really stop in between his words. Juyeon looked at him with unexplainable glint in his eyes.

"To be honest, " Juyeon started, "I didn't really hear what you said in the beginning but I get the gist, but.."


"But I can help with the last thing you said."

"Huh? What did I say?" Hyungseo frowned and thought to himself. But his thought process got cut off.

Juyeon had his eyes closed as he pressed onto Hyungseo's thin lips. Hyungseo had his eyes wide open in surprise. It was a time-stopping moment for both of them. After what felt like an eternity when it was really only a couple of seconds, their lips parted.

Juyeon held his breath carefully as he stared at Hyungseo. He didn't stare at one part in particular, rather Hyungseo's whole face from the eyes to the lips. 

"Did it help?" Juyeon asked. Hyungseo gulped and blinked a few times. 

"I- I d-don't know?" Hyungseo stuttered over his words. 

Juyeon's lips quirked slightly at the blush creeping up on Hyungseo's entire face. The two stayed still like that for a while. They were absorbed in their own moment, not noticing a pair of eyes watching from above a roof. 

Youngjae crouched back down and slouched against the straw roof. He clutched his chest as if it would sooth the hammering sensation he felt. He took in short breaths. Then he felt something trickling down his cheeks.

"Wha-?" Youngjae touched the wetness of his cheeks in confusion. Why was he crying? And why did his heart hurt so much? What's all this?

Sangyeon and Joonyoung ran to take shelter in a small teahouse nearby.

"Why's it raining so suddenly?" Sangyeon wondered while Joonyoung reached his hands out to feel the droplets. He frowned. Who is it?

Chanhee pulled Sunwoo to his side as the rain got heavier. Sunwoo smirked at the gesture.

"Can't get enough?" He teased.

"It's raining. Your back's getting wet." Chanhee deadpanned. Sunwoo looked to the side.

"Oh, I didn't notice." Sunwoo shrugged. Chanhee looked at him in disbelief. 

"Your back is drenched and you didn't notice?" Sunwoo tilted his head as he pulled Chanhee towards him.

"I was rather occupied. And besides, both of us are wet in more than one way." Sunwoo smirked in satisfaction at Chanhee's flustered state. 

"Shut up." With that, Chanhee pulled Sunwoo's collar and smashed both their lips together again.

Changmin and Younghoon looked out their window in Younghoon's room. The rain was sudden yet so heavy.

"It's probably not anyone." Younghoon assured Changmin who looked worried.

"But, it feels like it." Changmin frowned.

"Our intuitions not always correct. Let's just hope for the best." Younghoon pecked Changmin's nose and back-hugged him. Changmin sighed.

"I hope so." 

Hyungseo and Juyeon stood under the tree awkwardly, well, at least Hyungseo was awkward. Juyeon didn't seem fazed at all. Hyungseo couldn't make eye contact with Juyeon at all.


"H-huh!? I mean, yeah?" Hyungseo was so jumpy at the mere voice of Juyeon. 

"Come closer."

"Wh-why!?" Hyungseo yelped when Juyeon snaked his arms around Hyungseo's waist and pulled him closer.

"You're getting splattered." Juyeon said as if that explained everything. 

Hyungseo gulped when Juyeon kept staring at him. Hyungseo hasn't been hypnotized before but maybe Juyeon was doing that cause he couldn't move or think at all. 

Hwall and Haknyeon looked up and spread out their arms, trying to feel the raindrops. Haknyeon glanced at Hwall who had his eyes closed. 


Hwall screamed when Haknyeon jumped in a puddle and splashed him. Haknyeon giggled at Hwall's offended look. 

"Oh, it's on." Hwall smirked and jumped into a rather big one beside him. Haknyeon squealed at the splash and ran around. The two jumped puddles, splashed water, and wrestled each other onto the ground. They sat up on the ground, face dirtied up with mud. 

"You actually look like a real pig now." Hwall giggled at the mud stuck on Haknyeon's nose. 

"You look like a cat who fell into mud." Haknyeon stuck out his tongue. Then they laughed at each other. It was cut off by another big splash. 

Hwall and Haknyeon sputtered at the sudden splash, then they looked up to see a grinning Youngjae.

"Gotcha!" Youngjae squealed when Hwall and Haknyeon chased him around. The three were giggling as they ran under the pouring rain. 

Hyunjae groaned as he fumbled with his blanket and rolled over to the side. He was curled up on Sunwoo's bed since Younghoon couldn't bother to put him up on his own bed. He hugged himself as he listened to the vague sounds of raindrops hitting the roof. 

Oh~~~ the rain.

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