𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃. | m.yg ✓ [...

By yoonfxcks

1.6K 415 223

[LEISURELY EDITING] This book is already completed but there may be alot of grammatical errors and typos so p... More

1. Gangnam Station
2. I'm Blue
3. Rains And Rainbows
4. His Care
5. The Spark
6. Her Friend
7. First Snow
8. I'm Pained
9. Namjoon's Diagnosis
10. The Truth Untold
11. I'm Suffocating
12. Hold Me Tight
13. Now We Know
14. Feeling Free
15. Anger
16. The Visit
17. Red Cheek
18. Grumpy Grandpa
19. Stars On The Rooftop
20. The Last Color
22. Lost
23. The Blue Sky
24. I'm Here
25. Warm And Cold
26. Awkwardness
27. Confession
28. Yellow And Blue
29. Butterfly
30. Alone
31. Reconcile
32. Moonlight Waltz
33. Starlight Date
34. Forbidden Secret
35. Forgiven
36. Blue Bird
37. The Last

21. A Sad Story

28 10 5
By yoonfxcks


8 years ago...

The Yoongi from six years ago didn't have that alot of differences from the present Yoongi. However, it could be noticeable how happier the younger him was. Though, he was already an adult that time, he still seemed to be naive and innocent. After all, he just entered the stage of adulthood. Give the boy some time to adjust.

Another reason is because he still has a parent to guide him. A parent to scold him and to discipline him when he was doing something wrong.

That day, Yoongi had upcoming exams the next day , but opted to play basketball instead. To him, he thought that school was not important, and that we would all forget the lessons once we grow up.

I would be lying If I said I don't agree with him. But there are those life lessons that undoubtedly won't be forgotten and some will be carved into our minds.

Yoongi continued to shoot hoops, despite of the blazing weather that day. Beads of forehead trickled down the sides of his face to his neck, making him glisten under the sun. His dark brown hair was bathed in sweat as if he had just gone out from the shower.

Yoongi was too focused that he didn't notice his beloved mother calling him from behind.


The boy finally whirled around to meet the eyes of his mother. A gummy smile replaced his serious expression and immediately hopped to where his mother was standing.

"Eomma!" He chirped. "Did you see me shooting hoops? I could be a famous basketball player!"

His mother sighed and gave him a smile. "Yes, dear. I did. You shoot quite well. But." She raised a finger a wiggled it. "Are you forgetting about your exams tomorrow? You are a grown man already, I expected you to prioritize studying first."

"But eomma—" The boy tried to whine and protest but his mother cut him off.

"You can play basketball again once your exam ends." She turned around to walk back home. "Be back after ten minutes. If I don't see you studying in your room later, I'm confiscating that little ball friend of yours."

Yoongi swore he could imagine his mother smiling teasingly. The boy, who thought that arguing with his dear mother won't do anything, sighed in defeat and chose to obey her.

"Where will studying even get me? I'd probably forget everything." He muttered.

"I heard that!"

Yoongi widened his eyes in surprise then skipped towards his mother with the ball in his hands as they both went home in the middle of the blazing light of the sun.



The boy groaned groggily, pulling the sheets over his head further to prevent himself from slipping from slumber because he wanted to sleep more. The second thing he loved doing after basketball is sleeping. He would always nap every time he could, especially after playing outside.

That particular morning, he was exhausted because he spent playing basketball the whole night yesterday. As you can see, he dreamt to be a famous basketball player.

But you already know that he won't be able to be one.

"Son, wake up." His mother began to pull the sheets from him. "Do you know what day it is today? Get your lazy ass up, sweetheart or I might have to spank you with my slipper."

The boy, upon hearing this, immediately sat up from bed, hastily looking around to see if his mother was already looking for a slipper.
Damn, the boy hated his mother's slipper slaps. You may think it's childish, but it actually hurts, especially in the arms.

"Ah, there we go." His mother smiled.

Yoongi blinked and met her eyes. Then, his mother went outside to grab something. When she came back, a gasp left the boy's lips. He had completely forgotten that it was his birthday today.

His mother began to sing for him, a wide smile on her lips as she slowly approached his dear son with a cake in her hands.

"Yoongi, make a wish and blow the candles." His mother cheerfully said.

Yoongi, with a big gummy smile on his face, closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing the candles. He ran a hand through his brown hair to soothe his bed hair.

Meanwhile, his mother gently ruffled his hair lovingly. And for the rest of the day, they both spent the whole day together, unaware that that year would be the last year his mother would remember his birthday.


1 year later...

Yoongi was quietly doing his report in his own room. The only light that made it easy for him to see was his lamp and the streaking light of the moon entering his room.

Aside from that, it was all silent. The boy suddenly felt lonely in the absence of his mother. He wondered what she was doing and if she was on her way home with a bucket of fried chicken because he was also hungry.

Yoongi stretched his limbs, opting to take a break first before completing his report. His gaze fell on his clock, and his eyeballs almost popped upon seeing the time.

11:43 PM.

It was weird to Yoongi because usually, his mother would be home by eight, and she would be knocking at his door to have dinner. But Yoongi never noticed the time passing by quickly, too immersed in doing his work.

Worry suddenly fills Yoongi's stomach, making him stand up from his seat and stepping out from his room. Darkness greeted him, only the small lightbulb in the front door illuminating the room.

He began to walk towards the living room, hoping that he may find his mother sleeping there when the telephone rang.

Yoongi dashed and answered the call immediately. "Hello? Min residence speaking."

"Is this Min Yoongi?" Someone asked from the other end.

"Yes it is. I'm Min Yoongi. Why are you looking for me?" The boy raised an eyebrow, suddenly finding the person on the other end suspicious.

Suddenly, he heard something in the background. A voice. A familiar voice that sounded like melody in his ears.

"Min Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Where is he? He's my son. Please tell him to come pick me up." The woman cried out.

"I am currently speaking to him, ma'am. Kindly please wait."

"Is that my mother?" Yoongi panicked. "Who are you? Why is she there? What are you doing to her? Is she alright—?"

"Sir, please calm down. This is the Daegu Police Station. We found your mother wandering around the streets earlier and was almost hit by a car. Fortunately, one of our policemen saved her. But then, we have also found out that she had been chanting your name over and over again. We had to call every house to check if  a Min Yoongi was leaving in their homes. Now, that we have found you, please kindly get here as soon as possible."

The boy didn't have to be told twice, since he bolted out of the house, not forgetting to lock the door. He ran and ran, never stopping until he reached the police station. Bursting through the entrance, his immediately went to look for his mother.

"It's him! It's him! He's here to pick me up!"

Yoongi whirled his head towards the direction of his mother's voice and immediately jumped into her arms.

"Eomma!" He hugged her. "Are you okay?"

He pulled away to check her condition. If there were any wounds in her arms, if her head was bleeding, but fortunately his mother was physically safe. The boy let out a relieved sigh.

"Son! Let's go home!" His mother pulled his hand, a huge smile on her face, as if almost getting hit by the car was nothing to her.

"Wait, eomma." He placed a hand on hers gently. "We need to talk to the person who almost hit you."

"Ah, Min Yoongi?"

The boy turned around to meet the police officer's eyes. He was the same man he talked to on the phone earlier.

"Sir." Yoongi swallowed. "The person who almost hit my mother. Where is he?"

"We're already investigating about that." The man replied. "We checked the cameras and it seemed like your mother was lost. She was so lost that even though the traffic lights were green for the vehicles to go, she crossed the road."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at the man's words then he continued. "Knowing that you two had been living here in Daegu for so long, it's very unlikely for your mother to suddenly feel lost."

"What do you mean, officer?"

"We might have to bring your mother to a hospital because she's showing symptoms of having Alzheimer's disease."

Yoongi's heart shattered into a million pieces.


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