Life With Connor Franta

By FrantasticFanfics

3.7K 24 3

Book 2 of Life With O2L Connor and I so excited for our marriage. Yet, we are so nervous. We always wanted t... More

Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Its Been A While
Part 3 Some Music
Part 4 Ready
Part 5 Picnic
Part 6 Walk
Part 7 H-hello?
Pat 8 I Hope
Part 9 Oh Thank God
Part 10 It's Okay
Part 11 Today's The Day
Part 12 Connor And Kate Franta
Part 13 Cake Testing
Part 14 More?
Part 15 Paying, Then To Home
Part 16 Talking
Part 17 Alone
Part 18 Dinner
Part 19 Friends
Part 20 Airport
Part 21 Flight
Part 22 Lonley
Part 23 Skyping
Part 24 Morning
Part 25 Awkward
Part 26 Conversations
Part 27 Overwhelming
Part 28 Dresses
Part 29 Freak Out
Part 30 Wait... What Are You Doing
Part 31 JUST GO
Part 32 It Still Happens?
Part 33 News
Part 34 Sudden
Part 35 Darkness
Part 36 Relaxation
Part 37 Conversations
Part 38 Finally
Wedding Planning
Part 40 Annoyed
Part 41 Gym
Part 42 Suspicious
Part 43 Jack and Finn!
Part 44 Move!
Part 46 I Love You
Part 47 ASAP
Part 48 So Close, Yet So Far
Part 49 Meetings
Part 50 Almost Time
Part 51 Morning
Part 52 Almost Time
Part 53 Love

Part 45 Phone Call...

49 0 0
By FrantasticFanfics

Kate's POV

Finn and I walked back hhome and we went inside. "Connor??" I yelled. "I'm home!" I waited, but there was no reply. I looked at Finn and he shrugged. I decided to take out my phone and call Connor to see where he was. I clicked on his name, and waited, but it just went straight to voicemail.

I ended the call and before could turn my phone off, I got a phone call. I looked at my phone, hoping it was Connor, but it wasn't, it was ths hospital. I told Finn to make himsel at home and then I walked into the backyard and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, this is Dr. Anderson."

"Oh hello," I said, knowing that that was Connor's usual doctor. "Is evertthing okay?"

"You might wanna come to the hospital..."

"Is Connor there? is he okay?"

"Yes, he's here, but.... he's in a coma and I think you should get here as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you Doctor."

"Your welcome." he said, and the call was ended.

I put my phone away, and I was on the verge of crying. I walked into the living room, where FInn was, and I couldn't hold it back any more, I burst out into tears. Finn saw me, and instantly ran over and gave me a hug, "Kate, what's wrong?"

"C-Connor... he's in a co-coma." I studdered.

"Oh my gosh we gotta get you over to the hospital to see him!" he said, as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the car, and we both went to the car, and Finn drove us both to the hospital.

*at the hospital*

I ran in and saw Connor laying in bed, unconcious. I cried harder and ran over to him, Finn helped me and moved a seat over to me and helped me down. I held Connor's hand tightly and cried hard into his hand. Finn pulled over a seat and sat down next to me, and rubbed my back. "It's all going to be okay." he said, "He's a fighter, he'll make it."

"How do you know?" I asked. "You can't tell the future."

"But I promise he'll make it, okay?"

"Okay." I sighed.

I held Connor's hand tighter and stared at him. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out there with Jack, this would've never happened if I didn't.

I sighed and let go of his hand. I looked to the floor.

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