That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By StaciaPLE

630K 15.3K 4.3K

Rimuru had been called to attend Walpurgis, by non-other than Guy himself. Realizing the dire situation, Rimu... More

Reset pt 2
The start of a new "journey"?
Establishing the Village
Life or Death
Unexpected Threat
Daemon Recruitment I
Daemon Recruitment II
Fairy Queen.
Fairy Queen part 2
Humans vs Monsters I
Humans vs Monsters II
Humans vs Monsters III
Prisoner of War
Post-war Celebrations
Demon Lord's Debut I
Demon Lord's Debut II
Demon Lord's Debut III
Demon Lord's Debut IV
Wrath II
You're In The Way
Master of Demons I
Master of Demons II
Master of Demons III
Master of Demons IV
Master of Demons V
An 'Old' Memory
A Moment of Peace.
A Paladin's Decision.
Clash I
Clash II
Clash III
Clash IV
Special Chapter I
Special Chapter II
Demise II
A Broken Hero
Tempest's Intro
Announcement for the Rewrite

Demon Army.

9.8K 244 83
By StaciaPLE

"Lady Ruminas, I see you have returned. How did it go?"

"Oh, Hinata, well its not an exaggeration if I say it went disastrously well. A new fella joined, and while doing so, killed Clayman in the funniest and most entertaining way possible. Seriously, that guy has no limits when it comes to power."

"E-excuse my rudeness but, who exactly is he?

"Ah, his name is Rimuru, the one who you challenged to a fight before."

Upon hearing so, Hinata's face paled as she remembers the (wo)man she had fought a few days ago.

"You're quite lucky Hinata, if it weren't for that man's benevolence, you wouldn't be here now, talking to me." 

Ruminas's words sinks right into Hinata's heart. She regrets carelessly challenging such an opponent, without heavy preparation, as her master highly evaluates him herself.

"I know what you're thinking, that you regret not preparing for such an opponent, but you know."

Ruminas leans in, close enough that her lips are touching Hinata's ears.

"Everyone I know, including me, including the other demon lords, would be defeated under his overwhelming power."

Although it was a gentle and calm voice. The contents made Hinata shake uncontrollably. She knew from the moment she saw him, that he was no ordinary person. Yet, she dared to attack him.

It was true that she was lucky that the one she challenged was Rimuru, if it were someone else...

She began to think of the possibilities had Rimuru attacked her, and it was... horrifying. 

"Well, in any case, I got him to promise not to kill you. Don't worry, I wont think he'd kill without any reason at all, and besides, there's more to all of this than you think."

"Y-yes... understood, Lady Ruminas."


"Man, that was tiring!"

"Good work Lord Rimuru." Shuna said.

"You were really amazing!" Shion shouted.

Amazing? Was she talking about the time when I beat up Clayman, or when Milim and I had a duel? I couldn't tell.

"More importantly, did you finish what I had asked you to do, Shuna?"

"Yes, all done like you requested to."

"Great, now go and tell the others for me, I've got something else to do in the mean time."

With that, Shuna elegantly bows her head. Now then, I wonder what I have in store for me next...

<<Incoming report. Individual Diablo, has requested your presence in the underworld Lord Rimuru.>>

Ah, right on time. But why would he tell you Ciel, and not me?

<<I'm guessing for formalities, Master.>>

Ahh, that's right, that guy likes to make everything grand. Well, let us go shall we?

<<Yes, master.>>


"Everyone, be on your best behavior!"

Diablo's voice reverberated throughout the spacious, endless area, filled with countless demons.

"If any of you make a mistake during his presence, I will personally end you!" 

Testarossa warns the demons, which makes the demons prostate even further.

"C'mon Testarossa, cut them some slack, I've already annihilated the rude bunch earlier." Carrera said.

"Don't you think there's still some left? I mean, we agreed to make this perfect and all. Wouldn't want to mess it up by suddenly getting a rebellion going." Ultima replied.

"Kufufu, no matter, just have your minions ready in case someone rebelled. With his many amount of demons, Lord Rimuru will surely be pleased!"

Yes, before them, an endless count of demons have prostrated before them. Unlike Diablo's previous 700 strong demon army before, this, is far more potent and numerous.

"Get ready, I have sent Lord Rimuru the invitation, he'll be arriving soon."

At Diablo's words, the demons grew more and more anxious, some even feared the unknown Rimuru, as their predecessors mention his name.

Then, an immensely dense magicule started to gather in the middle of the throne, prepared by the 4 primodials. 

That densely suffocating magicule amount, was enough to glue every demons eyes towards it. Soon, the magicule sphere started to form shape, growing out limbs, much like... evolution.

The demons fall silent before their very eyes, the form took appearance of a woman, capable of rivaling even the most beautiful of gods. 

As she looks down with her golden eyes, the demons could only freeze. Not knowing what to do, they panic.

As Testarossa feared, there were still rebellious demons among the countless that align. However, due to the appearance of Rimuru, and his commanding, dominant aura. They are merely shut up with the sheer pressure alone.

"So? Would you care to explain, Diablo?" Rimuru spoke.

"Understood. What we have gathered here today, is what we present to you as an offering." Diablo says as he kneels to the ground, along with the primodial trio.

"Every single demon we could find, we captured and presented them to you Lord Rimuru. As you have been ever so kind, worrying about our health due to overwork. So, we have gathered subordinates as you have requested, even though most if not, all of them are small fry."

Diablo and the trio knew, that as a daemon, overworking isn't a problem to them whatsoever. However, due to Diablo's nature, he took it as a divine blessing, essentially translating Rimuru's words in his own ears.

"Sure, but, isn't this too much?"

"No no never my lord, there can never be too much, in fact, I had wished to capture demons from the Rogue lineage too. But those untamed bunch would never be respectful towards Lord Rimuru, so I sent them to hell." 

As usual, Rimuru found Diablo's words excessive. However, Rimuru had a smile on his face, reminiscing about the past. However, even Rimuru could not take in this many demons all at once, so he decided to test them.

He stands up, slowly waking towards the crowd of demons. Diablo had a look of wonder and excitement, as the trio simply curios as to what their master is planning to do next.

"Rise my demons." 

Countless demons stand as he commands, those who did not, simply died on the spot. 

"I'm sure you all had a tough time, but that ends now, go, be free."

The demons felt intense pressure, it was extremely tempting for them to leave right then and there, but like before, countless demons still stand before him.

"Good, you seem to be willing to work under me if you stayed."

As he spoke more and more, the immense pressure grew only ever so stronger.

"Do you have what it takes?"

Some demons start to kneel, not because of their own will, but because of the sheer pressure forcing them too.

"Do you expect to serve me well?"

His voice so divine, reverberated throughout the endless counts of demons.

"I will give you a choice once more, you are free to leave. Go on, do as you wish."

Then numerous amounts of demons start to run. Running in fear. But little did they know, the biggest fear they could have experienced, was turning their backs against the being named Rimuru.

Before they could even run a meter away, their heads cut down, their souls broken down, their masters had warned them not to turn their backs against the being called Rimuru. Yet they gave in temptation, and forgot.

"How wonderfully done Lord Rimuru!" Diablo shouted.

"With that, the demons we were worried about were immediately smoked out!" Testarossa exclaimed.

"Amazing..." Carrera simply stared in awe.

"We were fools to worry, it is our master after all, Lord Rimuru himself." Ultima boasted cheerfully.

"Now now, you 4 keep your chit chat to a minimum amount."

"Yes!" The four proudly answered.

"Then I officially accept you, welcome my demons, I will not make you regret choosing me as your master!"

Then, in a chain like fashion, every demon, including the four primodials, were given power, stronger than what they could imagine.

This is possible because Rimuru had received the souls from Guy. Rimuru awakened the four demon primodials before him, and personally helped them, guiding them to a suitable and optimal evolution.

This allowed the (still) countless amount of demons, to receive similar powers to their predecessors. Making every single demon here, capable of becoming a one man army.

Truly, Rimuru's military powers were stronger and more deadly than before. The world's collapse was at Rimuru's hands, however, he wouldn't do such a thing.

That's why Guy, who was informed of this little gathering, decided not to interfere. Even if he did, he'd gain an unfavorable opinion from Rimuru.

The Black Numbers, the strongest and largest Military unit in Tempest, is once again, born.


Well well well, sorry for the delay, today for me is christmas! December 25. I was originally planning on uploading this yesterday, but heck, why not today?

Thank you for reading, and merry christmas!

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