Chapter 105 - Visitation Request (Part 2)

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I take in Devon's features as we sit at the table with him, he's similar to how I remember him, only with slightly longer hair, and some facial hair, and maybe gained a little bit of weight too, but apart from that, he still looks the same as I remember.

I swallow nervously as we all sit staring at each other, not knowing what to do, or say.

"Thanks for coming, I admit I didn't think that you would" Devon says, breaking the silence. I can feel the tension between Caleb and Devon, clearly Devon wasn't expecting to see Caleb anytime soon, let alone me.

"I wasn't go to at first" I assure him.

"So, why did you?" He asks. I don't answer because, I don't even know why. This guy terrifies me to the core for what he did to me.

"She is getting closure, and making sure you understand that this is the first and last time that she's here" Caleb answers for me. Devon nods once, seemingly understanding.

"So, how have you been, Charlie?" He asks me. His voice is calm, which is sort of weird. He certainly doesn't seem so.. insane, anymore, or rather, at the moment. It also seems as though he's trying to block out the presence of Caleb, asking the question directly to me, and trying to keep his eyes on me.

"I've been well, since I recovered, I've been happy and healthy" I answer.

"Good, I'm happy to hear that, you caused me quite a scare with your health condition" He says. He's slouched in his chair, fidgeting with his fingers, looking between me and his hands.

"You nearly had her dead because of that, Devon" Caleb tells him, bitterly. Devon rolls his eyes at Caleb's response.

"Well, if I had known about her condition then we wouldn't have been put into that situation" Devon says in his defense. Caleb narrows his eyes at the response.

"You seem to be doing better, I think, are you?" I ask as I adjust my seating position due to being nervous, also changing the subject as I notice things are becoming a little more tense. I'm also experiencing a bit of deja vu, with my nightmare.

"I believe I am, the doctors around here have me on medication that keep me, you know, sane, but I do have my good days and my bad days, obviously makes no difference as I did get handed my sentence so, I'm not getting out of here for a long time, no matter how well I am" He answers, laying his hands flat on the table as his eyes stay fixed to me.

"Don't you feel sorry? You don't seem to be showing any remorse for what you put Charlie and her family through" Caleb questions. Devon lets out a loud sigh.

"Only to a point, of course I'm sorry for what happened to her, but, at the end of the day, I did want to be a real thing with her, I didn't go about it the right way, but, my feelings for her were real, that's what encouraged me to make her mine" He answers while looking at me and winking, making me gulp. I won't let him scare me, not right now, not while he can see my fear.

"You're a sick, twisted son of a-" I stop Caleb before something bad happens.

"I wasn't yours, Devon" I tell him.

"I do seem to remember that we were in a relationship, all loved up" He reminds me, talking sarcastically at the last part. I close my eyes as the early days of our relationship come to my memory.

"Yeah, until she saw you for who you really are" Caleb says. A monster. And a killer, who was nearly responsible for my death.

"Were.. before she saw me for who I was, I'm not that anymore, at least not as bad while I'm on medication" Devon corrects. I take Caleb's hand in mine and feel how tense he is, he's really fighting the urge to attack Devon. Devon looks at me and leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. "My feelings for you were real then, and they're still real now, Charlie" He tells me.

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