Chapter 104 - Visitation Request (Part 1)

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I read over the visitation request, again and again, each time to make sure that I am actually reading what I am reading. Devon wants to see me. It's plain and simple, in black and white. Devon wants to see me, the person who lied about his age, his past, pretty much everything about who he was, kidnapped me, tortured me and is the reason why I nearly died in hospital. The guy who has killed and wanted to have a family with me, whether I liked it or not, he wanted me to be his, he wanted me all to himself. And now I'm reading a visitation request from him. I take a few deep breaths as I feel the air in the room getting difficult to breathe in, I am not going to have a panic attack over this man.

I scrunch up the piece of paper, I don't need to read what it says anymore, no matter how much I read it to make sure I'm reading what I'm reading, it's not going to change into anything different. It has been months now since his sentencing, as much as I am terrified, I can't help wonder at the same time if he's different now, less, insane. One thing is, I don't know why he wants to see me, perhaps if after these few months, he is more sane, what if he wants to try to make amends, of course he can't change what he did, but perhaps he's after some sort of forgiveness, redemption. But if it is that, then I want to make him beg for it, see how much he wants it, what he did was unforgivable, so what will he say to convince me to forgive him? That is of course if that's why he wants to see me, but I guess there's only one way to find out. Visit him.

But not alone, and I don't mean with Zak, there's no way he'll comply with this, he'll bin the letter himself and get a court order for Devon to never send me anything again, or even think about me. No, I can't even go to Zak with this, I need someone else, someone who will take me, and stay with me, someone who.. Caleb. He wants nothing but the best for me, although he'll be extremely reluctant, I can probably persuade him to take me.

'Hey x' I text Caleb as I lay on my bed, I should hide the letter, if Zak finds it then he won't be happy. I go to my clothe drawers and open my underwear drawer, Zak won't go in here to find it.. I hope. I hear my phone tell me there's a text.

'Hey beauty, what's up? It was horrible not being able to be near you earlier x' Caleb texts back. That was scary with Aaron, I thought he was actually going to die.

'I know, but at least Aaron is ok, thank you for helping him x' I text back. He immediately replies.

'Just glad we got to him in time, literally a few more minutes and we'd be arranging his funeral, it was scarily close, but he's fine now, Jess is keeping an eye on him, making sure he rests well, helping to look after your brothers x' It reads.

'We're lucky to have you both in our lives xx' I send. I really just want to hear his voice, or even see him, but we can't do either.

'I'm lucky to have you in my life Charlie xx' He sends.

'I don't want to sound like I'm using you, but I need a favour xx' I send, feeling nervous, I need to ask him, Devon wants me to visit tomorrow.

'What is it babe? xx' He replies.

'You are not going to like this, but I need you to take me somewhere, and don't say to get Zak to because he won't and you'll understand why, you won't want to do it either xx' I send.

'Ok, now you're scaring me a little, what is going on Charlie, is everything ok? xx' He texts.

'I got a visitation request letter from Devon xx' I text.

'Charlie, please do not tell me you want to see Devon xx' He replies. Reading this, I can hear the way he'd be saying this, so seriously, protectively.

'I can't ask Zak to take me, he can't even know about the letter, but I need to move on from this, bury and leave behind what he did to me, I need to know what he wants, and if it's forgiveness, then he will know that he'll be begging for the rest of his life for it xx' I send.

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