Chapter 7: What now?

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 Mabel's P.O.V.

I waited for Dipper to come back. I waited for over an hour. Finally I heard footsteps coming towards my cell. The man who had kidnapped us dragged Dipper in behind him. He chained Dipper up and I couldn't believe my eyes. The boy I had known as my brother, the one who had been battered and bruised whenever I saw him, was beyond recognition now. I stared not knowing whether to believe this was my brother or not. I looked in his weary eyes and saw something was wrong. Dipper clenched his jaw as if not willing to give up. Please don't say anything. I pleaded silently to myself. Dipper just stared at our kidnapper and didn't look away. The kidnapper smiled, showing off his yellowed teeth. With a last chuckle the kidnapper walked out the door and left. "Dipper?" I asked. "He called me son!" Dipper spat in disgust. "What?" I asked confused. Dipper shot a glare in my direction. "You set me up...again!" He screamed. I was shocked at his words. "N-No." I managed to stutter. "Oh yeah sure you didn't. Mom and dad left knowing you would let me go, so they told you to come with me. Then they hired someone to kidnap us, make it look like he raped you, and have him beat the living crap outta me!" He sneered. My breath caught in my throat. My anger began to boil up. "YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME!" I screamed. "SOME SICK GAME!" The look on Dipper's face made me stop. No. Keep going. Show him what a nut case he is. Besides...What right does he have to talk to his own sister like that? I thought bitterly. "You honestly think I would just help mom and dad set this up and for what!? So I can get raped!? To watch my brother get beat to death!? If you think that then your crazier than I thought you were." I said. Dipper looked at his feet. "Oh now you regret what you said. Obivously you didn't think about this. Am I right?" I questioned. He kept his head down. I sneered at him. "And to believe I slept with you. My own brother. I wanted to please you after all that time you were stuck up there. And this is the thanks I get." I said sadly. Dipper's head shot up. "I see your ready to apologize?" I asked. He stared at me with fear in his eyes. "He's coming back." Dipper said sounding terrified. I just smiled at him. "You thought you were tough. Wake up Dipper. We're in the real world now. It's a dog eat dog world. Unfortunately we are the dogs that are being eaten." I said. The kidnapper walked in. I looked over and saw he was coming for me. Normally I would have screamed for Dipper to help me, but I knew after what I said he would never help me. Why am I the one who is smart, but never thinks before I speak? I thought. I hoped Dipper would be the brother I used to have, so I shot him a pleading look. He stared at me fear stricken. I knew there was nothing he could do to help me. "I'm sorry I drug you into this." He whispered. "It's okay." I whispered back. Suddenly a shadow came over him. I looked at his wrist and saw they were unshackled. Dipper's insane if he thinks he can take this guy. What now?

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