Chapter 2: What is going on?

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Mabel's P.O.V. (also age 5)

Mom carried me outside. I could hear screaming inside the house. "What's going on mommy?" i asked. She gave me a look that made a chill run through my back. That's when i heard crying...It was Dipper. I gasped and ran to our bedroom window while mom wasn't looking. I peered in and saw Dipper laying on his stomach while dad raised a belt in the air. I saw Dipper escape and knew he went to the bathroom. I ran to the window and saw Dipper go in the cabnet. I finally heard dad's screaming stop and so i knocked on the window. Dipper peeped out and saw me. He ran to the window and opened it. I crawled in and we went to the bathtub. We sat there holding each other. Dipper was shaking and his eyes were puffy from crying, but the look on his face was determination. "Dipper?" i said wondering where my care free dorky brother was. "This will never happen again." he said. "What?" I asked not understanding. He looked at me. "Let's run away." He said a devilish smile crossing his face. I stared at him confused. "Why?!" i asked surprised. His expression darkened. "How would I expect you to understand." He spat. I was shocked. He never spoke to me like that. "Dipper." I tried to start. "You don't get what it's like not to be loved!" He exclaimed suddenly. I looked down and sighed. I guess he was right there. "Maybe it's just cuz mom and dad don't want you to grow up at such a young age." I suggested. Nobody except Dipper knew that in reality I was just as smart as he was. I just didn't want to grow up so i just faked and pretended to be stupid. For mom and dad's sake. "Then why can't they just say that instead of beating me?" he asked tears forming in his already puffy eyes. A tear ran down his face. I wiped it away and held his face in my hands. "If it means anything to you I love you." I said kissing his cheek. Dipper blushed. "I'll run away with you." I said smiling. His face brightened. "Thanks Mabel." He said. Dipper and I stayed in the bathroom way past our bedtime just to plan our escape. If only we knew what our parents had in store.

(A/N: Hey i forgot to mention, but this is going to be a mild pincest...maybe extremely spicy towards the end. I don't really know yet. All i know is that there will be pincest just not really know how much Hence the pg-13 rating. it won't be too bad so it's not r. Well hope you enjoyed sooo BYE!)

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