Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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Dipper's P.O.V.

Mabel and I walked until we were sure we would be safe. We laid down and fell asleep. I woke up to Mabel screaming. When I sat up something hit me in the back of the head and everything went black. I woke up in a cell. I was chained to a wall. I looked around and saw Mabel on the wall opposite of me. She stared at me with fear in her eyes. "D-D-Dipper..." she started. She began to sob strongly. I looked down and saw she was bleeding. "Mabel what did they do to you?" I asked, but I knew what they had done. Next time you sorry sons of b*****. Mabel and I stood there. I looked around for a way out while Mabel let sobs rattle her body. I heard someone walking towards us. A big man came into the cell. He walked over to Mabel and put her face in his hand. She sniffled and let tears fall down her cheeks. "You are beautiful and sexy with and without clothes on babe." He said softly. He started to caress her hair. I felt angry. Mabel jerked her head away. The man's face went from gentle to angry. He slapped Mabel and began to yell at her. That's when I snapped. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed. The man looked away from Mabel and straight at me. He began to walk over. I was nervous, but I didn't let it show. I stood tall and stared him in the eye. "You ever been beat before son?" He asked. Son. The word I heard everytime before I was beaten. I guess I let fear fill my eyes because the man chuckled. "What!?" I asked. "You can quit pretending to be tough boy cuz you don't got it in ya." He said smiling. I felt my anger rise. "TAKE IT BACK YOU MOTHERF*****!" I screamed. He turned to me again. He brought his fist hard against my face. It hurt and I stumbled a bit, but I picked myself back up and stared at him again. He smiled. "Finally some compitition." He said. He unchained me and took me to a room. I turned to ask him where we were, but he slugged me. I didn't expect it so I fell. He quickly grapped a whip and brought it down. It tore through my shirt and made me wince from the pain. I felt tears rise. I had always thought dad's beatings had been painful, but they were nothing compared to what this man did to me. By the time he was done with me I was bruised and bloody from head to toe. I laid there and took his whipping. I watched as my blood ran down my arm and onto the ground. I couldn't bring myself to get up or do anything. I became numb to the pain. When he was finally done he told me to stand up. My vision was blurred, but not to unconciousness. I tried to get up, but fell. He grabbed my arms and dragged me to the cell. He chained me up again and left. Mabel stared at me in horror. This was the last straw. This man was going to pay. And by pay I don't mean with money. I mean with his life.

Only outlaws live in Monster Falls (ON HOLD)(UNDER EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon