Chapter 4: Only the beginning

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Dipper's P.O.V. (Now age 12)

I was so bored. I had done everything on my agenda. Eat breakfast, read a book, write mom and dad and Mabel on a piece of paper, cut my hand, put and X over everyone's name, destroy the paper, and then lay down. Where was Mabel with my lunch. I'm starving. Great. Now instead of beating me they'll starve me to death. I thought grimly. Yes, it was true. Every since I had been abandoned up here dad would come up every once in awhile and beat the s*** outta me. I can't believe I'd let him do that. And the stupid part was that every time he'd say 'tell me something smart son.' and every time I fall for it. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said snobbishly. Mabel walked in with a sandwhich, some chips, and a glass of milk. "Bout time." I said getting up and walking towards her. Her eyes said she desperatly needed to tel me something. "What do you need to say. Hope it's nothing like the last thing you said to me 7 years ago." I said. She sighed. "I told you I was sorry." She muttered. I snorted at her. Her head whipped up and she glared at me defiantly. "And to make up for it I have something to tell you. Mom and dad have left for the next two weeks. You can leave now." She said nervously. I stood there dumbfounded. Mom and dad knew not to leave Mabel alone with me for two weeks. This was too easy. I set the plate down gently. Mabel gulped unsure of what I might do next. She was right to me afraid. In a flash I stood back up and wrapped my bloody, scared hands around her neck. I held her there lightly, not daring to put any pressure on her in case this was a trick. Mom and dad would probably be waiting for an excuse to send me to a nut house. Mabel gasped and began breathing rapidly. I stared into her dark brown eyes. "You aren't tricking me are you?" I asked. When she didn't answer my grip tightened slightly. "No! I swear I'm telling the truth!" She said shrilly. "Where did they go?" I asked. She had to fail one of these, then I would know if it was safe or not. "I don't remember." she said frantic. My grip tightened again this time tighter than before. Her hands flew to her neck. "Tell me the truth." I whispered to her. "I promise I am telling the truth! They never said where they were going!" She said sounding terrified. I've dreamed of this for a long time yet I couldn't bring myself to tighten my grip any more. I stared at her and noticed the fear in her eyes. I looked deeper and saw a flicker of hope. I knew she was lying. I thought. I began to tighten my grip slowly. Mabel began sucking in deep breaths. She knew this was the end. That her brother was a total psycho path. Then I noticed how quiet the house was. All I heard was Mabel's favorite songs playing. Even if mom and dad were home they would never let her play those no matter how much they loved her. I realized my mistake. I looked at my sister and noticed I was squeezing so hard her lips were turning blue. I let go and she fell to the floor. She sucked in as much air as she could. I looked at my hands and backed up agains the wall. I slid to the floor and crawled over to my sister. I laid my hand on her back to help her know I was here, but she flinched when I touched her. She looked at me with great fear in her eyes. "Mabel I-" I started. "Don't touch me!" She wailed. She ran to her room with tears in her eyes. I walked down to her room. "Mabel please let me in." I said after knocking. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I heard her scream. I dug a few paperclips out of my pocket. Before leaving for the attic I had learned how to pick our lock. I would have picked the attic door lock, but it was different. I finally picked the lock and opened the door. I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. Mabel looked up at me with red puffy eyes. "Mabel I'm sorry. I thought you were lying and I thought you betrayed me when we were little, so I...I" I trailed off not knowing what else to say. She got up and walked over to me. She placed her hand gently on my face. I reached up and grabbed it. She jumped a little, but calmed down. "I didn't want to betray you, but mom said if I didn't she would have dad hunt you down and who knows what would have happened to you then. I wanted you here where I knew you would be safe." she said softly. "Safe? Safe?! You think I was safe while dad was beating me?!" I asked while backing up from her. "Dipper. I knew they were hurting you, but that's better that being beaten and abondend while deathly hurt or...or worse!" She protested. I hung my head because I guess this was better. She walked up to me again and put her arms around my neck. I looked her in the eye and realized this was my sister. The one who had been with me when I was scared, the one who wanted to keep me here where I would be safer, the one who cared about me. I didn't know what happened, but I found my lips pressed against hers. I know it wasn't all too right, but this was my sister. The one who loved me.

Only outlaws live in Monster Falls (ON HOLD)(UNDER EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora