Chapter 11

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{A/N: First of all. I just want to thank everyone of you who are reading this story. You've really made it a huge success. I'll try to keep up the good work. Well on with the story!}

Dipper's P.O.V.

I woke up to hear giggling. I sat up and saw Mabel sitting with another girl and they were laughing. I cleared my throat and they both looked back at me. Mabel's face lit up and she rushed over. "Dipper!" She shouted. She gave me a huge hug and introduced me to the other girl. Pacifica. "How old are you?" Pacifica asked. "12." Mabel and I said. "Hey! I'm 12 too!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her, but our joy was quickly cut short. In the distance we heard police sirens going off. I shot up with Mabel and looked at Pacifica. "Coming?" I asked. "No. I don't want to get in trouble." She said. "Doesn't matter. The cops find you and they'll automatically suspect you're one of us." I said. A panicked look crossed her face. "Oh. Alright. I'll come." she said. I grabbed her and Mabel's hands and we started running. Unfortunately, it seemed as though wherever we ran the sirens only got louder. "We're trapped." Mabel cried. "No we're not. We'll find a way out." I shouted. "How?" Pacifica asked. I looked around and an idea came to mind. "Stay here. Don't move, don't talk, don't do anything to give us away." I said. The girls nodded and I walked over to a tree. I climbed up and looked around. "Shit." I muttered. I crawled down the tree to the girls. "How are we going to get out." Mabel asked. I looked at the girls. They both had hope in their eyes. "We can't." I finally said. The hope in their eyes was crushed and they both looked terrified.

"WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED. COME OUT AND NO ONE GETS HURT!" the police yelled. "You know what! Fuck you!" I screamed into the trees. The girls flinched and huddled together. I sighed and looked back at them. "This is all my fault." I muttered. "Don't blame yourself Dipper." Mabel said. I walked over to them and joined the huddle. We all held on to each other and waited for the worst. I heard footsteps rustling and heard guns get ready to fire if need be. I gripped the girls shirts and we put our heads together. I felt people pull us apart and put us in cuffs. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

{A/N: Okay. Question. What monster should Pacifica be blended with? Give your thoughts in the comment section below.

R i G h T h E r E....

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