chapter 16

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Secrets are like fires in the dry season, when let out they spread and burn everything that they touch
- thatyorubagyal

The speakers in the car clamoured with music as I nodded to the song, tapping my fingers to the rhythm.

Music was really therapy for the troubled soul.

"Kuna son waƙa( Do you like the song)"Mr. Daud asked as I smiled and answered with a brief yes.

His eyes darted from the rear view mirror, his questioning gaze trying to analyze me.

"My wife loves that song. It's called So into you by tamia,'' he informed me while humming softly to the melody as he broke the deafening silence that filled the car.

A smile melted my once cold demeanor as I remembered Aunty.

she was so cheerful and free spirited, quite the opposite of Uncle Daud if you ask me and they still complimented each other perfectly.

"I remember the day I met her," he reminisced as a wrinkled dimpled smile warmed his features.

"I saw this kyakkyawa mace(beautiful woman) drenched in water on third mainland bridge, it sounds like a film abi, but that's how I met the love of my life,"he said breathing in deeply as he swerved past a tricycle rider muttering curses.

I guess it was a little bizarre that I was getting love advise from uncle Daud.

But what weren't we going to see?

"Whatever happens say Allahamdulliah,"he advised turning the ignition off as I swung my school bag on my shoulder taking my cue to leave.

"You find love in the most unexpected places," he finished as I drank in his words of counsel.

He was really a knight in a checkered shirt.

I hopped of the leather seat and closed the door as I waved uncle Daud goodbye.

sometimes a good word could mend a broken spirit.

But it was time to face the music

I swiped my phone and squinted as the scorching sun rays reflected on the screen of phone.

Freaking eleven thirty.

I treaded slowly and carefully on the senior's hallway cause if a teacher saw me at this time, it would be the end.

Regardless of the fact that I called in sick.

Discipline was what this atrocity was called.

The worst person was Mrs. Oluchi, she was really out for me and wouldn't hesitate to embarrass me anytime, any day.

She was ready.

His hazel eyes filled with questions clouded my brain as I spotted a ball of brown curly hair.

I knew that hair from anywhere

I crossed the threshold of the hallway into the art studio where he sat painting his imagination on a plain paper, hoping to give it life.

I tiptoed stealthy and wrapped my hands on his waist as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

He sucked in a breath and continue to paint .

Omo see shunning.

I ran my fingers through his brunette locks as he groaned in frustration.

At least I got a reaction.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I held his free hand with my fingers comparing the difference in sizes in amazement when he tugged his hand from my fingers like my touch scalded his skin.

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