chapter 2

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I whispered a Salam as I entered the palatial mansion.

It was funny how I entered the house frequently but it took my breath away each time.

I breathed in the homely feeling and the tualè that filled the air when I felt the magnetic pull of someone's eyes boring holes behind my head.

I whipped my head back as I gaped at Hajiya Mahmoud staring daggers at me.

"I- i was just going to your room,"

I stammered inaudibly rushing to the stairs.

"Watch where you're going," Hauwa exclaimed with fire in her eyes as she pushed me away.

She always hated me and never tried to hide it, but better an open enemy than a hidden ally,


"Hauwa,"I called out with a warning tone as her eyes scanned me, inspecting my flaws when she shrugged in disgust.

"You'll never be up to me,"she whispered as if she was trying hard to convince herself that I was really nothing compared to her.

I steadied myself almost immediately as the huge staircase enveloped me, the plush red rug comforting my cold toes with every step.

I shouldn't let her sour attitude get to me.

This was a life I wasn't ready to forfeit even though it was so messed up.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I literally jerked forward, everyone in front coming to a halt.

"Me ne ne(what is it)?" Hauwa howled with her hands in the air.

Classic hauwa move.

"They stopped walking. Do you expect me to walk on their heads?''

I questioned as her face turned red and her ears probably rang with shock.

''Ki shuru mana(keep quiet) Don't talk to me like that ever again,'' she screamed while eyeing me aggressively.

I took a deep breath to clear my throat and my head from everything,

I was getting sick.

''Salam alaikum mai gida( peace be on the owner of this house)'' Hajiya Mahmoud said infiltrating my thoughts as she knelt down and greeted Abba.

He was first my father then her husband.

Abba was a proud man, he carried an aura that shook whoever came across him but behind every powerful man was a woman and to think that woman was Hajiya Mahmoud made me gag and choke on my vomit.

He didn't love her, I knew, scratch that, the whole world knew.

My throat bobbed silently as I swallowed an invisible lump.

What if I ended up this way?

As this thought swam in my head Hajiya Mahmoud crawled back to her feet and stumbled.


The hate I had for her wasn't nurtured, it sprang out from all the sorrows and bottled up anger that filled me, she only fuelled it by being cruel to me.

"Yasmine," Abba called sending alarms around my body.

"Sa-a-sa..." I stammered,

He scared me and he knew it,

People always mistook fear for respect but they were two different things and were as far apart as the east is from the west.

''Meet me after you come back from school,'' he said walking away in slow agonizing steps when I felt my legs give up on me.

No Subhanallah, it can't be, not now.

I heard Hauwa snicker cruelly as she swayed her hips.

If only she knew how stupid she looked


She left me deep in thoughts and denial.

Maybe it was another reason, I thought as I brushed everything aside and went to pray fajr,

Committing today and my life into God's hand


Thoughts on Hauwa and Hajiya Mahmoud😂...
Maybe Abba too

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I'm not even Hausa so I think I'll start putting the interpretation below

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