Chapter 1

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Hello loves, this is my first book on wattpad so I'd need your full support and thoughts to work better.

Let's experience life through yasmine's eyes

First of and foremost let's not plagiarized anyone's work. The time and effort used to write the book should be enough to pity the person.

Well since you're here you might as well join the gang and read.

And if you're s ghost reader. Hmm😂😂😂. God is watching you

Anyways thanks for stopping by to hop on this journey...

💕 T


Finding Yasmine

The moon casted long, dark shadows on the ankara curtain that revealed a tossing figure.

The stars shone brightly as the queen sized bed rustled underneath my quivering body that was drenched with tears that flowed backwards.

I got up abruptly, gasping for air as my hand found my chest in the darkness while I tried to steady my heart beat and wipe my tears.

Maybe still the storm in my head.

My night dress was spread on the soft bed, tired of the weightlessness of my sorrows.

The dream was more of a reality than a nightmare, a nightmare that will soon be a constant companion.

One that I couldn't decrypt. But as my thoughts wandered so did my legs.

I didn't notice till the shrill cold wind bit against my skin.

"Yasmine," a slim shadow called and caught my eyes.

I didn't know when tears began to stream from my eyes as a warm arm wrapped around me.

" I-i" I stammered as he rubbed slow circles on my back to steady my rampant breaths.

"It's alright," his deep voice cooed.

"You shouldn't be here," I whispered, my voice trembling lightly.

"Are you suppose to be here?" he asked laughter lacing his voice as he brushed his lips against my forehead.

he is my calm after the storm.

"Sadiq it's almost dawn, you need to go,"I pleaded leaving his embrace as my skin lost the heat of contact.

"What was it now?" he persuaded playing with my scarf and totally ignoring my pleas.

And for the first time that night I looked at Sadiq and noticed how beautiful he was.

Yes, beautiful!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when his hazel green eyes searched my face for an answer.

"Yasmine," he called as I hummed in response but his voice sounded too far to reach.

"Yasmine," he called again.

But this time it sounded like the wind whispered my name and it faded....


The adthan for fajr filled the air as tired bodies rose to worship.

I twisted in my comforter as the shrill harmattan wind hugged my legs.

"I'm going to win this battle," I murmured hurdling my legs together for warmth.

"Yasmine," a voice called out as the door collided with the wall aggressively.

"You've heard the adthan but you still want me to wake you up," she vented as her voice echoed but my eyes stayed shut.

"Or should I slap your eyes open?" she threatened her voice at an octave.

I peeled my eyes open and wasn't surprised by the sight that beheld me.

It was Hajiya Mahmoud, a woman with shrivelled brown skin and layers for a neck.

"Nakwa na Hajiya Mahmoud( Good morning Hajiya Mahmoud)"I managed to say, cringing internally at how hoarse my voice sounded.

She eyed me with cruelty before leaving the room without closing the door.

As usual.

I sighed in defeat while dragging myself out of bed as I rummaged my drawer for my jalabiya and a knee length hijab when my eyes met the sweater that Ammi knitted for me.

A tear escaped from my eyes as I clasped the sweater to my nose and inhaled deeply, it still smelt like her.I said a silent dua in my heart praying that Allah grants her Jannah(heaven).

I got up and smiled because I knew she was in a better place, a place that my imagination couldn't fathom.

A small smile slowly started to form on my lips as I recalled my dream.

Sadiq Munir,

My heart, my light in the darkness, he filled the void I didn't even know I had.

A sigh of hope escaped my mouth as the thoughts flowed into my head like a rushing river.

Six more days to graduation and nothing could ruin this joy I felt within me.

A joy unexplainable.


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