chapter 18

156 26 81

Sadiq's POV

Sometimes things have to get bad to become better

I tossed restlessly on the king sized bed as perspiration lined my forehead when my nightmare escalated.

"Yasmine," I called out as she hugged me tightly and rested her head on my chest breathing me in.

" Please don't let them take me," she begged as I kissed her hair and her tears dropped in trinkets on my shirt.

"I won't let them harm a hair on your head," I cooed and ran my rough fingers on her flawless skin when a faceless man pranced stealthily and started to drag her hand.

"Sadiq!" she shrieked as she noticed my grip on her started to loosen.

" Yasmine hold on don't let go," I whispered as her eyes turned glassy.

" I love you" she affirmed pecking my lips as the faceless man pulled her away from me, dragging her into the abyss of darkness.

"Yasmine!" I shouted painfully as she disappeared with the figure.

That exact moment the annoying beeping of my alarm dragged me from the bad dream.

Almost immediately the blinding rays of the rising sun shone into my sleep deprived eyes as I tried to obstruct it and failed miserably.

"Morning sleepy head you know we have a long day ahead of us," my mom informed as she sipped slowly from her steamy cup of chai and pulled the curtains apart.

I grunted in response and used my pillow to cover my ears when she yanked it away playfully.

"Mom!" I exclaimed as she chortled happily.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, not a minute to spare abnay( my son) " she directed while shutting the door noisily behind her.

I ran my hands through my hair and plopped my head into my pillow as the nightmare came tumbling into my head like a whirling tornado.

I wanted to pinch myself and wake up to her face beaming with smiles but I knew that was far from reality.

Everything was just crashing down with zero chill.

Speaking of abnormalities, thoughts of my mom bounced through my mind.

I spoke to her about the divorce and she finally agreed after alot of persuasion.

I can't imagine the kind of juju that guy used on her.

She agreed but on one condition, that we move back to England.

Yasmine was literally the only thing that kept me sane in this country and with her out of the picture all my options went down the drain.

I had to see her before I leave for England.

I grabbed a plain black t-shirt from my drawers and paired it with a grey Nike sweatpant,strolling out of the room when I glanced at a family portrait that stood solemly on the deserted corridor.

The smile that was pasted on my dad's face was so bright it could supply nigeria uninterrupted electricity for a century.

My eyes wandered to the pale looking child with a smile so crooked that he had more metal in his mouth than teeth.

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