chapter 6

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Yasmine's POV

I mentally face palmed myself as I realized the effect he had on me.

The power he had over me was so strong I couldn't fight it and I felt weak, naive and what's the word I'm looking for?


But wasn't that what young love was suppose feel like?

''You can't just claim ownership over me, start making me feel things and ask for you flipping paintbrush,'' I gushed out as I swallowed a lump down my throat, slowly realizing the words that I just blurted out.

He just stared at me with a lopsided grin, strolling lazily as my heart beating fifty nine million
times per second in my chest.

''You didn't give me the paintbrush,'' he said towering over me.

Was he serious???

His skin was literally golden and it was glowing under the sun beams that passed through the satin curtains

How could someone be so damn fine, mashallah!!

''Here it is," I retorted giving him the brush as he pulled me into him and hugged me as his fingers locked on my waist.

''I just want to hold you,'' he mumbled with his chin on my hair while my hands found his hair and caressed his scalp totally ignoring the brush as I inhaled his scent, he smelt like lemon, sandalwood and home.

It was like I was destined to be here in his arms,

Safe from Hauwa and the insecurities of the world.

''Mo ni fé ré( I love you)'' he whispered as his lips gently brushed my forehead.

''What does that mean?'' I asked looking up at him with a smile so wide I looked like I had won a lottery.

''It means-," he said before someone barged into the studio but I cared less.

I smiled at him when Hauwa walked over to him and held his arm pushing me away. I stumbled a little before I gained balance.

What was going on?

''Baby,'' she called out seductively as she tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips.

This wasn't just a kiss, it was a a full blown make out session and his hand rested dangerously lower than her waist.

I felt my heart break into a million pieces as I watched this zee world movie unfold before my eyes.

''Sadiq,'' I called out finally as I felt blood rush into head.

''I'm still here,'' I spat out, my voice shaking aggressively as his hand tightened around her waist when he finally broke the kiss and looked at me like I was trash.

Scratch that, he looked at me like I was a while damn incinerator.

''I mean you were just an experiment, don't get ahead of yourself. Who am I kidding?'' he asked rhetorically as he dragged his hand through his hair in anger.

''You've always been a pain in the ass, always bossing me around, ignoring what I say like I'm dumb, fuck! I'm tired,'' he shouted as his chest heaved with each breath while Hauwa smiled sinisterly.

Experiment, Bossing around, Dumb.

These words kept ringing in my ears.

No, it can't be, maybe he was saying this out of anger, maybe this was all Hauwa's doing.

''Sadiq,'' I manage to say because I was a stuttering mess.

I had to be strong, I wouldn't let this beast see me cry.

He walked up to me a with dangerous flame in his eyes.

''I told you how I felt, poured out my fucking heart to you in front of the entire class and you called me to ask why,'' he said air quoting.

''I pulled that stunt''he completed as his eyes scanned mine.I loved his eyes and how he looked at me but this time they told a different story, it was filled with pain and hatred.

It was void.

What I didn't understand was how he just flipped a switch in his head.

A minute ago we were cool, hell I wanted to tell him I loved him.

''For how long?'' I forced out as a sob betrayed me.

I'm not going to cry
I'm not going to cry
I'm not going to cry

He chuckled wickedly as Hauwa stoked his hand tenderly.

''At first it was about your virginity but you were stubborn so I took it slow till I got what I wanted,'' he said, his eyes void of emotion.

''Turns out you're easy and a slut at that,'' he completed as Hauwa kissed her teeth in disgust.

The pain from his words cut my heart to pieces and turned my eyes glassy. The tears fell freely, like an overpouring waterfall.

I swallowed to ease my parched throat as I bit my lips trying not to scream.

My breath was becoming uneven as I strode to where he stood and slapped him across the face with all the anger, the sorrows and frustration that were bottled up in me.

''You disgust me,'' I managed to say as tears started to blur my vision and for a second I saw hurt in his eyes or maybe I assumed it.

I ran, bumping into tables, chairs and people, I didn't care.

Ammi always told me there was a thin line between love and hate and I had crossed that line today with Sadiq.

The one that wiped away my tears and told me it was going to be fine, my calm after the storm was actually my enemy in disguise.

Shit!!! When it rains it fucking pours.


Well guys😂💔

We were all rooting for mr. Sadiq but he blew it..or did he??

Do you guys think Hauwa has a hand in this and why??

Don't forget to vote and comment 💕💕

Finding YasmineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora