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"You'll know soon enough my dear." A female voice spoke.

"Let me get out of here!" Adrien screamed, struggling.

"If I had to let you go, why would I capture you in the first place?"

She let an evil laugh escape her mouth and left the room.

"Plagg? Plagg? Are you there?"

Hearing the boy shouting, a voice spoke.

"Is anyone else also here?"

At first, the young model hesitated to answer, but finally replied;

"Yes, I'm Adrien, and who are you?"

"It's me, son, Gabriel."

"F-Father? how are you here Nathalie told me that-"

"Yes, yes, It's me, what Nathalie must've told was a lie."

"Why would she lie and where are we?"

"In the basement of our Mansion."

"Any Idea how we ended up here?"

"Yes, you deserve to know the truth. Let me explain to you before she comes back. But promise that you will hear everything first before judging me."


"This is not only the mansion's basement but also Hawkmoth's Lair."

"Hawkmoth's Lair?!" He whispered to himself, shocked.

"So you know who Hawkmoth is?" he asked.

"That's me."


'No, please tell me this is a nightmare. First Marinette then father? Why does it always happen to me? Why of all people it was me?' The blonde internally screamed.

Balls of tears started rolling down his face. His throat was already sore and dry due to the crying and sobbing as the bluenette had broken his heart the day before.

"Why did you do this father?" He questioned.

"Do you remember that your mother and I went on a trip to Tibet?"

"Y-yeah." The blonde answered, sniffling.

"There we had found the butterfly and the peacock miraculous. We decided to use it for the greater good, but the peacock miraculous was broken which sucked Emilie's soul and she slipped into a deep sleep."

"So where is mom?"

"Right here, with us. I wanted to bring her back using your's and Marinette's miraculous."

"How do you-"

"I asked someone to investigate."

"Who is this someone?"

"Lila, Lila Rossi."


"Yes, we made a deal. If she succeeded to bring the miraculous, I would do as she says. But that's where I went wrong. She asked for the moth miraculous and threatened me if I didn't give her what she wants, she would expose my identity to everyone."

"Still, what you did was terrible! I mean, how could you?"

"Please son, try to understand. I did all this for us, we could be happy again. I wanted to erase the mistakes of my past."

"She's gone. Why won't you accept it?"

"No, she's here. We could bring her back again."

"If you make a wish, there will be a terrible price to pay in return. If you wish for her to come back, someone dear to you will lose their life. It could be me, Nathalie or even-" he took a pause "Never mind, I rather not name her."

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