The other part of the deal

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"Pound it!" Both the heroes fist-bumped in victory.

"What's up with you M'lovebug?"  Chat Noir asked the heroine who was lost in deep thought.

"I don't know kitty." She flashed a small smile. "I have a very weird feeling about this."

"About what?"

"We need to head to school, can we talk about this later?"

"Of course my Bug-a-boo!" He said cupping her cheeks with his hands.  "But-"

"But what?"

"Promise me you will tell me everything." He said gently pecking her lips.

"I promise."

"Good, now let's go we also have to attend a good session of interrogation and teasing with our fur-riends."

Ladybug giggled at his pun. She was about to swing her yoyo but Chat was faster, he grabbed her by her waist. The bluenette figured out what her kitty was up to so she put her arms around his waist and shoulders for support. The black-clad superhero extended his baton, and together they made their way to Francais Dupont.

It was lunchtime already due to the Akuma attack. Both of them de-transformed in an alleyway and came out holding each other's hands.

In the cafeteria, Alya, Nino and Chloe were sitting and chatting. When Adrien and Marinette approached their table, Alya asked them;

"What's up with you two lovebirds? "

"Actually-" Adrien started sitting down beside Nino.

"I know dude, you two were together and you were asking her to be your future wife?"

"Nino!" Adrien yelled, his face as red as Nathaniel's hair. Same goes for Marinette.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Alya said with a smirk on her face.

"Alya, Nino please stop this utterly ridiculous conversation, and see their faces!" Chloe said laughing.

All five of them spent their break time making jokes, teasing, laughing and giggling.

After school was over, Adrien and Marinette went to the bakery. They had planned to do homework together, but the main reason for his visit was related to the dilemma of his sweet girlfriend.


"Mr Agreste I would like to talk to you. Can I come over?" Lila asked the designer over the call.

"Please do, have you found out who they are?"

"Yes, I'll tell you when I'll come to meet you."


"See you in 30 minutes." Saying this, the brunette cut the call.


Lila pressed the button on the wall. The camera popped out and a voice spoke.

"Ms Rossi, we've been expecting you, please come in."

The giant gates opened and she started walking.

When she entered the mansion, Nathalie was standing in front of her.

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