When dreams come true

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It was time for Marinette to go meet the black-clad superhero.

"Tikki spots on!" And she transformed into her alter ego.

"Time to go see the cat." She mumbled to herself before swinging her yoyo to the Eiffel Tower.


Meanwhile Chat Noir was waiting at the Eiffel Tower for his lady.

"Hey, kitty!"

"Hello, milady."

He said before taking her right hand into his and gently kissing it. Chat Noir had expected her to withdraw her hand. But as a surprise, she didn't flinch her hand and let him continue with his all-time flirting.

" So, what's the reason for calling me kitty?"

"I am really sorry Ladybug." He said giving her an apologetic look.

"Chat noir? What are you apologizing for?"
He looked at her angelic face and hesitantly started speaking.

"Actually there are two reasons. First one, you had to fight against hypnotist all by yourself. And also when I came to meet you, I was toe-tally acting like a jerk." He said looking down at the metal floor, voice full of regret.

"I don't understand what you are you talking about. When you came to meet me?"

"I know who you are Ladybug."

"What? How did yo-"

"I saw you de-transform the day I came to meet you." She was cut off by Chat Noir.

"And I sincerely apologize for acting like that. I don't know what had happened to me all that while.  It felt like whatever Lila said was true. I was not myself.  I can never even think of hurting my princess. "

After hearing everything, tears started streaming from her eyes. 

"So are you disappointed? As I am not the girl you expected me to be. Ladybug is just a mask. And beneath that mask, I am a normal girl, an extreme klutz, wea-"

"Don't ever say that milady." He said putting his gloved finger on her lips.

"I'm glad it was you."

"But you are in love with the girl with mask and not with the real me." She said, biting her lip, trying to hold sobs.
Taking a deep breath,  she spoke again.
"And without the mask, I am a nobody."

He gently rested both his hands on her shoulders.
"Ladybug, that's not true. The moment I first saw you, I swore myself that whoever's beneath that mask, I will love her with all my heart."

Hearing this, she hugged the boy, burying her head into his chest.
Surprised by her sudden movement, he simply returned the hug.
"T-thank y-you C-Chat."

They both pulled away from the hug.
"It's alright." He said wiping her tears and gave her a soft smile.

"This Tom-cat will always be here for his love-bug," He said giving her a flirtatious wink.

Hearing this, the heroine turned her face, hoping that he would not see her blushing.

"And I think it's time."

"Time for wh-"She was interrupted by the three detransformation words from his mouth.

"Plagg Claws in."

There was a flash of green, stood there a slender fair-skinned boy with emerald green eyes, peach lips and blond hair swept to the right.


"Happy it was me Milady?"

"Ad-drien? she muttered, astonished.

It was him. She rejected him so many times for his alter ego? They even kissed once, no. Twice actually.  When that came to her mind, she was a blushing mess. Suddenly, she released her transformation.

"Tikki spots off."

Both their Kwamis were staring each other in confusion, processing what had happened.

Adrien stood there, a few questions in his mind.

"Bugaboo, can I ask you something?"

"Y-yes." She responded, still stammering.

"You rejected me so many times for a certain boy, So I guess you don't love me. Do you?

"Ad-rien." She looked straight into his emerald orbs. "The day I fell for him, I-It was the first day of school and It was raining. He handed me his umbrella and from that day, I was totally head over heels for him."

His eyes widened as he remembered the scene, playing clearly inside his mind. "A-are you talking about m-me-ee?

"You guessed it correct kitty." She said, looking down shyly. She gathered all her courage and carried on  "Adrien, I want to tell you that-th-at I-I L-love you."

He took a step towards her, "I love you too. Milady."

"May I?"

Blushing, she nodded her head in agreement.

He took several steps towards her, he wrapped his hand around her tiny waist, pulling her closer. Their faces were inches away and they were staring into each other's eyes. Their hands were locked together. Slowly, they leaned towards each other and then it happened.

As soon as their lips met, fireworks were bursting inside their stomachs. She threw her free hand around his neck, deepening the kiss.

It was a sweet and passionate kiss in which they both melted.

"Ew! gross!"

"Plagg, why do you need to need to ruin the beautiful moment ?"

"Love is just so-"

"Shut it up Plagg !" The kwamis were arguing, so they did not notice the faces of their human friends who had just pulled away from a loving kiss.

 Both the little creatures turned around to see Adrien and Marinette looking at each other, still holding hands and faces bright red. As they were about to lean in for another kiss...

"Get a room! This lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!"

All three of them looked at Plagg and burst into laughter.

Right then Marinette got up op her tippy-toes and gave Adrien a small peck on his lips.

"Let's get going. We have school tomorrow."

"As you wish Bugginette," he said, before transforming into Chat Noir.

Hearing this, she playfully rolled her eyes. Just as she was about to say the transformation words, the cat-themed superhero lifted her into his arms in bridal style and jumped from roof to roof and dropped his lady on her balcony.

"See you tomorrow, M'Ladybug." He said, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Good night Chaton."

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