The Surprise

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"Marinette trust me, it'll be good." Alya said.

"But what if I make a total fool of myself?"

"You already are acting like one Marinette!" Chloe yelled.

"Hey!" Marinette squeaked.

"What? Your date will be fabulous. Now don't overreact, it makes you look like a fool"

Marinette and Alya started giggling.Before the conversation could move further, the blunette's mother called;

"Marinette! Marinette! Adrien's here!"


"Bye guys!"

"Enjoy your date girl!" Alya shouted.

"All the best! Have fun!"

Marinette was exitingly walking down the stairs when she missed a step and tripped down. Typical Marinette.

Seeing this, Alya and Chloe facepalmed.

But before she could meet the floor, strong arms grabbed her hand and waist.

"Falling for me already, Milady?" He said, they both were in the same position as before, Adrien was standing with one of his hands on her waist and other locked with her hand. She was dipped down and was holding his shoulder for support, staring into his emerald green orbs.

"Yeah, I guess Eiffel for you." They both were laughing at her joke, which was also heard by the two girls who were inside Marinette's room.

While all this was happening Sabine was standing behind them. She cleared her throat to get the young couple's attention.

"Ahem, Ahe-m"

Both of them turned around to see Sabine, who was smiling at them.

"Save some for your date you two!" She said calmly, giving them a wink.

Both of them were surrounded by a wave of awkward silence.

The blonde picked up the bouquet kept on the table, which was, thankfully unnototiced by the blue haired girl. He turn around to face her.

"Marinette." He said handing the bouquet to her.

"Thank you." She said, receiving the bouquet. She gently pressed her lips against his cheeks, making him blush.He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Shall we, bug?" He asked extending his hand towards her.

She placed her hand on his and they started walking.

"Bye Mom!"

"Bye Sabine!"

After bidding their goodbye's, they walked out of the bakery, only to find a black car waiting for them.

Adrien walked up to the car, opening the gate for her.

"Aww, how gentlemen-ly of you!" She said, before entering into the car.

"I am your gentleman, Milady" , he said kissing her hand.

Due to this action, she blushed a little.

"C'mon now, are you planning to have your date here?" Plagg popped out of the blonde's suit.


"Okay,okay, I am going inside."

"You better."

They both sat in the car;

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