I'm not Chat Noir anymore

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"Think only positive thoughts son!"

The boy's head was pounding with pain which was getting unbearable by each passing second. After minutes of constantly trying, he finally gave in. Purple bubbles surrounded him and his suit was no longer black. It was white as snow. His blonde hair was white and his gorgeous green eyes that used to shine like emeralds were a light shade of baby blue. The sclera also gained a baby blue colour. His eyes were no longer filled with mischief and playfulness. They were void and filled with hate.

Miss moth chuckled, "Chat Blanc, now you can go get revenge on that bug. Don't spare her, she doesn't deserve you or your love."

"Adrien NO!"

"Cataclysm!" A white aura appeared on his hand and he destroyed all the ropes. He stood up.

A smirk appeared on Chat blanc's face, "I'm coming to get you, M'lady!"

Saying this, he left the lair and headed towards the bakery. The sun was nearly down, the Parisian sky was painted with hues of yellow, orange and red.

On reaching, he knocked the trapdoor three times, but there was no answer. He saw the blunette sobbing silently under the sheets.

To get the fashion designer's attention, he dropped one of the flower pots.

Hearing the loud thud from the balcony, the heroine became worried and had the urge to see what was going on in the balcony. She opened her trapdoor and came out. She turned to see where there was a broken flower pot.

Marinette was too busy cleaning the mess to notice a white feline entering her room.

Chat hid behind her chaise, waiting for the bluebell-eyed girl to enter her room.

As soon as she entered her room, she sat down on her chair instead of resting on her head. She was so exhausted due to lack of sleep and stress. What she didn't notice was the footsteps of Chat.

When he reached near her chair, he bent down to her level.

Marinette, who had her eyes closed, felt a tickling on her neck which sent shivers down her spine. 

But when she turned around, she saw no one. What she felt was too real to be a figment of her imagination. She didn't bother to disturb Tikki who was sleeping on her peacefully bed as the previous night she was awake to comfort the heroine. 

Marinette simply shrugged it off and picked up her sketchbook when she felt someone's hot breath again but this time on her ear and a whisper;


She was about to scream when a white-gloved hand covered her mouth. Chat Blanc spun her around to see her face to face, his hand still on her mouth.

The bluenette stared wide-eyed at him who was oddly familiar. Then it struck her mind.

'Oh no.'

"Miss me?"

Marinette was so surprised that no words came out of her mouth when his hand was lowered.

"C-Chat Noir?" She stood up from the chair, "A-Adrien?"

"No! I'm not Adrien or Chat Noir."  He whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine.

"T-then?" She asked, stepping backwards.

"I'm Chat Blanc." He said, taking a step towards her.

"Is my princess afraid of me?"

"N-No." She stuttered, taking a step backwards.

"Doesn't look like it." He took another step towards her.

"Please, Chat Noir I'm sorry!"

"It's Chat Blanc to you!" He almost yelled.

"Sorry, Chat B-Blanc!"

His face showed almost no emotion, but his eyes reflected pure disgust.

"After everything you've done, you are saying sorry?"

"I didn't mean to-"


"You broke my heart, you said you didn't love me?" He said, successfully pinning her to the wall.

"N-No, I love you!"

"Then prove it." He demanded as he started leaning into her.

She had no choice, to save herself from this situation, she also leaned in.

Their lips met, but the feeling was different. It was not passionate, but harsh and needy.

After a while, they pulled away, gasping for air.

He stepped back, his tail was wrapped around her torso, securely fixed so that she has no chance to escape.

"You're coming with me."


"Do you think I asked you for your opinion?"

Saying this, he lifted her in bridal style and jumped towards the trapdoor.

"Where are we going?"

"Wherever I take you." He said, grinning.

She didn't answer, just buried her head in his chest.

They reached another mansion that was half the size of Adrien's House but still big enough.

He kicked open the door and entered the mansion and proceeded to open another door, which was of a bedroom, a king-sized bed, beautiful furniture with lavish designs.

The bluenette did not dare to speak a word, knowing that infuriating Chat can lead to severe consequences.

He went up to the bed and rested her shaking body. He revealed a rope out of nowhere and tied her hands to the bedpost.

"No funny business until I return. I will be back in a few."

Marinette nodded, not knowing what will come next.

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