What is this weird feeling?

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"Hello, Tom, Sabine!"

"Hi, Mama papa!" Marinette said pecking her parent's cheeks.

"How was your day sweetie?" The baker asked.

"Hello, Adrien!" Sabine greeted him with a tray full of freshly baked croissants.

"Here, take some."

"Thank you very much, Sabine, you know how much I love them!"

"Say, Adrien, who was your first love?" Tom Dupain asked, his intention was clear; to tease the kids.

Seeing Marinette's reaction to this question, he smirked as he knew that she was expecting him to say her name.



"What, I told the truth!"

Marinette pouted, to show as if she was a bit mad at him, but it was just an act.

"Okay, the next time you need something, just ask your 'first love'! I am out!" Saying this she walked upstairs.

"Are you mad at him Marinette?" Tikki popped out of her chosen's purse.

"What do you think Tikki?"

"I sure you want to give him a hard time!"

"That's correct," Marinette said giggling.

"Let's go into the room and wait for him to come."

"I can't wait to see what happens next."

Meanwhile, Tom and Sabine were standing in front of the blonde, smiling.

"Looks like your joke made her mad," Tom said, laughing.

"Oh don't worry Tom she is just pretending, she is not the jealous type."

"Good luck then, Adrien," Sabine said.

Adrien nodded his head and made his way to the bluenette's room.

"Buginette, open the door." He tried to open the trap door but it was locked.

"No, I won't."

"Okay then. Don't say me I didn't warn you."

"Yeah, just go and have fun with your first love." Marinette was trying to sound serious.

But of course, the model knew her too well.

"Okay, then I'm coming."

"Cataclysm!" Adrien shouted. "Will you open the door or I can destroy it and enter myself?"

Sighing in defeat, she opened the door.

Adrien instantly jumped inside and grabbed the bluenette by hand, spun her three times and dipped her down, holding her waist.

"So, you thought croissants were my first love, huh?" Adrien whispered in her ear.

"You said it yourself!"

"Is my bug jealous?" He asked with a smirk.

"What makes you think I am jealous?"

"Your face?"


He leaned in towards her ear, and whispered,

"You know I was just trying to poke fun at you when I said that. There's only one person who has my heart and it's..."

"Who?" Marinette asked, trying to act innocent.

"You..." saying this he pressed his lips against hers.

While they were kissing, Plagg and Tikki were watching them from a distance.

"Gross! All this makes me lose my appetite."

"Way to ruin this beautiful moment. I wonder why cats are so much annoying."

"Hey! at least I am not a love bug."

Plagg and Tikki were arguing, The young couple who just broke the kiss was sitting on the desk, trying to do their Physics homework.

"How on earth can this be your favourite subject?"

"I love Physics, that's all."


"Let me show you why,"

With that Adrien started explaining the blunette how the question was supposed to be solved. A little later, they had finished, Adrien decided to ask her what was bothering his lady.


"Yes, kitty, what is it?"

"This morning, after fighting the Akuma, something was bugging M'ladybug and you promised to tell me about it."

"About that..." Marinette said, taking a deep breath in, "I have a very weird feeling as if something is going to happen, and it will be big, really big."

"How are you so sure about it?"

"You see, Hawkmoth has been coming up with really lame and weak villains and the Akuma attacks are also infrequent."

"So, what does this have to do with-" He was cut off in between by Marinette.

"It has something to do with us, he must be planning something, and we need to be prepared."

"Don't worry, it's you and me against the world, M'lady."

"I know Chaton, you will always be my side, I don't even need to ask you that." She said kissing his temple.

"Of course."

"I Love you," Marinette said, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." The blonde said resting his head on hers.

They stayed like that for a while, when;

"This Friday would you like to go on another date with me?" Adrien asked.

I'd love to."

"Adrien, would you like to come to the balcony, we need to talk about something." A smirk appeared on the bluenette's face.

"Sure, let's go."

They both entered the balcony through the trapdoor above the bluenette's loft bed.

"The view is so beautiful!"

Marinette replied with a hum.

"We have some business to take care of."

"And what exactly is that business?"

"This weekend, there is another rehearsal of the kitty section."

"Okay, so?"

"Chloe has a crush on a certain guitarist and our goal is to bring them together."

"Oh, so how do we do it?"

"Here's a plan, but we need Alya and Nino too."

Marinette whispered something in his ear.

"So how does it sound?"

"Sounds like a plan."

But things don't always go as planned, do they?

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