Not meant to be

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(I know I already did one similar but here we go again :D)

TW- Depression is mentioned. And possibly some other things some viewers may find uncomfortable or might be triggering. I apologize if I'm doing this wrong but triggering someone is the last thing I want to do.

Lucy's POV

It was snowing. I remember it clear as day. The day Natsu broke my heart.

Flashback -

I had smiled a little as I noticed the snow pouring outside, it was the first snow fall of the year! I grabbed my jacket and walked outside as I looked up at the sky and relaxed. This would be so much better had Natsu still been here. But alas he was not back from his one year training.

My eyes began to water as the pain and emptiness I felt began to grow. "I miss you so much..." I whispered as I let myself fall down onto my knees. When will you be back?

Will you ever be back?

I've never felt so alone in me entire life, with the guild disbanding not long after Natsu left I truly was left alone. I fell into depression not long after.

Of course I had my fellow guild mates like Levy, Erza, Mira and a couple of others insist that they stay with me or vice-versa. But I had declined each time no matter how badly I actually wanted it. A burden was the last thing I wanted to be with anyone.

Shortly after that I never heard from them again. I attempted to try and re-locate them, going only off the little information I had and anything I heard on the streets or read in magazines, but I don't know how accurate any of it was. I was no longer in touch with my old guild mates and that only pained me more.

Oh GOD how I wish it would end, the feelings I have... I would never wish it upon my worst enemies. Ever.

I stood up from the floor as I felt the cold snow begin to pierce at my legs. I breathed out, fog forming infront of my mouth. I began walking back to my apartment, heading up the two steps I had to go through before entering,


I recognized that voice anywhere.

I stopped in my tracks as my eyes widened. I think I'm going insane. I looked to my left and saw nothing, scoffing as I face palmed, "Just your imagination." I said to myself.

"Lucy??" I froze. Could it really be? I looked to my right. There he was. Natsu Dragneel. The man I had been waiting for for a year now. My eyes began to water, "Natsu...?" I questioned, if this is a dream. Please don't ever let me wake up.

I slowly made my way towards him, "LUSHEEEEEE!!!" I heard a certain blue exceed call as he came out from behind Natsu, crashing into my chest as he cried with me, "I missed you so much Lushe!!!!" He bawled his eyes out as I smiled.

I don't think this is a dream. I pinched myself just to make sure, and when I felt pain I gasped. Grasping onto Happy as I cried my heart out. The day finally arrived! "I missed you so much too buddy." I wailed for a good minute before turning my attention back to the dragon slayer who had been oddly quiet.

I wiped some tears away as I smiled at him, "Welcome home... Natsu..." I opened one arm welcoming him into a hug while I held Happy with the other hand, he smiled, "It's good to be back... Lucy..." he said as he took up my offer and embraced Happy and I. He held me tight. But I held him tighter.

He had called me Lucy, which was odd. But I didn't think much of it. After all we had not seen each other in a year. He pulled away first and I had noticed his hair grew a lot, he looked like the same old Natsu I knew, except different at the same time. If that makes any sense.

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