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Lucy's POV


He would never cheat on me.... Right...?


Narrator's POV


Lucy and Natsu Dragneel, have been a married couple for almost 8 years.

They we're loyal to each other, and never kept a secret from each other...

But Lucy was starting to doubt there relationship.....

What if he was secretly dating another girl....? What if he was cheating on Lucy....?

Just the thought of that made Lucy shiver.

What if he leaves her...
Is he really Loyal...? Or is it an act....?

What if he doesn't love me...?

Lucy swallowed the non lump in her throat, to scared to even think of that....

But what if it was true!? Then what would Lucy do...?


Lucy's POV


I layed in my bed awake, it was almost 6 in the morning, I couldn't go to sleep...

I look to the right to see my peaceful sleeping husband...

Maybe he is..?

I mean why wouldn't he!? He can do so much better than me!

But just the thought of him cheating on me got me hard...

Maybe I'll put him to the test....

Yah that's what I'll do!

I gently, quietly got up making sure not to wake him up.

Quickly I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote...

I'm leaving


That's all I wrote, leaving the paper on the stand near the bed. I sighed, its now or never.....

Natsu started stirring in his sleep, quickly I ran to our closet, leaving the door just the tiniest bit open so I can see his reaction...

He yawned stretching and looking to his left, not seeing me..

He scratched the back of his head in confusion, looking around he called out my name.."Luce.....?"

No response.

He kept looking around till the paper I wrote caught his eyes...

"I'm leaving...Lucy..." He read it out loud, and smiled, his cute toothy grin.

He grabbed a pencil scribbling something on the paper before setting it down and getting his phone..

"Babe! She is finally gone! Yah! You should come over so we can have a little fun~! Alrighty then! See you soon! Ok! Love ya too!" He hung up and stretched before making his way out of the room...

I didn't move, my heart shattered, I've been betrayed...

I should have known..

Tears trickled down my face as I quietly sobbed.

That dick!

I wiped my tears away, He cheated on was confirmed...
I got out of the closet not bothering to read what he wrote on the paper...

I felt hurt, betrayed....but I felt like the most stupid person in the world....

I should have known...

All his I love you's...were lies...all the hugs, and kisses....were lies...all of him....was a lie.

I grabbed a suit case from under the bed and started packing... If he is gonna have "fun" with his little bitch, then I dont want to be here when it happens...

The doorbell rang just as I finished packing....
Perfect timing...

(Part 2 will be published soon)

ℕ𝕒𝕃𝕦 𝕠𝕟𝕖 - 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz