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Lucy's POV


We enjoyed it that way though, we truly did. Being in each other's presence was enough to soothe us.

Sighing he turned in my bed to face me, "Want to go on a mission tomorrow Luce?" I only nodded and my eyes fluttered shut. I  slowly drifted into a dark abyss known as sleep.


"This one?" Natsu eagerly showed me the job flyer, we have been through about 5 of them. And just when we think we have the one Natsu decides it's not the right one. "Oh jeez Natsu, let's just pick a job and go please!" I whined.

I was getting frustrated, as long as it payed my rent with a few jewels to spare than I could care less about what job it was. Than he held up flyer number 6 and I had an awful feeling in my stomach.

"This is the one Luce! Let's go!" Natsu happily began to march his way towards Mira, "wait Natsu! Shouldn't we keep looking, I have a bad feeling about this one..." I said as I held onto my tummy.

"Luce we will be fine!"

"But Natsu...."

"It's just defeating one monster Luce! It'll be fine!"

Reluctantly I gave in and slowly nodded. Maybe my stomach is just acting up. I shook the terrible feeling I had away as Natsu came back my way. Reaching out his hand he intertwined our fingers as he gave me his signature grin.

"We'll be fine Luce!" I smiled, "Okay Natsu..." and off we were.


I should have listened to my gut. The feeling I had was for a reason. I sobbed loudly as I held onto Natsu, he had a huge wound on his stomach, his chest, there was blood everywhere my hands were stained with it. His scarf. Everything was stained red.

He defeated the monster. But it got a lot of good hits on him too before going down. Worse than anything I've seen before.

He was almost unrecognizable. It if wasn't for that salmon hair and scaly scarf than one wouldn't be able to tell who he was. "L-Luce..." he choked up.

He began going into a coughing fit, caressing his cheek as I sobbed, "Natsu please.... save your breath I'll get help, I'll get Wendy or someone. Anyone to help. You'll be okay, everything is gonna be okay."

"I'm... s-sorry Luce..." he managed as his breathing slowed down, "Natsu stay with me, please Natsu!" I yelled as I held him close.

Everything was stained red, everything. I hate the color red.

"I- I.... l-love you so... much Luce..." he said in almost a whisper, "I love you so much too Natsu, please stay with me a little longer... please!"

He smiled slowly at me, giving me a weak grin as he caressed my cheek, "I love y-you..."

"Natsu please-" and than the life in his eyes were gone. His warm hand quickly turning cold fell to his side.


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