Remember Me

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Natsu's POV


I sat on a stool, right besides Lucy's limb body...

We we're at the FairyTail infirmary.

"Come on Luce... Please wake up...."

Its been 7 months...

7 months since that one mission....

7 months since I've heard her angelic laugh...

7 months since I've seen her cocoa colored eyes....

7 month of excruciating guilt...

This was all my fault...

If only I got there in time to take the hit... Then she would be fine...

If only...

"Natsu! It's time to eat!" Mira yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled back.

I looked at Luce..

"Please wake up soon Luce..." And with that I left to eat.


"SHUT THE HELL UP GRAY!" I yelled as I punched him square in the face.

"Well you know it's true, just give it up Natsu you know she isn't going to wake up!" Gray yelled as he held his bruised...probably broken...nose.

"You dont know that so shut the hell up!" I was about to punch him in the face again, when Erza came.

Just great...-_-


I walked back to the infirmary, without a scratch, I explained to Erza about what Gray said, he got his ass whooped.

I sighed as I closed the door gently, turning around I see Luce...


"Luce! Luce! Your really awake! This isn't a dream!" I said as I walked up to her, excitment and happiness quickly filled my body.

She looked at me for a bit before saying...

"Who are you?"

I stopped walking....

She doesn't remember....?

"Haha Luce..." I laughed nervously. "Very funny! Come on, don't play like that it's me Natsu!" I say as I began to sweat nervously.

She stayed quiet.

"No! I don't know who you are! Where am I!?" She said looking around the room....

"Haha funny Luce, I'll go tell the guild your awake..." I said as I walked out of the room


It can't be true...

She doesn't remember me!?

I punched the wall, making a big hole in it, I fell to my knees...

"" I cried.


3 Months Later

Its been 3 months, and we have been able to explain to Luce about almost everything....

I didn't tell her about the day it all happened....

Or about me and her....

And now...

She was dating Gray....

Only Gray, Mira, and I knew about what happened to Luce...

About the mission....

But I didn't tell her about that certain day....


I watched from a distance as Lucy held onto Gray's arm, smiling.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" Mira asked me as she stared at the couple, while cleaning the plates.

"I can't" I said.

"Yes you can Natsu, come on, tell her your true feelings." Mira said as she smiled softly..

"I'm afraid.." I admitted.

"Afraid of what?" Mira asked gently.

"Afraid...afraid that she will lose her smile again if I tell her....."  I said as tears streamed down my face...

"But then again Natsu, you telling her may cause her memory to restore..." Mira said..

She is right....

I nodded "Okay Mira!" With confidence I rushed out of the guild to Lucy's apartment, not before hearing a "Good Luck." From Mira.


Lucy's POV


"Bye Gray!" I waved as I walked into my apartment, he smiled and waved.

I turned around with the colorful roses he had given me on our date, in my hand.

"I didn't even feel my heart skip a beat once..." I mumbled in disappointment.

"Hey Luce."

Startled I throw my bouquet of flowers.

I look up, frustrated I say "What are you doing here Natsu!?"

Ignoring my question completely, he ask.."Are these flowers from Gray?"

"Ye-Hey! DONT EAT THEM!" Lighting them on fire he pops them into his mouth.

I sigh walking to my bookshelf.

"Whatever, Natsu get out, I'm tired, and I'm not in the mood." I say as I reach out for a book.

I blush as Natsu pressed his body against mine...

"N-Natsu!?" I say flustered.

Slamming his hand on the wall he grabs my shoulder and forcefully turns me around, making me drop my book.

Before I get a chance to response, He slams his lips on mine.

I immediately melt into the kiss, this feels so wrong.... I have Gray.... But....its like our lips are perfectly molded together...

He grabs my waist as he begins to slowly walk forward, making me walk backwards, falling onto the bed we stop the heated kiss, panting he says "If I can't get you to notice me, then I'll make you notice me in this way." He says as he slowly licks up my neck.

I moan softly.

I look at him mesmerized by his eyes... I want to say 'I Love You!' I want to say something.... But nothing came out....




I don't know what, or how it happened.... I just know it happened.... But I didn't regret it one bit...


One thing led to another, and I soon woke up with him by my side.

Natsu was still asleep...

My heart beats so fast just seeing him...

I slowly stroke his hair..

He stirs, than opens one eye, smiling that toothy grin of his he says "Mornin Luce!"

I blush "Natsu! You idiot! Get out!" I slap him, which then leads him to fall out the open window.

"Oww! Nazu? Why are you naked!? Get off of me!!" I looked out the window, the blanket covering my naked body, to see a buttnaked Natsu on top of the now squished Happy.

"Will you just shut up and let me borrow your cloths!?" Natsu said.

"I don't wear clothes!!" Cried Happy.

I cant believe this...

I smiled softly...


I love you Natsu....

▶The End◀

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