High School <Pt. 2>

500 24 15

Still dedicated to: WendyTheNaluFan 💜


Natsu's POV


I sighed walking to my dorm, my hands in my pocket, as I kicked near by stones and pinecones.

What happened?

Luce and I we're great a few minutes ago! Then BOOM just like that our friendship is over.....


Lucy's POV


I sighed, as I stared at my wall, no emotions filled my eyes....

Everything was so grey... So sad... So dull. But I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm just glad I wont have to deal with these crapy emotions later....

Maybe things can go back to normal...


<The Next Day>

It was currently lunch, I was sitting with all my friends. Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Jellal, Gray, Juvia, Cana, Mira, Laxus, Wendy, Romeo, Natsu, and Lisanna.

Altough Levy was talking about a new book she got, I was too lost in my thoughts to pay much attention.

As I sat there with no emotions, I played with my peas, using a spoon to move them around in slow circles.

I haven't ate anything.... But I'm not hungry.

"I'm gonna throw away my food." I said, my voice dull.

Before I let anyone respond I walked away from the group, throwing my food away, I contiued walking, not wanting to talk to anyone, I walked up to the roof.

As I sat down, I hugged my knees close to me. I just wanted to go home, curl up in a ball, and watch a movie.

Before I knew it, I had began to cry, not realizing I had held in my tears.

I sniffed as I wiped some of my tears away. "Hey, is this seat taken?" I looked up to see Erza with a soft smile.

I shook my head, as she sat down next to me.

It was quite. But not an awkward quite, more like a calm, relaxing type of quite...

"You love him don't you?" Erza asked softly.

"N-No." I said.

"Lucy, how much longer are you gonna keep it hidden? You know you love Natsu, why do you keep denying it? I know he is with Lissana, but that doesn't mean you don't have a chance, although he is planning to marry her, he hasn't married her yet, plus, I bet He will return the feelings, knowing him, I know he loves you too, although he is gonna deny it..... But that isn't the point. The point is, I love Lissana like a sister, and Natsu like a brother, but I know that they are not meant to be, they were never meant to be, it was always you and him Lucy." Erza said, with a contagious smile.

"Y-you really think so...?" I asked as I wiped my tears away.

"I dont think, I know." She said while standing up and dusting her skirt off, offering me a hand that I gladly took.

I hugged her tightly "Thank you Erza." I said.

She hugged me back just as tight.

"Now, go get your man." She said.

I smiled nodding in determination, I ran back to the cafeteria.

"Natsu!!" I yelled, I had ran all the way from the rooftop to the cafeteria, "I need to talk to you.... Alone." He looked shocked, but stood up and followed me to who know where.


As we finally got to a place I know we'll have privacy I spoke up, "Sorry."

"For what?"

"Ending our friendship like that....."


"You know Natsu... For the longest time I've had a crush on you...." I said, I saw his reaction, wide eyed and shocked, I knew this was gonna happen, our friendship is really over.... I smiled softly trying to hide my pain, I closed my eyes and continued, "Hehe, it's funny how the world works, one second your my bestfriend, and the next second I get feelings for you. But..... Your engaged, and I had my chance, I fucked it up, just like I do with a lot of things, you'll never know how many days I had, and will spend regretting not talking to you sooner, but then again, I knew I never had a chance with you.... Yet I could never stop my heart from beating when you smiled. So this is my confession.... Although I already know the answer.... And I know later I'll be crying, but you wont be there to comfort me, 'cause we won't even glance at each other anymore after I tell you this.... Natsu Dragneel, my bestfriend since day 1, the person I trust the most, the person I've shared so many emotions with, my partner in crime.... I Love You...."


<To Be Continued>

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