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"You forgive me?" Charlie asked the weak girl as she nodded her head. He hugged her ever so gently and kissed her head. "Did Jace do this?" Savannah asked as she held the girl's hand. Sophia looked at Sav and shook her head sadly. "We need to file a report with the police," Owen said. Sophia just stared blankly at the wall, not knowing what to say. "I-I don't know," She said looking down as she fiddled with her hands. "You don't have to make any decisions right now, but we need to do something," Charlie said as he laid in the bed next to her. She cuddled into his side, wincing at every move she made.

"Ms. Avery, the police are here to speak with you," The doctor said ushering the police to walk in. Everyone left except Charlie, who wanted to keep her company. The policemen sat down in the chair next to Sophia's bed. 

"We're going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them to the best of your ability," She nodded her head as they continued.

"Who did this to you?"

"Jace Norman," She managed to squeak out.

"How long was the abuse going on for?"

"6 months," Charlie held her hand as a tear escaped her eyes for what seemed the millionth time that day.

"Thank you, Sophia. We will be in touch," They said and walked out of the room. 

Sophia thought there would be more questions, but I guess that's all they needed to know at that moment. The rest of the group walked back into the room and sat with the sad girl. She continued to cuddle Charlie until she eventually fell asleep. He looked at the sleeping girl and thought everything was finally going to be alright. Things were going to go back to the way they were and they'd be happy. 

"Charlie, I swear to God, if you hurt her again I will kill you," Savannah said as Owen agreed with her.

"I definitely won't, but that is if she'll have me again. I know I messed up in the past, but I want to try my hardest to make her happy again, make her whole," He said as he kissed the girl's head. 

"You really do love her, huh?" Owen asked looking up at the boy.

"Yeah. She's been the first girl I've actually felt this way about. I honestly don't even know why I got together with Isabel, I guess I didn't want to hurt her feelings. But, I ended up hurting Sophia's in the process," The boy said sadly. "I'm seriously so in love with her,"

Savannah smiled at her friend, taking him on his word. He knew if he did some stupid shit like that again, Savannah would have his head on a wooden stake. The three sat in the room chatting as they waited for Sophia to wake up again. They spent the next hour just thinking about all the fun time they've had with their friend. They were finally happy to have her back to her old self and back to filming. 


@savannahleemay just posted a photo!

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@savannahleemay: This is my best friend, Sophia, as many of you know. She is the most kind-hearted person I know and anyone is lucky enough to have her in their life. I am so lucky she is my best friend. I'm so happy youre back :)

tagged: @sophiaavery

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@Owenjoyner just posted a photo!

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@owenjoyner: I remember this day like it was yesterday. You had asked me to take some pictures of you bc the makeup lady did really good and you just wanted to capture it. I hope for many more days like this with someone who I consider my family.

tagged: @sophiaavery

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@Charles_gillespie just posted a photo!

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@charles_gillespie: I enjoy taking photos of things I love and I guess that's why I love taking pictures of you so much. Sophia, you mean so much to me and I want everyone to know how much I love you. If you'll have me again, that is.

tagged: @sophiaavery

@sophiaavery: only if you'll have me :)

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