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Six months later

"Sophia, I wish you would just trust me for once!" Jace yelled back at his girlfriend. Sophia sat there, staring at the boy she was in love with. "I wish you would give me a good reason to trust you, youre always going behind my back to do things with other girls." The girl said. Before she knew it, Jace slapped her, causing her cheek to turn bright red. The force of the hit brought her to the ground, where the boy just laughed at her and walked away. Sophia didn't know what to do, she was so utterly in love with Jace and she believed he was a good guy, she just set him off sometimes. In the past 5 months, Sophia has become Jace's punching bag. No one knows and she doesn't plan on letting anyone find out. If they did, they would kill Jace. 

Sophia walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbing her phone, and texting Savannah. 'Can you come get me?' She sent the message and sighed as she applied makeup to the fresh new bruise, that being her new talent since being with Jace. Savannah replied with a simple 'yes,' and was on her way to get her friend who, might I add, hadn't seen her in weeks. Jace never let the girl hand out with her castmates outside of work and it really concerned Owen and Savannah. Sophia sat on the couch, praying Jace wouldn't come out as she was leaving with Savannah. She felt like she was going behind his back, which she was. Anytime Sophia "disobeys" Jace, he flips a switch and he's not the sweet boy she fell in love with six months ago.

As Savannah arrived at Jace's apartment, Sophia quickly ran out the door peaking behind her every chance she got. Her heart was racing and she knew she was going to get it tonight. She made her way to Savannah's car, got in, and hugged the girl tightly. "Soph, I can't breathe, loosen your grip," Savannah giggled as they broke away from the hug. The two girls looked at each other and smiled. Their moment was broken when screams were coming up from upstairs. Sophia looked up to see an angry Jace running down the stairs. She quickly said sorry to Savannah and got out trying to talk to Jace. "JACE, she was just taking me to work!" She said as he pulled her by her wrist up to the apartment and locked the door. This time he didn't slap her, oh no, he punched her square in the jaw causing her to fall back once again. 

Tears filled Sophia's eyes as she crawled to the bathroom. She took a look at herself in the mirror and couldn't recognize herself anymore. This was something she wasn't going to be able to cover, but she had to go to work. Jace came into the bathroom and the sight of him made Sophia flinch. She tried her best to cover up what she could. "You know I only do this because I want you to myself?" He says as he wraps his arms around her waist. She nodded weakly and looked at him. The boy plants a kiss on her lips and grabbing her hand, leading her to the living room. "Now, let's get you to work!" Jace said as the two walked down to his car.

Sophia sat in his car in fear. In fear about what would say when they noticed her bruise, or what Jace would say if she tried to talk to her friends. They drove to set in complete silence, Sophia afraid to say anything to him. They got to set and they both quickly walked inside finding Kenny and the others. She caught Charlie's eye, which made her stomach drop. He looked at her confused as he saw the bruise on her cheek. His face faltered and he slowly started walking up to Jace and me.

Charlie pushed Jace to the ground and started pounding into his face. Sophia shouted in fear, while Owen, Jeremy, and BooBoo tried to get Charlie off Jace. They manage to get him off as Jace runs to Sophia and she holds him in a tight grip. "CHARLIE WHAT THE FUCK," Sophia yells at him expecting an answer. "He hits you, Sophia, doesn't he?" He asks and Sophia's face drops. "No, he doesn't," She said as she looked Charlie in the eyes. "Then what's that bruise from?" He asked pointing to her cheek. "I fell, Charlie. If that's what you really wanted to know," She scoffed and walked off with Jace, stroking his hair. Sophia couldn't believe Charlie would do that to Jace. She was in disbelief as she drove them home. Did this mean he still had feelings for her?

forever after all - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now