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"And that's a wrap on Julie and the Phantoms!" Kenny shouts as everyone claps their hands. That was it, we're done. I was so happy to have an opportunity like this, but it's so hard to say goodbye. "If anyone would like to say anything, go ahead," Kenny says as Madison steps forwards. "Um, I mean, it's a lot. It truly is and you guys have made it so amazing. Seeing all of your faces every day is so much fun and just seeing you guys, just really makes me wanna come back to work and do it all over again. and even though we're all tired, having a group of you guys here and the energy you guys bring out just wakes me up every morning. I really just wanna thank yall and wish yall the best future, and I hope we get a season two!" She says with tears in her eyes. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me as she cries a little harder.

Jeremy and Owen push Charlie to go next. "I loved working with you guys so much. The one thing I love the most is that we're all back in Canada doing this. This Is crazy, you're gonna love Vancouver. But you guys worked so hard and you're all so talented and what I love about all you guys is every single one of you just wants to give their best job, and I appreciate that. Thank you for giving me -us- this amazing opportunity. We are so so so blessed." He says walking back to his spot as everyone claps.

Owen walks up next and shakes off his nerves as he begins to speak. "But honestly, every day we came here you put all you had into it and working your ass off when we have four minutes left. Sincerely, I haven't done a lot and this feels special so thank you guys," He says walking back clapping with everyone else. Madison shoves Jeremy forward, chuckling and clapping along. "I don't know what I can say that these three haven't so. But, again, thank you so much for being the best crew we could possibly ask for. Everybody showing up every day, giving your A-game, the smiles on set, the energy Kenny that you bring. Thank you for casting us and giving us such an amazing opportunity to be apart of, I think, a very special show. Thank you guys for being the best casting crew. We love you so much. We hope for more seasons and wish you guys the best!" He says as everyone claps once again and it was finally my turn. Madison shoves me forward the same way she did Jeremy, causing me to giggle.

"Wow, where do I even start? I've known Kenny pretty much since I was a child and to work with you has been an amazing opportunity. My sister always said you were the funniest guy she knew and she wasn't lying. I just want to thank everyone who came to set every day and gave their all, even when they were tired. This has been, by far, my favorite project to work on and I can't wait to see how it turns out. You guys have become my family and it sucks we're all leaving. But, I'm hoping and praying for another season so I can do this all over again with my favorite people. Thank you, Kenny, for always pushing me to do my hardest and never giving up on me. Thank you, Madison, for being like my little sister and always keeping me in check when I needed it. Jeremy, Owen, thank you guys for being like the brothers I never got and always being there for me. Charlie, I don't even know what to say about you without crying. You helped me come out of a terrible situation and become me again, and I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. You guys mean more to me than I could ever put into words and I can't thank you enough. I love you guys with my whole heart," I say as I walk back to my spot and am brought into a hug by my 3 friends.

The tears brim my eyes and I know I'm going to start bawling soon. "On 3, that's a wrap!" Kenny says as he starts the countdown. "THAT'S A WRAP!" We all yell and clap. It was really over, the best show I have ever had the chance to work on. "Don't forget we have a wrap party tonight and I expect everyone to be there dressed sharp! I'll see you guys tonight!" Kenny says as he dismisses us. I sling my arm over Madison's shoulder as we both cry, not thinking this was real and we were really leaving. "I can't believe it's over," She says wiping her tears away. "I know, it's surreal," I say brushing her hair out of her face. "But, don't think you're getting rid of me that fast. We're gonna talk every day, I promise," I say bringing her into a big bear hug. "I'm so proud of you," I hear from behind me as I break away from the hug. I turn to see Charlie who is smiling from ear to ear. I lunge myself onto him and hug him. "I love you," I whisper. "I love you more," He whispers back, stroking my hair.

forever after all - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now