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We made our way back to the dance studio to finish the rest of the dance. I tried my best to shake my thought of that night out of my head. For years, i've blamed myself for what happened that night. Honestly, i still do. I could've stopped him. I could've said one thing and he would've gotten out of the car. He would still be here. I haven't thought about anyone in the way i thought about him since that night. When i saw Charlie, i was scared. Scared of feeling that way for someone again. Scared of losing someone i loved dearly once again.

I shook those thought out of my head and began to finish the dance with the rest of the girls. This was a dance i knew i would never be able to get out of my head. I was so excited for what other dances we had to learn during this filming process.

"Okay ladies! That was amazing." Tori said clapping her hands. "Now that we know the dance, Sophia. You are needed in hair and makeup for your first scene."

I nodded as i headed towards the trailer. As i walked in, Charlie was sitting in one of the chairs getting his hair done for his next scene.

"Hi Charlie." I said sitting in the chair next to him.

"Hi," He smiled big.

We fell in silence as I got my pink wig put on and my makeup done. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't even recognize myself with the wig on. I liked it. I thought to myself.

"Nice hair," Charlie chuckled next to me.

"You too weirdo," I said looking at his half finished hair.

One part of his hair was sticking straight up and the other was down in its normal place. Charlie laughed at me as he looked in the mirror at his beautiful hair. This boy was going give me a heart attack if he didn't stop looking at me like that. The hair and makeup lady finished me up and sent me on my way. I waved bye to Charlie as I went to go get my costume on.

We were filming the dance scene to 'Wow' and i was over the moon. Savannah came up next to me in her purple wig and costume.

"I can't believe this is happening!" She squealed.

"I know, i'm so excited for how this is going to turn out," I said smiling at her.

"Alright ladies of Dirty Candy. We are filming 'wow' today and from what Tori has told me, you guys are killing it!" Kenny

We all got into our formations as we waiting for the song to start. As the music started, i could feel my body move to the music. I didn't even have to think about it., it just came naturally. As i continued dancing, i caught the eye of Charlie. He was staring at me. He had this look in his eyes, but i couldn't quiet tell what it was. That look alone gave me butterflies. I quickly looked away and continued to dance.

As we finished, i caught the eye of Charlie again. Everyone clapped and shouted for us. I walked up to Kenny who brought me into a big hug.

"Sophia! That was amazing!" He said, "I knew i made the right decision."

"Soph! that was amazing!" Mads said hugging me.

"Im sorry we're best friends now," Owen said laughing.

"Don't let Sav here that," I said looking at Sav who had a fake mean look on her face.

"That was really good Soph," Charlie said walking up to me. He looked like he wanted to say something else but descided not to.

"Thanks Gillespie," I smiled.

"Gillespie? That's what youre calling me now?" He questioned with his brow up.

"We'll that's your name isn't it? I could call you canadian boy if you would prefer that," I laugh.

"Oh no no no, Gillespie is perfectly fine with me, Avery," he said winking at me.

I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach once again.  I knew i needed to do something about this feeling.

But i didn't know what.

forever after all - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now