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The cool afternoon breeze blew past, causing his hair to go wild. He was quite happy with the length of his hair and he counted himself lucky that his hair stopped growing once it reached his shoulders. He always thought it was a stupid rule to not cut their hair. He was a guy for the Hidden's sake.

He spotted a nightshade and went towards it, basket in hand as he bent down slightly to pick it up before placing it in his basket along with the other plants he had picked. He continued walking round the forest, gathering herbs for his mother. She was the best healer in their village. At least, according to him.

When a Fae child is born, they are taken to the Stone of Rites where the Hiddenite decides if the child would be a protector, a royal or a healer. That way, a Fae knows his or her place and duty in the village. All Faes at fourteen years, start contributing to the village but he was a different case. At twenty two, he still did not know his place or duty in the village. When he was taken to the Stone of Rites, his mother told him that the Hiddenite had not responded so he had taken to being a healer just like his mom while his older sister was pronounced a protector from birth. Rumor has it that the Hiddenite had actually responded but his mother kept his role a secret.

He continued his walk around the forest, heading home, singing softly to himself and maneuvering his way through the very woods he had grown up in. He was halfway to his small village before he felt something fall on his hand. He brought it up to his face and studied it closely. It was black ash. The male dropped his basket and took off in a full run towards his home. Black ash could only mean one thing: his village was under attack.

He made his way to the edge of the forest and he immediately felt like puking. The sight was gruesome. Vampires were sinking their fangs into every creature they could get their hands on. The protectors were doing their best to defend the Faes but the vampires were just too much. As if in a trance, he staggered through the chaos and headed in the direction of his home. He needed to find his mother. He knew if a vampire happened to spot him, he would become a meal but he couldn't care less. His mother was his top priority.

Just a few feet from their home, he saw his sister fighting and destroying a vampire. He quickened his pace and he was standing beside her in no time.

"Seokjin! What are you doing here?" His sister asked, all bloody and weilding an equally bloody sword, her gaze full of worry but still scanning the surroundings to make sure no vampire was in sight.

"I need to find mom. Where is she?"

He didn't know why, but he felt like his mom was calling out to him.

"She and Aunt are at the top of the hill, at the Stone of Rites."

Hearing those words, the young male dashed towards the direction of the Stone of Rites. He encountered a few vampires on the way but he was able to evade them. Once he reached the top of the hill, he dashed inside the cave where the Stone of Rites laid.



The male called, only to have his voice echo back.

"Mom!! Aunt!!" He tried again and this time, he heard shuffling. He looked towards the sound and his eyes widened in horror.

"Mom!!" He ran to her side. She was sitting on the floor, back resting on one of the stones, bloody and clutching a bloody sword in one hand, other hand, enclosed in a fist. The young male surveyed the damage done and he found a deep gash in his mother's stomach and another cut on the side of her face.

"Mom, what happened? Where's Aunt? Hold on, I'll get some herbs to help you."

He was about to stand and leave to do just that when his mother grabbed his hand tightly, stopping him.

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)Where stories live. Discover now