Chapter 1

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Third person pov

"How did he get that?"

"And why a rose?"

"Shh!! He's waking up."

Seokjin sat up slowly, clutching the side of his head and groaned in pain when the ray of light hit him directly.

"What happened?"he questioned, vision still blurry but he was able to make out the features of his two best friends.

"We should be asking you that. You just passed out so suddenly that we were scared you dropped dead." Taehyung's words were met with a slap on his arm from Jimin.

"Nevermind Taehyung. How are you feeling?"asked Jimin like the sweet little angel he was.

"I have a terrible headache but other than that, I'm ok."

"The medicine I gave you should take care of that in a few minutes."

Seokjin blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision. When he could see clearly again, he studied his surroundings. They were still in the forest but he could see the end of the forest from where they sat.

"Where's aunt?"he asked, only realising now that his aunt was not with them.

"She went to look for her friend that she said would help us."supplied Taehyung as he looked at Seokjin intensely.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"asked Seokjin with raised eyebrows.

"The image on your arm. Have you looked at it?"

Seokjin pulled his shirt down slightly and studied the image of a bleeding rose resting below his clavicle.

"What's wrong with it?"asked Seokjin as he looked back up at Taehyung.

"How did you get it?"asked Jimin.

"I don't know. I just felt a pain there and it appeared."

Before the three males could discuss any further on the topic, the leaves started rustling and each male held their breath in anticipation and let out a sigh of relief when Ji Ah came into view.

"Ok boys. I've located my friend and she's willing to help us. Let's go."

"You mean...... There?" Jimin pointed a shaky finger in the direction of the city.

"Yes. Problem?" Ji Ah asked with one eyebrow raised.

Jimin gulped audibly before replying.

"It's just that..... We've never been to the city before, heck! We haven't even been to this part of the forest before."

Ji Ah sighed deeply before stepping closer to the terrified boys.

"I understand your fears. You just lost everyone you know and care about and now, you're forced to leave the only place you've ever known as home but boys, if we don't leave here, we will surely become the next vampire meal. Plus, we have that thing on Seokjin's shoulder to worry about."

"This friend of yours..... Will he be able to help me?"asked Seokjin with a small voice.

Ji Ah turned to him and smiled.

"She will."


"Thank you for helping us Chaeyoung. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"You repaid me when you saved my life."answered the girl with a smile on her face.

The three boys were seated on the couch sipping a hot chocolaty substance that the lady had kindly offered to them.

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)Where stories live. Discover now