Marks Of A Vampire

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Welcome everyone to the first book in the Blood And Absinthe series. Like I said in the summary, this series is inspired by Chloe Hart's original Blood and Absinthe series but the storyline is entirely mine. I just borrowed the name.

Now, this series will have three books. Which are:

1) Marks of a vampire - Namjin

2) Blood of a vampire - Yoonmin

3) Touch of a vampire - Taekook

Note: these books will each be short and a chapter will carry more than a thousand words.

Facts to know:

1) Faes in this series, have different colors of eyes, not just green ones. The different colors of eyes come with a special power that only that particular Fae has. That is, aside from the normal powers general Faes have.

2) Faes don't cut their hair. They allow it to grow to the extent it wishes. It is a taboo for a Fae to cut their hair be it male or female.

3) Faes serve the Hiddenite - a god and goddess who created the first Fae.

4) Faes are the protectors of nature. They are able to manipulate nature and they have a special connection with nature.

5) There are four groups of Vampires. The grandmasters, the Masters, the Lords and the Fledglings.

6) There have been only two grandmasters in history.

7) Vampires serve Mikhail - a Romanian Carpathian who created the first vampire.

8) Just like blood makes vampires stronger, Absinthe makes Faes stronger too.

9) Absinthe was created by a healer Fae who discovered the wormwood plant and mixed it with other ingredients to form it.

10) Absinthe is dangerous to even Faes which is why they only take it in dire situations.

11) There are three groups of Faes. The Royals, The Protectors and The Healers.

I think that's everything. Have fun reading.

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)Where stories live. Discover now