Chapter 9

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"They're over there."

Seokjin pointed over to the cave he had seen in his vision in the far distance. They were at the docks where Hoseok had lost the trail of the vampires.

"Are you sure?" asked Yoongi.

"Positive. Now we have to find a way to cross over."

"We could rent a boat." Suggested Namjoon.

"Sometimes Joon, I wonder if your brain cells are dead." said Yoongi.

Namjoon let out an offended 'hey', Seokjin snorted and Hoseok chuckled.

"Its literally the middle of the night Joon. Where are you going to find a boat this late?" Said Hoseok.

"I'm not completely stupid. There's a boat over there." He pointed over to a part of the dock where a lone boat stood.

"Hm. There really is a boat." said Hoseok as they all looked towards where the boat was.

"Yeah but the owner isn't there. How are supposed to rent it when we don't know the owner?" Asked Seokjin.

"Easy. Steal it." said Yoongi, already walking towards the boat.

"What?" asked Seokjin as he stared at the retreating backs of the three vampires.
They parked the boat at a hidden corner and alighted the boat as quietly as possible.

"Can you find Jimin?" asked Namjoon to Seokjin.

"I can. I'll feel him when he's close."

"Good. The plan is to get Jimin and get out. Any vampire that tries to stop you, destroy them. Leave Baekhyun and the others to Mikhail. Understood?" said Yoongi. The grandmaster had contacted Mikhail beforehand and had filled him in on the situation and the Carpathian had assured that he would take care of it. If there was something the Carpathian hated more than anything, its rogue vampires and their notion of revolution.

They all nodded.

"Seokjin, I believe you know how to take out a vampire?" asked Yoongi.

"Yep. A fatal hit to the heart."

"Good. Namjoon, Hoseok, our objective is to protect Seokjin and Jimin and get them out of here safely. Understood?"

"Yes." They chorused.

"Now, let's go."

They moved silently and swiftly, taking out the vampires that would get in their way as quietly as possible. They came to a blue door and Seokjin immediately felt Jimin's heartbeat but it was barely there and that had Seokjin panicking.

"Guys, Jimin is in here but his heartbeat is fading!" Seokjin said frantically.

Hoseok kicked in the door and the sight that greeted them was horrendous.

Vampires surrounded a large table where different torture tools laid. Jimin was also on the table, a very ugly vampire standing above him and biting into his flesh. The other vampires too each had a piece of flesh in their mouths, the blood dripping from the corner of their mouths.

Seokjin let out a loud gasp and cupped his mouth as he felt bile rise up his throat. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were quick to take out the vampires and Yoongi picked Jimin's unconscious body up while Namjoon dragged a paralyzed Seokjin out of the cave. Above them, they could hear sounds of a battle going on. There was chaos everywhere. As they ran, they could see the once empty hallways filled with dead bodies and blood everywhere. Seokjin looked towards his left and had the pleasure of seeing a tall, buff man with long flowing hair that fell to his nape, snap Baekhyun's neck as easily as if he was snapping a pencil.
"Will he be okay?" asked a worried Seokjin to Yoongi as he, Taehyung, Jungkook - who had finally woken up - Hoseok and Namjoon were all sitting in the living room. They had come back to the safehouse and Yoongi had immediately whisked Jimin into an empty room to begin healing him.

"I won't lie to you. He's dying."said Yoongi.

Seokjin's knees gave out and he fell to the ground. He already knew it. He had felt Jimin's heartbeat fading faster but he had still held on to hope. Taehyung immediately started crying and buried his face in Jungkook's injured shoulder but Jungkook didn't mind. Instead, he wrapped his hand around Taehyung and silently comforted him.

"Is there nothing you can do to save him?" asked Namjoon as he took in the reaction of the Faes.

"I found a lot of vampire venom in his system and I'm talking about different vampire venoms. Venom from Lords, Fledglings, even a Master. The only way to save him now would be my blood."

Hearing that, Seokjin's whipped his head up and Taehyung stopped crying.

"So do it. Use your blood to save him." said Seokjin.

"You don't understand." Replied Hoseok.

"Understand what?"asked Taehyung.

"If I use my blood to save him, I'm automatically claiming him as my mate. He'll be ok for a while but then he'll begin to crave me. He would experience excruciating pain if I don't finish the mating ritual. Would he really want that?" explained Yoongi.

It was silent for a while as Seokjin thought deeply about it. If he did agree to it, Jimin would be stuck with a mate he probably doesn't want. When Faes mate, they mate for life. But if he didn't agree, Jimin would die. When he felt Jimin's heartbeat slipping away, he made his decision. He looked at Yoongi.

"Do it."
Short and late chapter. Sorry but my phone went bad and I just fixed it. Thanks for your patience and all the love.


Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)Where stories live. Discover now