Chapter 3

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Third person POV

Seokjin stared at the duo in front of them. When he saw Namjoon in the spice shop, he was skeptical and when he saw that he was followed by someone else, he full on became paranoid.

"I'm assuming you've found a way to get rid of the mark and that's why Yoongi is also here. Nice to see you again by the way." Said Chaeyoung.

Yoongi only nodded once in acknowledgement. Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung were seated on the couch in Chaeyoung's apartment while Chaeyoung and Ji Ah were seated on the double sitter. Yoongi was seated on the only arm chair with Namjoon standing beside him. The picture they created reminded Seokjin of a king and his loyal advisor.

"Yeah, we did find something."said Namjoon. "But, Seokjin will have to decide if he wants to do it."

"Why? What is it?"asked Seokjin as he crinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

"To get rid of a vampire's mark, especially one as cunning as Baekhyun, it requires another vampire at the level of Baekhyun to replace the mark with his."said Yoongi.

"I don't understand. "said Seokjin.

"Baekhyun is a Master, therefore it requires another Master to get rid of his mark and place his own there."

"So you're saying that the only way to get rid of a vampire's mark, is to replace it with another?" Asked Ji Ah.

"Yeah pretty much." Answered Yoongi with a shrug.

"But, its important that the vampire who does it, shuts off his link to you so it will just be like its never there in the first place." Namjoon quickly added.

"Which is why, Namjoon will do it." Said Yoongi, like it was already settled.

"What?!!!" Screamed Namjoon and Seokjin simultaneously, looking at the older vampire like he had grown another head.

"Yeah, what?" Said Chaeyoung.

"I said, Namjoon will do it." He repeated.

"Why him?" Asked Seokjin before turning to Namjoon. "No offense."

"None taken." Said Namjoon with a dimpled smile on his face.

"Namjoon will do it because he is the only vampire who can."

"Why can't you do it?" Questioned a timid looking Jimin with a small voice and his head barely looking up.

Seokjin knew that Jimin was naturally a timid person but he had never seen Jimin look so small before. He had met Namjoon before and he was ok. Maybe it was the presence of Yoongi that made him feel so small.

"I can't because the scum is beneath me." Answered Yoongi.

"Translation?" Asked Taehyung.

"I'm not a Master."

"Then what are you?" Asked Seokjin.

"A grandmaster. Therefore, I can't do it. Like I said before, only a Master can replace another Master's mark."

"Fine, how does the replacement work. Is it like a bite or what?"asked Ji Ah.

"Yes and no. Its something more extreme. " Answered Yoongi.

"Extreme how?"asked Chaeyoung.

"Well, the process involves..........intercourse."

The three male Fae looked confused while Ji Ah and Chaeyoung looked scandalized.

"Um.... What is intercourse?"asked Jimin.

Namjoon's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the expression of the three boys

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)Where stories live. Discover now