Chapter XXXII: Down to Business

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There are gonna be big changes around here.


MATURE CONTENT (you've been warned)
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Chapter XXXII: Down to Business


No matter how I looked at the situation, none of what Angel said made sense. Assuredly, my father would occasionally smoke marijuana, drink alcohol, and shoot a gun.

He cursed, wreaked hell, and got into fights.


He was a normal person to me.

Undoubtedly, I found it difficult to believe a single word from Angel's mouth. I'm one-hundred percent sure that there were sides of my father I never got to see. Despite that, could a notorious drug dealing, gambling man really be the person my father was?

I stared blankly at the ceiling. My head hung off the side of the bed as I thought about the conversation from four days ago.

I remained unmoving, allowing every misfortune I had experienced since meeting Angel run across my mind.

Even after so many bad things had happened, I found myself eerily comfortable with this cops and robbers sort of life. I was becoming accustomed to being shot at, abducted, roughed up, living through near death experiences and feeling afraid.

All of the time.

And though Angel seemed loving and protective, he was the person I was most afraid of.

To soothe, then startle.

Whisper, then scream.

Kiss, and then hurt.

This seemed to be the never ending cycle of Angel Magrossa.

Where did my feelings for this man magically appear from?

On other matters, this Miss Seri that I claim to know, do I really know her?

Sure, I've heard mention of her name before but only through hushed conversation.

It wasn't as if my father was occasionally going out to see anyone, he was pretty much a homebody. And during the times he was home, not once did he have women over.

In a way that's very suspicious. I can understand not wanting to knock boots with women while your daughter was home, but to never have any friends or family over seemed strange. On top of that, he barely took calls, so it wasn't as if he was calling anyone. To add to the sauce, I don't know if I even have family outside of my aunt. I've never met anyone outside of my aunt in my entire life.

I deeply sighed from the headache I was beginning to have.

As I sat some more to think about it, I felt every wheel turning in my head.

Thinking of every possibility, every explanation, any excuse. Anything to justify that my father was a normal man.

I gently tapped my fingers on my stomach to create a rhythm.

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