Chapter XXI: Burn Georgi Fredo

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Chapter XXI: Burn Georgi Fredo

Gathering all of my men I set up a sit down. I wanted to have a talk before we stepped into Georgi's territory. The fucking pig believed he could run shit better than me.

It blew my fucking mind away that he'd even try to pull some shit like this. What the fuck was he going to gain by taking Dante?

It wasn't a fucking secret that I was angry that Donnie got to Dante first. What kind of shit was that?

That shit had me seething. Not to mention the fact that I found a number of pigs posted up right outside of my fucking building. It was like they were asking for death. How much stupider could someone get?

Interrupting my thoughts, Freda stepped into the room carrying a stack of paper in his hands.

" We gathered all of the bodies." He stated, walking up to my desk and crossing his hands in front of him.

Sighing, I spun away from him to stare out the window that took up three walls of my office.

" What do we do with bodies, Freda?" I asked him, as I folded my hands over my stomach.

For a moments pause, I waited for Freda to give me an answer.

He caught on, cackling behind me.

" We're going to be shipping those fuckers home, aren't we?" He asked amused, shuffling behind me to put the bunch of papers on my desk.

" Freda, I fucking love you-" I chortled, turning around to give Freda the proper instructions.

" I want you to send them back to Harlem. Make sure you write a 'little love letter' to Gerogi. I imagine he's dreading to hear from me. " I smirked, as he leaned forward and grabbed a pen from the pen stand and grabbing a piece of paper.

" Write, 509." I ordered. Rubbing my chin between my fingers.

" What the fuck is 509?" Freda asked me. A smirk grew on my lips as I rose from the chair. Buttoning my suit and fixing the cuffs of my sleeves.

" 509 is you" I simply said as I leaned back into my chair and looked out the window. My gaze got stuck on a tree that wasn't to far from the window in my office.

It was so damned annoying having to see that shit everyday.
" And get some-fucking-body to take that fucking tree down!" I snapped, to his receding back as he walked out of my office. I went back to staring out the window, imagining all the possible ways I could destroy Georgi Fredo.

"Anhel!" A voice shouted down the hallway.
Sighing, I looked away from the window. Feeling a heavy weight sit in my chest, right before Loni came kicking in the door.

" Anhel, the pig is ambushing." He wheezed, his native tongue completely throwing off his English as he exhaustedly leaned against the doorframe.

Just seconds after he got out his words a loud bang sounded outside. Shaking everything inside of my office and even moving the ground.

" Those fucking ass pipes never get the message." I chortled, before I dug into my suit and pulled out my gun.
" Get every man on fucking post!" I ordered, shooing him out of my office.

"I am sick and tired of these fucking daffodils polluting my fucking garden." I growled. Walking out of my office and calmly walking down the hall.

If any of them knew better they wouldn't get in my way.

" You go in from there." I heard Vito's voice, as I turned a corner of the hallway.

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