My fingers worked quickly as I buttoned up the black sleeveless blazer, the only piece of clothing that I like about this uniform, just wish it had long sleeves now. I let out a non humerus laugh as I looked down at my body with nothing but disgust seen in my eyes "Why does the shirt have to be so short and uncomfortable?" I mumbled under my breath grabbing the oversized black hoodie of mines before dragging it over my waist to hide my ass for now before my manger scolded me again for earring this pathetic ass hoodie

I always have done this so I should be no shocker at anyone that I was having this hoodie wrapped around me. I forced myself to show a small smile on my face I gripping the note pad off the bench before walking out this room with my head held up high over my shoulder

I walked around a table to instantly grab a couples order of thei fine ass mid morning before hurling away from them to the front counter to place their orders for them before I sever them some soft drinks for starters

'This is going to be while boring' Rachel mulled, I smiled before pushing her to the back of my mind

I wrote down the order of a lovely nice old couple, after they gave me their orders. I started walking back to the kitchen to tell the chef what they ordered

I walked right back out the kitchen with the huge tray of drinks in both of my hands, trying my best to balance the heavy load on my unstable hands while walking in a straight line without bumping into anyone but all hope for me was lost, like always. The feeling of a young girl or boy running like the flash or some other Marvel superhero ran into my legs that caused me to become even more unbalanced on my shaky legs and all the loaded drinks that were placed on the try, tip over the tray as if in slow mode with the tray flying out my hands and up into the air with my brown eyed bullying out of my their sockets

In an instance I broke out of my shock state and hunched over the small boy to protect him from the sharp glass that was shattering up in the air or landing flatly against the wretched ground, because of me. I was quick to warp one of my arms around the boy carefully to not alarm the poor soul before pulling him quickly away from the falling glass that he stared up in shock and closer to my body to protect him. I received the glass falling into my soft black hair but I tired my best to pull the kid away from the scene because this was my fault for not paying much attention and to be fair I don't want rich ass parents to sue the fuck out of me if their kids got injured or even a scratch on their faces

I took a glance down to look at the young male that I had ran into or he had ran into me. Relief washed over my body as I scanned his face for any major injuries but when I didn't find anything I smiled a little down at him in concern. 'Why does he look like someone I know?' That question got stuck in my head before I shrugged it off from my mind

"You good, kid?" I asked kneeling down to his height so we were eye to eye level as I showed him a small smile as I took another glance at his body for injuries. My eyes popped out of their sockets when I spotted a small gush to his right check that had a little bit of blood lingering around the cut, but the wound wasn't that deep for it to cause him much trouble. I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid for hurting a small child

The young boy looked to be around the same age of my baby Ash

"I'm ok, I'm sorry for bumping into you." His voice came out all soft and muse as ever as he stared back into my deep brown eyes with confusion before he titled his head to the side slightly and I looked down to where his gaze had landed down on. To say I was surprised at his little apology would be an understatement of the century because I expected him to shout at me for being a careless waitress that bumped into him for ruining his clothes but he surprised me furthermore as I looked down at my hands to see that his hand held my cold ones in his small warms ones causing my heart to beat rapidly in my chest

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