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"Elizabeth," Nurse Anna said, rushing up to me. "You're okay." She threw her arms around me and squeezed tightly. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too," I said with a soft smile. "What have I missed around here?"

"The usual, but it's nothing. I want to hear about your end." She looked me up and down, noting my bloody scrubs, dirt streaked arms, and broken ankle. "Seems you'll have quite a story. You can tell me while I get you something for your ankle."

"It's too much for one day," I protested weakly. "But, if you have a boot here, I would be much obliged to use it."

"Can't treat patients if you can't walk," she said. "Unless you used a wheelchair."

"No way. I have to move around. Besides, I'm already short enough."

She laughed, catching a glimpse of Oliver and Leo behind me. "I'm going to go get that boot." She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Then, you need to tell me all about the hotties you just showed up with." With a wink, she disappeared down the hall.

I took a deep breath before making my way to the desk. "Hello, Marge."

"Hey, baby." She came around the desk and wrapped me in a tight hug. "I'm glad to have you back here. It's been crazy without you."

"I brought some help, too." I gestured back to Leo and Oliver. "More doctors."

They introduced themselves quickly, leaving the room to tense, awkward silence.

Nurse Anna returned with a grey boot in her hand, nearly skipping in excitement. She came to a full halt as she turned the corner, an alarmed expression on her face.

"What did I miss? Is everything okay?"

I nodded, accepting the boot that she extended to me. "Yeah," I plastered a smile on my face, "Everything's fine."

"Liar," she said. "There's something going on with you three." She pointed to our little doctor posse.

Leo laughed nervously, Oliver and I stiffening like boards. "Oh, there is," Leo said, silencing himself at our scathing looks.

Anna offered a tight smile. "Okay, then."

I couldn't stand the increasing awkwardness. "Anna, Dr. Michaels and Dr. Nadal are here for an orientation of sorts. We'll work out a schedule of who works when, but for now the Colonel just wants them to get comfortable."

"Great," she said. "It'll be nice to have some help. Let's get you all some scrubs." She rlooked from my outfit to me. "Clean ones."

"Thank you, Anna," I said in a sing-song tone, the subtle hint of sarcasm blended with my genuine appreciation.

"I'll give the guys a tour while we get all our stuff." She smiled prettily at Leo and Oliver, casually flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. "Let's go."

Oliver went after her without a single glance in my direction, Leo pausing only to mouth an apology. It wasn't his fault. Relationships were messy sometimes.

I sat on the floor and tugged on the boot, tightening the straps until there was adequate support. Using the edge of Marge's desk as support, I got to my feet and tested my weight on my ankle.

"Feeling okay, sweetheart?" Marge asked, pausing her work.

"Definitely better." Weakly, I smiled. "Any patients for me today?"

"Just one." Marge extended a manila folder. "New mom in labor."

"Labor?" My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Not a case that I was expecting today. How far along is she?"

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