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Warner pulled to a sharp stop mere minutes from the base. The terrain was familiar now, the stretches of I-20 peppered with exits I recognized.

"We're just about here." Warner looked up to the left, his mouth moving silently. "Maybe 10-15 minutes from here. What's our game plan?"

"Do you think the Colonel knows?" I asked. "The phone system is down, but I can't imagine that they do have a contingency plan for communication."

Warner shrugged. "It's possible. He has to know about the op from this base, but I don't know if he's been in contact with Siles. It's a risk that we have to be willing to take."

"That's a pretty big risk," Leo said. "It's not too late to turn around."

Warner shook his head. "It is. I'm not going to force you to come, but I'm going. I have to. I came too far to give up now." His gaze drifted to the east, as if he could see the bas through the trees. "I can't risk the chance that my brother is there. I have to help him."

"I'm with you," I said, taking his hand. "I'm not going to abandon my friends. I won't."

Leo watched our exchange critically before nodding in acceptance. "I don't like it, but what other choice do I have?"

"We just gotta play it cool." Warner ran a hand over his hair. "I know the guards at the gate so we shouldn't have a problem getting in. It's just what happens after we do that I'm worried about."

I didn't want to think about it. One problem at a time. "Let's get through the gate first."

My heart ached with a sick anticipation. This place was such a mixed bag of emotions for me. I didn't know what to feel. What I did know was that I couldn't leave anyone behind.

I let myself hope for a minute. Too many times had I been let down by my optimism. Too many patients had died, too many horrible things had happened. I didn't want to get hurt again, but I couldn't go on without it.

Maybe I'd get back, we'd put an end to whatever plot was happening. Maybe I'd get to see Luke, Ian, Marge, Anna, and all my friends. Maybe everything would turn out okay. Maybe it wouldn't be a world full of heartbreak and disaster but one of happiness and hope.

"We ready?" Warner gave us one last chance.

"Damn straight." I bumped his fist and outstretched mine to Leo. "Come on, it's tradition."

Weakly, he bumped his knuckles against mine. "Ra-ra, go team."

I flipped the fist bump into a single outstretched finger. "Don't rain on my parade."

Warner rolled his eyes and pulled the car back into the highway, taking the exit towards All American. Fitting name for a military base.

The sun was nearly set, the orange edges of the darkened sky the only light as we drove. It was eerie, the cast of our headlines into the endless blackness. Their brightness made me see double, a second set above our own.

"Is that another car?" Leo asked, as confused as I was.

"Holy shit, it is." Warner flashes his high beams at the car.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. "That could be Siles's men."

Warner's face broke into a huge grin. "It's not."

"How do you know?"

"Look." He pointed to a black SUV that looked too much like Siles's.

A loud honk of the horn made me look closer.

"No fucking way, you lucky sons of bitches," Warner called out. "No fucking way." He jumped out of the car, banging on his chest.

A head popped out of the driver's side window, the headlights too dim to reveal it. But I would recognize that voice anywhere.

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