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"TROLL, TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" Filch runs into the great hall screaming.


i look over to Draco and he nods knowingly.

the prefects begin to lead us to the common room.

i think about the confusion spell and the prefect gets confused.

i grab draco's hand and lead him towards the bathroom with the troll.

when we get there harry is attacking the troll and Hermione looks terrified.

i look at draco and he nods hovering outside the bathroom ready to help if anything goes wrong.

i mess up my hair and pinch my cheeks to make it look like i've been rushing here.

i burst into the bathroom and everyone, including the troll, looks at me.

step one: get VERY close with the enemy.

i had to be Harry potter's best friend, it would make everything so much easier.

"GUYS! IM HERE TO HELP!" i say loudly and Harry shoots me a small smile.

i take out my wand

that i don't need.

"STUPIFY" I yell and the troll stumbles back long enough for harry to knock it out.

i go to help the filthy mudblood granger and she thanks me as some of the professors run in.


"what do you mean snape is trying to steal the stone!?" i ask trying to sound surprised.

" he is limping! he is up to something!" harry whisper yells.

well no shit, but also your very wrong.

fucking self absorbed bitch.

Professor Quirrell comes into the Gryffindor common room and everyone looks at him concerned as to why he is here.

the same looks they give me, a Slytherin, when i come in.

"ah, there you are Keirana! i've been looking for you, please, come with me!" he says with a weirdly guilty nervous looking smile.

i nod and stand brushing myself off.

ugh, everything is so...dirty looking in here.

"ill see you all later!" i say with a fake nice voice and Harry smiles while Ron and Hermione wave.

i follow the professor all the way and as soon as he locks the door i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

"how is he?" i ask and he slowly unwraps the wrap on his head.

he turns around and i smile a bit.

its weird seeing my father like this, its weird seeing my father at all really.

"Keirana...... my daughter." he says and i smirk.

"how is your task...how are you...you've grown....eleven now!" he says and i nod.

"im perfect, and my task is going fantastic, Harry is quite fond of me and im Hermione's fake best friend!" i say and he makes a face of approval.

"well you best be going...for your safety and mine..." he says and i nod.

i swiftly unlock the door and step out.

i look all around me before closing the door and heading towards the dungeons.

when i reach the painting it looks down at me.

"pureblood" i say and it swings open.

i step inside and take a deep breath, even the air is cleaner here, its my safe place.

"Keir!" Vera exlames and throws her arms around me once i reach the common room.

"Ver!" i exlame and hug her back.

she pulls away and we sit down on the couch.

no-one in Slytherin would dare come near our 'spot', we were young but spewed off pure power energy.

Michael comes in and sits on my other side, Kalvin sits on Michaels other side and Draco and blaise sit on the loveseat across from us.

" I saw my father, finally." i say and they nod in approval.

"the task is going perfectly, i feel disgusted that i have to spend so much time around filthy blood traitors and mudbloods though."

i look over at Draco and he smirks.

i turn my head away and lean it on Michaels shoulder.

"how are you doing, aside from all the task and school stuff." he whispers and leans his head on mine.

"im great Mich, im great" he nods and kisses my head.

we all talk and laugh for a while and Michael strokes my hair gently.

after a while i stand up.

"im heading to bed, good night everyone." i say with a smile.

"night princess." Draco says and i stop dead and turn around in one move.

"what did you just call me!?" i spit out in anger.

"princess." he says with a shrug.

I tense a bit.

"do not ever call me that again." I say and turn back around.

Michael pops up from the couch to escort me back to my room.

"goodnight love." he says and hugs me.

"night Mich." I say and kiss his cheek.

I open the door to my dorm with a flick of my wand and close the door behind me.

I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth.

I climb into bed and pull the covers on top of me.

slowly I drift off into a deep slumber.

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