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"PLEASEEEE!" Vera and Keitheria beg me and make puppy eyes.

"fine. Only cause this is my year of being normal." I respond and they squeal in delight as the drag me towards a year four group of boy's compartment.

"I still don't understand why people want to date." I say with disgust lacing my voice as I get dragged closer and closer.

"its only cause my brothers friends are hot!" Keitheria says and Vera smiles widely.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Keke, friends.... Come in." Keitheria's brother says and we slowly shuffle in.

I look around and see four boys.

In what way are any of them good looking?

Well with the exception of Chris, he is rather cute.

I take a seat beside Keke and Chris and watch as the others interact.

Vera shoots me a look telling me to talk if I want to seem normal.

"yeah." I say agreeing with one of the boys.

"so, she speaks!" Chris says smiling widely at me.

"I do, but I don't wanna waste my words." I say and everyone laughs a bit.

"God, this world is screwed up." One of the other boys say showing us a newspaper.

"yea.." Chris starts and him, Vera, Keke, as well as myself all go quiet knowing what he is talking about.

" Anyways- did you-" I start but get cut off by the train halting and the lights flickering off.

"wait here." I immediately say grabbing my wand and bolting up.

Everyone stays and I walk slowly into the corridor.

I walk past compartments of children whispering about what was happening.

I halt when I see a dementor in a compartment sucking the life out of defenseless Harry Potter.

Damn it.

"EXPECTO PETRONUM" (sorry if I spelt that wrong!) I yell with my wand pointed forward.

"whoa." Ronald says until he sees my face behind the wand.

"Keirana." Hermione says with a broken look on her face.

"Your welcome." I scoff at their lack of appreciation and turn on my heel.

When I reach our compartment I pull open the door.

Its empty.

I sigh and rush off in the opposite direction of which I came when I hear a feminine scream.

It's Vera.

I begin sprinting towards the sound when I see another Dementor sucking the life out of Draco.

"SHIT!" I yell when I see.

Vera is the only one there and she is sobbing in the corner.

"VERA GODDAMNIT YOU KNOW THIS SPELL!" I yell and she nods taking out her wand shaking her hand as she does so.

She is not fast enough and I can see the life draining out of Draco's eyes.

"EXPECTO PETRONUM !" I yell this time without my wand and the dementor disappears.

"DRACO!" I yell running over to him and pushing his hair out of his face.

"wingardium leviosa" I say quietly and use my wand to bring Draco into and empty compartment.

I lay him down on a bench and sit on the one across from him waiting for him to awaken.

"Accio Chocolate frog." I say and a chocolate frog jumps into my hand.

Draco begins to wake up and I get up quickly.

"eat this, now." I say and he obliges taking the chocolate and eating it.

"you have to be more careful draco, had I not been there you wouldn't be alive, you know that spell, draco, I know you do." I say and he sits up.

I sit beside him and lay my head on his shoulder snuggling closer.

"I know, I know, im sorry." He says and I sigh.

"I thought I lost you, Draco, your my best friend, I can't loose you." I say and he nods.

I slowly drift off as the train begins to move again.

Another year.

Another problem.



Sorry lol I just get so worked up!

Hope this makes up for the lack of updates yesterday!

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