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"Babes?" Keke approaches me as I'm hunched over my desk a look of frustration plastered on my face.

"hey Keke." I sigh and slap my hands down on the wood, pushing myself up out of the chair.

"what's up?" She asks, walking over to look at the books, papers, and quills scattered on my usually clean desk.

"I can't seem to come up with the perfect curse!" I groan and plop back onto the stool, rubbing my temple.

"For what?" She asks and begins to rub my back to sooth me.

"Astoria got played by your brother and wants revenge, now she owes me, and you know how much I love having people owe me!" I whine and flip the page of the open book on my desk.

"but, I can't find a good curse that would only affect his future and not yours!" I huff and slam the book closed.

"well, we could curse his you know what, causing it to permanently shrink, or curse him so all his children have diseases!" She says excitedly, she's never liked her brother, but I didn't know she hated him.

I giggle and stand up.

"you're right, let's go find Draco, I need his help."


"Draco" I tap on the blonde wizards shoulder and he turns.

"hey Keir" he huffs and pushes a strand of hair out of his face.

"I need your help with something, like a curse, but- uhm, it's weird." I mutter and look at the floor whilst my cheeks flush.

"alright dear, I'm scared already but lets go." He says, standing up and collecting his things.

I smile lightly at the blonde and my mind wanders to when we kissed.

Does he want to kiss me again?

I want to kiss him.

"Keir?" Draco asks, snapping me out of my haze.

"right, to the library." I mutter and walk out towards the library.


"Wait, let me get this straight- you want to cast a blood curse on Chris?" Draco sighs and rubs his hand over his face.

"well- yes?" I groan and lean back in my chair.

We've been in the library for 3 hours just thinking of possible things we could do.

"and the blood curse, makes every male in the family, including him and after him, have- bad looks?" Draco asks and I nod again.

"lord Keir your so mean, it's great." He says and laughs.

"but how do we do that?"

"I have something in mind."

"please tell me we aren't about to manipulate Snape." Draco whines and I have a shit eating grin plastered on my face.

"yes love, yes we are." I giggle and his slaps his forehead and sighs, looking at me through his fingers.

"fine." He exhales and I thank him with a kiss on the cheek.


"Are you blackmailing me miss Riddle?" Snape drawls and I smirk.

"why yes Severus, yes I am." I say whilst examining my nails.

"alright then, this better be worth it." He sighs and turns around, his robe swishing as he does so.

I turn to draco and jump into his arms.

"thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I mumble into his neck and a laugh emits from his chest, the vibrations running through mine.

I pull back but keep him in my arms and laugh with him.

The laughter dies down and I'm left searching his eyes, and held in his arms.

"I really want to kiss you." I whisper.

"then do it."

And our lips crash together.

He tastes like peppermint and chamomile.

Our lips move together and his swipes his tounge against my bottom lip.

I open my mouth a bit and he swoops in.

His hands travel from my back to my waist as he pulls me closer, our bodies colliding together.

Heat begins to pool between my legs and I reluctantly pull back.

His hot breath fans against my nose as we hold each other for a second more.

"that was hot." I say and he laugh, the sound like velvet to my ears.

"I smile up at him and loop our fingers together.

" I have a contraption in my room that plays some interesting muggle music, if you want to listen to it with me. " I murmer and he grins.

"of course I'll listen with you."

I smile and we head back to  dorms, away from the courtyard.


"and this is by?"

I giggle and look up at him through my lashes.

"the Beegee's" I say and he chuckles.

When we got to my dorm I grabbed the muggle contraption and put on a song that I like, more than a woman.

He climbed into my bed and sat up, I lay in between his legs as he plays with my hair.

"I like it." He mumbles and I smile.

"Me too"

"more than a woman

Ooh ooh oh ooh oh

More than a woman to me-e-e"

I sigh happily.

"I wish we could just stay like this, forever." I mutter and Draco hums in agreement.

"no issues, no Voldemort, just me, you, and our friends." He adds and I smile faintly.

"A world like that sound lovely."


I'm sorry I was gone so long hehe, but I missed you all and I have some new ideas, also I swear other characters *cough Kalvin, blaise, Vera, and the golden trio* will have more parts, old me was so lazy smh🙄

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