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It was finally my birthday and I was excited for once in my life.

I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and stand up.

" Vera! Wake up! Its my birthday im twelve!" I say and shake Vera.

It was a Saturday so I could wear something other than uniform which made Vera excited.

"can I dress you?" She asks already knowing I'll say yes.

"course!" I say and she claps clearly pleased.

She rushes to my wardrobe and goes through all my clothes finally deciding on this:

She rushes to my wardrobe and goes through all my clothes finally deciding on this:

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I get changed and she claps.

"you look nice!" She says and I smile.

"thank you."

"lets go bully some mud bloods ah?" She asks and I nod.

What a great way to start my birthday.


I have gone through the whole day getting massive amounts of happy birthdays.

I was now in the courtyard with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"happy birthday Keirana, we are so glad your our friend!" They say and hand me a present I fake smile pretending to be grateful.

I open it and it reveals a picture book filled with pictures of me and them.


"thank you I love it!" I say and throw my arms around them pulling them in for a group hug.

I would have to burn these clothes, what a shame.

"I best be heading back, curfue is soon!" I say and smile.

"right, happy birthday!" They say before heading off.

I was really going to my common room where my friends were having a small get together for me.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEIRANA!" All my friends yell as I walk into the common room.

"Aw thank you!" I say and lower myself onto the loveseat next to Michael.

"okay, present time!" Vera says looking excited.

I nod and she shoves a present into my hands.

I open it revealing a nimbus 2001.

"VERA OML!" I yell and she smiles.

"for practice, you'll need it, you do want to be chaser, right?" She asks and I nod.

It was perfect.

Kalvin hands me a box and I open it revealing a Slytherin sweatshirt.

"thank you Kal!" I say and hug him.

Kalvin was always a bit shy so he just nods.

Crabbe and Goyle both give me sweets and I thank them.

Blaise is next and he hands me an almost empty picture book with a bit of pictures from this year.

"you can fill it up with pictures from your years at hogwarts!" He says and I smile.

"its perfect Blaise thank you." I say and hug him.

Michael hands me hid gift and I take it slowly.

He always went all put for me.

He was after all, the best friend I have.

I open it revealing a box full of roses with a smaller box on top of some of the roses.

I open it revealing  a box full of roses with a smaller box on top of some of the roses

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I take the box in my hand and open it revealing a beautiful Tiffany and co. Charm bracelet.

 Charm bracelet

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I gasp.

"Michael thank you so much!" I say and hug him.

I pull away and give him a peck on his cheek causing him to go red a little.

I put it on and he smiles.

"It looks perfect on you!" He says and I smile.

"thank you!" I say and hug him again.

Draco was last and I take a box from him, Draco went all out for Christmas so I had high expectations.

I open it revealing a beautiful diamond necklace.

I open it revealing a beautiful diamond necklace

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"Draco!" I gasp and he grins.

"for the Slytherin princess." He says and I smile.

"happy birthday." He says and I get up to hug him.

I pull away and peck his cheek.

"thank you, but I'd prefer the Slytherin Heir, its a real title after all!" I say and everyone smiles.

I have a wonderfully complicated life.

The Heir.   ~| Draco Malfoy Fanfiction|~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora