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"What the fuck is going on!?" I yell pushing past the growing crowd in front of her dorm room.

I get to the front of the growing crowd and look at my door.

My breath hitches in my throught.

Written in blood on my door are the words:

I know who you are.

And im coming for you.

I gasp and throw my hand over my mouth.

Someone touches my shoulder and I turn to see Chris.

"WHAT ARE Y'ALL LOOKING AT? GET LOST!" he yells at everyone after reading the words.

Everyone scatters and I storm into my room Chris following closely behind.

"Chris, someone fucking knows who I really am." I yell and throw my bag on the floor.

My knees buckle and I sink the the ground.

Chris rushes over and holds me in his arms.

"hey, hey, its ok, we will find who did this, and we will kill them.' He says comforting me and I nod slowly.

" yeah, yeah, everything is fine." I say wiping my tears and getting up.

In a second my mood changes from sad and upset to angry and determined.

"Chris, that was a threat, they know who I am, and they made a fucking mistake threatening Keirana Riddle, now they will pay." I say my hands turning into fists.

He clenches his jaw and nods.

Its march and year three ends soon enough, but I would find, and kill, whoever did that before it did.

I clench my wand in my hands and smile slowly with realization.

I throw my wand onto my bed and Chris tilts his head confused.

"I don't need it, and that person needs to know what I'm capable of, everyone does, they need to know who's in charge, and who has the power, me, I do." I say and grin.

He smiles and grabs my hand.

"that's my girlfriend." He says and kisses me lightly.

We exit my room together with our heads held high.

We walk with power and I glare at everyone who dares to look me in the eye.

I take a seat on a loveseat in the common room next to Chris and entwine our fingers.

Someone comes over to us and I look up to see pansy parkinson.

"yes, parkinson?" I say annoyed and she gulps.

"what- what does that mean, like the words on your door?" She murmers and I laugh.

"dear pansy, what it means is that someone feels threatened by me, everyone should, but they will pay, don't worry." I say and shoot her a sickingly sweet smile.

She shuffles off and I lean my head on Chris.

"babe, I want that person dead." I say and he nods.

"I know, and they will be, we have to have patience." He says and I nod.

Draco, Keke, Vera, Kalvin, Michael, Crabbe, and Goyle all enter the common room and take seats on chairs, couches, and the floor around us.

"hey." I say and they all murmer soft hello's.

"did you all see it?" I ask and they all nod.

We all look in between each other until their eyes settle on me.

"So...whats the plan?" Draco asks and I look at Chris.

He meets my stair and we both grin.

"track. find. And eliminate." We say together and my friends all grin pleased with my response.

Pleased with the idea of revenge.


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