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"No, lets go." I say to Kalvin after he asks me if he can have 10 minutes to gather art supplies.

We all aperate to kings cross station.

We push our trolleys and talk until we reach the 'hollow wall'.

"this one?" I turn to Chris and ask.

He smiles and nods.

We walk through together followed by Vera and Kalvin.

Then Keke and Michael.

Then draco and Blaise.

Then Crabbe and Goyle.

"lets go get good compartments." Blaise says and I nod.

"lets give our trolleys to the trolly man to aperate to Hogwarts this year." I say and we all head towards a man with long white hair.

He nods at us and I hand him our trunks piled on a trolly.

He frowns and I scoff and turn back around headed for the train.

Chris catches up with me and I smile and kiss him.

he smiles into the kiss before pulling away.

We walk hand in hand towards the train and I look at him only to notice he is staring at a different girl named Astoria.

She smiles and waves at him.

She has Brown hair and brown eyes.


I feel waves of jealousy coursing through me and she notices me.

His smile fades and I grin.

I pull Chris into a passionate kiss and he is shocked for a second and doesn't kiss back until a moment later.

I pull away and hug him.

His back faces Astoria and I grin at her fuming anger.

I mouth the words "he's mine bitch." To her and she storms away.

I pull away from the hug.

"that was hot, im going to go sit with the guys now ok?" He says and I nod and smile.

We both climb onto the train and head our separate ways.

I walk down the trains corridors looking for my friends.

I spot Keke and Vera in a lone compartment and step inside.

"Hello ladies." I say and smile.

"Keir!" Vera says and pulls me down next her.

"hey ana." Keke says from across us and I smile at her.

We talk for a while and the train begins to move.

"hey, it's alright your dads coming back!" Keke says when she sees me frowning and tapping my knees in anxiousness.

"yea, yea your right." I say and straighten up.

But I can't help but feel like something bad is coming.

"I'm- I'm going to go find Chris." I say and fumble around before shuffling out into the trains corridors.

I walk till I find his friends compartment.

I stop take a deep breath and knock on the small door.

One of his friends, Adrian, I believe, answers.

"Hey Keirana." He says and I smile fakely.

"is Chris in here?" I ask and he looks confused.

"we thought he was with you?" He says and looks at his friends.

My face goes pale.

"ohmygod, what if he's hurt." I blurt and rush away down the corridor looking for him.

Adrian follows closely behind and I start to hyperventilate.

The one person other than my Michael, and Keke, that I love is missing.

We check all the compartments and we reach the last one in the slytherin section and I rip it open.

My breath hitches at the sight I see.

Chris, on top of fucking Astoria Green-ass.

My face goes red and he sees us in the entry.

He gets off her covering her with his body.

"Keir, it- it's not what it looks like-" he starts but Adrian cuts him off.

"Keirana don't listen to them you shouldn't have had to see this im so sorry lets go." Adrian says and grabs my arm.

"get off me." I say and he doesn't.

"Hands off pucey." I warn and he releases my arm.

I look at Astoria and grin.

"Chris darling, do you love the ugly slut?" I ask with a sickingly sweet smile.

He shakes his head no.

She scoffs.

"liar." I say.

"Astoria, darling slut. How long have you been fucking my boyfriend?" I ask and she gasps.

"you bit-" she starts but I cut her off.

"accio Astoria wand." I say and her wand flies into my hand.

"three months." She says and my face falls before I compose myself.

"How did you do that without your wand?" She blurts and I laugh.

"might as well let the cat out of the bag." I say and she tilts her head.

"I'm a riddle you bitch." I say and her face pales.

"your not half as pretty as me by the way." I say and smile.

"now leave Astoria before I kill you." I say and she runs off shirtless.

Chris starts to leave and I shake my head.

"Adrian shut the door or else." I say and he gulps before stepping out and shutting the door.

"muffilito." I say and Chris backs up into the compartment window.

"Crucio." I say and he falls to the floor as he feels a thousand knifes cutting his and stabbing into his skin.

I smile as he screams begging for mercy.

I flick my hand and the pain stops.

"now listen to me my darling manwhore." I whisper taking his gasping face in my hands.

"you will tell no-one, especially Keke, about this or I will hurt you badly, then I'll kill you." I whisper and stroke his cheek.

"your crazy." He chokes out and I laugh.

"I know, now tell me, was it worth it, fucking a less pretty dollar store version of me?" I ask and he shakes his head.

I smile and stand up.

I walk out and leave him laying on the floor.

If there's one thing I hate above all, its self absorbed cheaters.


Hey guys! Keir slut shamed alot this chapter and im just letting you know in no way do I condone slut shaming, but this is a book and Keir is literally crazy.

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