Chapter 19 - Chasing Silhouettes

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It was safe to say that you were officially off your rocker after your break up. Stress? Check. No sleep? Check. Getting drunk mid-day? Check.

Looking a serial killer in the eye and threatening him?

Also check.

The constant anger was gone though. That blinding fury was gone, the fear was gone, the only thing you felt was numbness. It was as if you were watching everything happening around you from behind a glass, it was there but you couldn't touch it or feel it.

With one exception; you missed Spencer each and every minute of the day, so you at least knew there was something left inside of you that wasn't broken. But after what had happened, it wasn't like you could call him. You had already left him multiple voice messages whenever you got too drunk anyway, and you were sure he had deleted them without even listening.

Not that you could blame him. He had already told you he wished he had never met you, and there was nothing you could do to change that.

"You guys will get back together," Kenzie assured you like the hopeless romantic she was, "This is just temporary. I just know it, it's like me and Mina. You can't stop true love."

"I doubt Mina ever told you she never loved you," you stated, exhaling the smoke of your cigarette. "Or that you told her you wish you had never met her."

She stole a look at Mina who was waiting for your lattes by the counter and turned to you.

"Well alright, maybe you and Spencer are having a more intense fight than we did, but—"

"This is not a fight, Kenz. We broke up."

"You broke up with him," she corrected you, "And you're still in love with him."

"Doesn't matter," you shrugged your shoulders, "I burned that bridge, okay? After this whole case is over, he will want nothing to do with me—hell, he wants nothing to do with me right now and I don't blame him."

"Okay," Mina said as she came to your table and handed you your latte before sitting down, "What are we talking about?"

"Her and Spencer."

"Yeah no, fuck that guy."

Kenzie gasped, "Babe!"

"Kenz, he's in the FBI, okay? He was there when they brought her into that interrogation room."

"He wasn't there when they took me to the station."

"Fine, he came later on but did nothing to stop his beloved team from hounding you."

"Mina, he was in another room."

"You can't possibly believe he didn't know what was happening in the interrogation room," she insisted and Kenzie pulled her brows together.

"Wait, didn't you say he was the one who called you? For the lawyers and everything?"

Mina shrugged, "Yeah, so? That was just because this one," she pointed at you, "Was too much of an idiot to ask for a lawyer. What, did you never watch a movie? You always ask for a lawyer."

"But think about it, it means that he was trying to protect her from that whole interrogation process before he even landed," Kenzie stated, "He knows how that whole thing goes, he made the calls, he gave his professional opinion to the police, he sent his team because they wouldn't let him in there, it wouldn't surprise me if he thought they'd go easy on her."

You held the warm cup in your hands, listening silently.

"Or he just wanted to play the nice guy so that he could manipulate her more."

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